A Catholic Says Tim Kaine Is Not A Catholic, Not A Moderate — And Not A Patriot
By A.W. Morgan
Hillary Clinton has picked Senator Timothy Kaine as her vice-presidential running mate — on Sunday, he was sent on Meet The Press to excuse her email scandal [Tim Kaine Says Hillary Clinton Has Learned From Email ‘Mistake,’ by Patrick Healy, New York Times, August 7, 2016). Supposedly, Kaine is both a Catholic in good standing and a moderate. As a Catholic, I believe he is neither — if the words and “Catholic” and “moderate” mean anything — and as an American I believe he is not a patriot either.
For any American patriot, the salient point about Kaine is his position on our nation-breaking immigration policy. To put it mildly, it ain’t good. [Yes He Kaine! Hillary VP Pick Has Sordid History Of Support For Illegal Aliens, by Aaron Klein, Breitbart, July 26, 2016]
Soon after Clinton picked Kaine, he promised the viewers of Telemundo that a Clinton administration would push a bill to legalize border jumpers within 100 days. [Tim Kaine promises bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘first 100 days, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, July 25, 2016] He also bragged, no doubt accurately, that wobble-kneed Republicans, led by neocon House Speaker Paul Ryan would go along with it. (A good reason for Wisconsin patriots to Cantor Ryan in Tuesday’s primary).
This position is nothing new for Kaine. He’s always been a booster of bringing more illiterate Democrat voters into the country. He favored the DREAM Act, of course, and President Obama’s Administrative Amnesties — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, known as DACA and DAPA [Tim Kaine’s Views on Immigration Policy, by Wendy Feliz, Immigration Impact, July 22, 2016]. He delivered a speech in the U.S. Senate in Spanish to support the so-called Border, Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act — known to patriots as the Gang of Eight bill.
Kaine as Virginia governor repeatedly refused to permit state police to help federal immigration authorities collar illegal alien thieves, rapists and murderers [Tim Kaine and illegal-alien crime, Washington Times Editorial, January 20, 2007]. His claim: immigration control was a “federal matter” [Panel Wants Troopers On Immigration Enforcement, by Kristen Mack, Washington Post, November 14, 2007]. Maybe that’s why he wants to jettison our immigration laws, as he announced after Clinton picked him to do the ironing.
But while Kaine was blocking the eminently sensible suggestion of using state police to augment federal immigration cops, illegal-alien gangsters were rampaging through the Old Dominion:
- 25-50% of all gangsters arrested in northern and western Virginia are estimated to be deportable aliens. Gang investigators estimate that 90% of the members of MS-13, the most notorious immigrant gang, are illegal aliens.
- More MS-13 members have been nabbed in Virginia than any other ICE jurisdiction in the country (261 arrests out of an estimated population of 2,000 in the state). Nearly 80% of the 341 ICE gang arrests in Virginia were members of MS-13. The remainder belonged to 28 other gangs.
- Immigrant gangsters are responsible for serious and often violent crimes in Virginia. Nine of those arrested by ICE in the last three years were murderers, and six were sex offenders. Their most common crimes were assault and robbery/larceny.
[Immigration Enforcement Disrupts Criminal Gangs in Virginia, by Jessica Vaughn, Center for Immigration Studies, January 2008]
So this Spanish-speaking Minnesotan, who carpetbagged to Virginia via Kansas City, is no immigration patriot. Like most Democrats and globalist Republicans such as Speaker Ryan, he wants to finish the job the blotto lady-killer from Hyannisport started: abolishing America by turning it from majority white to majority non-white via the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.
In line with SeƱor Kaine’s position on illegal aliens is his position on jihadists. He’s OK with them too. Virginians across the state are being forced to watch hopelessly as their streets and stores fill up with hijabs and their swimming pools with burkinis. Robert E. Lee’s venerable home at Arlington National Cemetery now lies within the borders of what some call Northern Virginiastan, while Leesburg Pike is now called the Wahabi Corridor, thanks to the pervasive influence of Muslims there.
Kaine of course fawns on the Muslim “community.” (In fairness, so do some members of the Stupid Party). Indeed, such is Kaine’s abjectness on the matter that he suffered a major embarrassment as governor.
Kaine and the Virginia General Assembly cobbled together the Virginian Commission on Immigration, which, as one might suspect, did precisely nothing to thwart the immivasion of Virginia [Va. Panel on Immigration Steps Back From Hard Line, by Anita Kumar, Washington Post, November 24, 2008]. Stupidly, Kaine appointed to the panel a surgeon who had helped care for the wounded and dying on 9/11, Esam Omeish.
He is a Muslim. And he doesn’t like Israel, or at least didn’t when Kaine thought it might be a bright idea to appoint a foreigner with an interest in flooding the country with immigrants to an immigration panel. (Why the panel wasn’t composed solely of Virginians with names such as Henry, Madison, Jefferson or Washington, we are not given to know).
Kaine was caught off guard when video of Omeish ranting against Israel showed up on YouTube. Told of the video while taking calls on a radio program, the governor said, “That is news to me, what you say, and it’s something we will check out” [IPT Footage Takes Down Omeish, Investigative Project on Terrorism, September 27, 2007].
Omeish promptly “resigned” [Muslim on Va. Commission Quits After Videos Surface, by Tim Craig, Washington Project, September 28, 2007]
But Kaine should have known — he was just too busy pandering. According to Paul Sperry, the author of books on the jihadist threat in America:
A man identified as “Esam Omesh” spoke just before Cindy Sheehan at last month’s antiwar rally that Sheehan headlined in Washington.Following chants of “Impeach Bush!” from shivering protesters, Omesh took the podium and exhorted "brothers and sisters" to condemn Bush for the deaths of “more than 650,000 Iraqi lives.” He demanded the White House “pull our troops out of Iraq now" and "end the war today.”
