My son-in-law, a life-long Democrat, recently asked me what in the world our government is doing about identifying illegal aliens in our country. I told him that the ID issue remains a hot button and that all of us, Democrats or Republicans or Independents, should demand now that we have a national ID card.
Hooray! Could his question and that of a growing number of us Democrats be the start of a Great Awakening among members of my party?
Historically, the majority of us Democrats have been very loath to favor a reliable ID card. However, as a lowly Democrat (not a Superdelegate), I ardently wish we could get the attention of all members of our Congress, especially the three members running for President on pushing this issue. (Sending a request for solid ID cards to the White House would be fruitless, as the current occupant has long gone stone deaf to anything connected to the real world.)
Nevertheless, I am increasingly hearing from my son in law and many other liberal Democrats the same question: How in the world are we going to solve this out of control immigration invasion if we can’t count accurately who is here??
We simply need a sound method of establishing properly the identity of those persons in this country who are US citizens or legal aliens. This is so far from rocket science that even Dubya knows it’s true. But our leaders don’t want to get it — because that would eliminate the ability of businesses, ideological and ethnic lobbies to continue the continuing importation of millions of slaves, against the will of the vast majority of Americans.
We need to make National Identification Cards mandatory, as many other countries do. As the number of anchor babies born to those 12 million or more illegal aliens here now grows, we are going to get to the point where benefits, services and, of critical importance, the privilege of voting will soon be so botched by bad data and mismanagement by our Federal government that the voting frauds and failures in Florida and Ohio will seem minor.
The vast majority of people in the US now could readily be verified, stratified and completely identified as bona fide! Not just the high and the mighty like ex NY Governor Spitzer, whom the FBI nailed readily, but every legal or illegal person among us.
Why not have a national campaign to immunize us against this continuing escalation of fraud? Hey, people lined up happily to receive Dr. Salk’s polio shots. Wouldn’t most of us be happy to be identified conclusively as American citizens?
Aren’t we damn proud to be Americans? What’s the problem?
Furthermore, with good ID, our government could issue bio ID cards that could put us through airports faster! We have the technology now.
Regardless of your political affiliation, you and I know who has failed us for decades — for reasons of greed, ideology, and/or plain lack of backbone.
And it looks like it will continue, as we have no good choices for President on this ID issue.
Donald A. Collins is a freelance writer living in Washington DC and a former long time member of the board of FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. His views are his own.