ANN COULTER On DeSantis: Heavy D Don’t Tweet, He Acts
By Ann Coulter
This is why DeSantis Scares Them.
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Isn’t it great to have the media complaining about what a Republican is doing, instead of what he’s tweeting?
The New York Times recently did a major investigation into Gov. Ron DeSantis’ suspension last August of a Florida prosecutor for the flimsy reason that he’d publicly announced that he would not enforce state law on abortion.
The Florida legislature had just spent nearly two months banging out a compromise bill that allowed abortions up to 15 weeks — more liberal than most European countries — and included an exception for life of the mother. An abortionist would literally have to turn himself in to get prosecuted under this law.
What kind of showboating clown would sign a public “pledge” not to prosecute a case that had about a 1 in 10 billion chance of ever landing in his office?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Florida state attorney Andrew H. Warren.
This wasn’t Warren’s first publicity stunt. Even a fawning profile on Warren in the Tampa Bay Times noted his penchant for going “out of his way to draw attention to himself,” setting him “apart from other elected prosecutors.”
During the pandemic, Warren held a press conference to announce that he was prosecuting a church pastor for violating the county’s stay-at-home order by holding services — a misdemeanor offense.
Days later, Gov. DeSantis issued an order expressly overriding the county’s shutdown rules — and Warren held a press conference to denounce the governor’s order. People will DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
He held a press conference a few months later, after dismissing criminal charges against 67 BLM protesters arrested by the police for unlawful assembly. (Luckily, congregating to worship George Floyd poses none of the health risks of congregating to worship Jesus.)
So when Warren held another press conference to announce his pledge not to prosecute abortion cases, DeSantis removed him from office. (Florida constitution: "the governor may suspend from office … any county officer, for malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty … “)
You wanted to be a hero, Andy? OK, you’re a hero! My conscience demands I sign this pledge. Here I stand. I can do no other. … HEY, WAIT! YOU CAN’T FIRE ME!
An accurate headline on this story would be something like, “Governor suspends public servant for refusing to do his job.” But The New York Times’ headline was: “Inside Ron DeSantis’s Politicized Removal of an Elected Prosecutor.” (My headline: “Inside the New York Times’ Politicized Report on a Republican Governor.”)
The reporters, junior psychologists, decided to go beyond the facts and reveal DeSantis’ secret motive. It seems that the real reason DeSantis fired an insolent prosecutor was because: He thought it would be popular with voters.
I know, disgusting, right?
Hey, New York Times, how about asking why firing this preening fruitcake might be well-received by voters?
[Frantically waving my hand.]
People are sick of taxpayer-supported government officials who expect standing ovations for not doing their jobs. It’s become something of a lifestyle choice for Democrats to run for office, then refuse to enforce any laws they disagree with.
President Obama announced that he would not enforce immigration laws against so-called “Dreamers,” despite passing an amnesty being Congress’ job. Obama even gave the illegals work permits, in open defiance of federal law.
Then Trump became president, and Democrats around the country announced that they, too, would refuse to abide by federal immigration laws, declaring themselves “sanctuary cities.”
In the last few years, we got a slew of George Soros–backed, BLM-supporting progressive prosecutors showily refusing to prosecute. Cook County (Illinois) State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, for example, said her goal in office was to fight “mass incarceration,” which is pretty much the exact opposite of her job description. She gave a free pass to most shoplifters, about half of drug traffickers, and gang members engaging in Wild West shootouts — which she described as “mutual combat.”
Instead of “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time,” how about: “Don’t run for the job if you have no intention of doing it”? (I’m still working on the rhyming part.) It would be like firemen and policemen who refused to respond to calls.
That’s why, yes, New York Times, DeSantis’ firing of Warren is probably going to be a hit with voters. He’s the first guy to take these comic book heroes at their word and remove them from the offices they openly disdain. Hiring DeSantis is a lot easier than having to keep organizing massive recall campaigns — as the residents of San Francisco recently did to get rid of their anti-prosecution prosecutor Chesa Boudin.
But isn’t it great to have the Times mad at a Republican for actually scoring a win — and not for posting obnoxious tweets? If it were Trump, they’d be criticizing him for tweeting something untoward about Andrew Warren’s face.
Everyone’s worried DeSantis won’t be as “exciting” as Trump on the campaign trail. After all-talk-no-action Trump, who cares about talk? This time, we want action.
Ann Coulter is the author of THIRTEEN New York Times bestsellers — collect them here.
Her book, ¡Adios America! The Left’s Plan To Turn Our Country Into A Third World Hell Hole, was released on June 1, 2015.