The speaker counted himself among the “great American patriots” who braved the cold to march on Washington and protest the war that day.
While there may have been legitimate voices there, this speaker decidedly was not one of them. Not because he’s Muslim, but because he’s an Islamist tied to an al-Qaida fundraiser and the spiritual adviser to the 9/11 hijackers.
Turns out it his real name is Esam S. Omeish, and he runs a nonprofit group in Washington called the Muslim American Society, which the FBI believes is the U.S. branch of the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide jihadist movement that operates like the mafia. The secret Islamist society counts Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahri, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman among its members. Its motto: “The Quran is our constitution, the prophet is our guide; Death for the glory of Allah is our greatest ambition.”
His office is right next door to the old office of one of Al-Qaida’s top fund raisers in America, Abdurahman Alamoudi, before he was jailed a few years ago. And it’s located in the same Alexandria, Va., business park as the former office of Osama bin Laden’s nephew, before he hightailed it back to Saudi Arabia after 9/11. [links added] [The Great Al-Qaeda "Patriot" By Paul Sperry, FrontPageMagazine.com, April 9, 2007]
Omeish was also on the board of directors of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, the so-called 9/11 mosque, which Sperry described as
a turnstile for terrorists and terror suspects.”A prayer leader, Sheikh Mohammed al-Hanooti, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing. Other dubious mosque members have included: Alamoudi, Abdullah bin Laden, Osama’s nephew; Hamas leader and fugitive Mousa Abu Marzook and his partners Ismail Elbarasse and Abdelhaleem Ashqar, who was convicted of obstruction of justice in February; convicted Virginia Jihad Network leader Randall ‘Ismail’ Royer, a former CAIR official; and Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, an al-Qaida operative recently convicted of plotting to assassinate President Bush.” [links added]
Unsurprisingly, Federal Election Commission Records show, Omeish donated multiple times to the Obama-Biden campaigns for president, while Alamoudi was an immigration fraudster who landed in federal prison for 23 years for his involvement, with al-Qaida, in a plot to kill a Saudi prince. Frighteningly, Alamoudi was an adviser on Islamic affairs to Hillary’s husband.
The rise of Omeish and Alamoudi show just how deeply Islamists have penetrated the immigrant-crazy Democratic Party. Indeed, Omeish not only found himself on a panel to study illegal immigration, but also in 2009 was the party’s candidate for the 35th District in the House of Delegates [Omeish’s Secret Political Machine, Investigative Project on Terrorism, June 5, 2009]. And Secretary of State Clinton invited Omeish to host a conference call to discuss how the U.S. can polish its image among Muslims. [Clinton Call on Obama’s Speech Includes Jihad Advocate, Investigative Project on Terrorism, June 4, 2009]
Bottom line: Clinton and Kaine are two fanatical (or corrupt) immigration enthusiasts attempting to do for the U.S. what the European Union has done for patriotic Britons, Germans, Frenchman and all Europeans by opening its borders.
Kaine’s pastor reportedly claims he is a “devout Catholic” [Tim Kaine’s Pastor Describes The Veep Pick’s Life As A Devout Catholic, NPR, July 22, 2016] He also explained what issues are important to Kaine: “social justice” and the death penalty.
Note the one word the pastor did not say: abortion.
And here, the interests of immigration patriots and pro-life Catholics — like me — intersect. (I acknowledge that other members of the VDARE.com coalition disagree with me on abortion, although we agree on immigration).
As I wrote a while back, and reiterated twice in July, Catholics are very nearly obliged to vote for Trump because of abortion’s relationship to immigration. Most immigrants vote for Democrats, the party of abortion and sodomy — so a vote for Trump, who says he’ll stop illegal immigration and slow down the rest, is a vote against abortion.
Hillary is an abortion zealot who says “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed”. [Hillary: ‘Religious Beliefs’ Must Change For Sake of Abortion, by Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, April 27, 2015]
So is Kaine is ready to change his “cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases”? Apparently, yes. He takes the Mario Cuomo position on baby-killing — personally opposed but… [The Inconsistency of “Personally Opposed But Still Pro-Choice, by Trent Horn, Catholic Answers, July 25, 2016]. He has 100 percent ratings from America’s largest abortion factory, Planned Parenthood, and its foremost abortion advocate, NARAL. His “cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases” have already changed.
As Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara noted in the video I linked to last week, Kaine’s position is a heresy. You cannot separate personal and political beliefs. You cannot claim to oppose a gravely evil act, yet demand the law must permit it. [Can We Stop Kidding Ourselves About “I’m Personally Opposed, But?” by Carrie Gress, National Catholic Register, July 24, 2016]
Yet just one bishop has called Kaine out on his support for legal abortion — and it wasn’t the bishop in Kaine’s diocese. [Roman Catholic bishop in Rhode Island criticizes Kaine, Washington Post, July 25, 2016]
In Kaine, Clinton has found the perfect lady- in-waiting. The Democratic ticket is adamantly and irrevocably pro-abortion and pro-immigration.
To me as a Catholic, that means these two want to murder not only the unborn — but also the American nation itself, with unfettered immigration that erases the people who created it.
A.W. Morgan is fully recovered from prolonged contact with the Beltway Right. He now lives in America.