
Ann Coulter On Trump’s Victories — Including The Muslim Ban!

By Ann Coulter


Earlier: Trump Has A Point — Why NOT Ban Muslim Immigration?, by John Derbyshire, December 12, 2015

It’s been a great week!

In Iowa, the party that claims to be devoted to “science” and “technology" demonstrated that it couldn’t count to 10.

Trump delivered a triumphant State of the Union address, highlighting all he’s done to make America great again — and attacking previous administrations for failing to do so. It was such a bravura performance that when he was finished, Speaker Nancy Pelosi childishly tore up his speech from the podium in a shocking breach of decorum.

Hours after the president’s address, he was scheduled to be “acquitted” in the Senate impeachment trial — if that’s the right word for a dismissal of the most absurd charges ever brought against a chief executive.

After weeks of scurrilous accusations against him being made on the Senate floor, Trump’s job approval rating in Gallup polling has soared to 49 percent, the highest it’s been since he took office. He should ask Pelosi to impeach him again.

And the week is young! We should cap it off with something fun. For your gloating pleasure, let’s take a stroll down memory lane.

Liberals know nothing, but always express themselves with great bravado and certainty. These are people who claim to know exactly what the temperature will be a decade from now, but have trouble with what will happen next week. Their confident predictions are as useless as bill of impeachment or an Iowa vote count.

THE ECONOMY: As you’ve probably heard, the economy is booming under President Trump. Unemployment has fallen to historic lows, more than 7 million jobs have been created, and the stock market keeps setting new records. …

THE MUSLIM BAN: On June 26, 2018, the United States Supreme Court upheld Trump’s “Muslim ban,” in an opinion that simply cited the law:

“By its plain language, Section 1182(f) [of the Immigration and Nationality Act] grants the President broad discretion to suspend the entry of aliens into the United States. … It entrusts to the President the decisions whether and when to suspend entry … whose entry to suspend … for how long … and on what conditions.

"The Proclamation falls well within this comprehensive delegation. The sole prerequisite set forth in §1182(f) is that the President ‘find[]’ that the entry of the covered aliens ‘would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.’” …

BRETT KAVANAUGH: On Oct. 6, 2018, Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Justice of the Supreme Court.

I guess the lesson is, self-appointed experts operating within a media that rewards liberal fantasy and invective over reality are not the best touchstones of truth.



Ann Coulter is the author of THIRTEEN New York Times bestsellers — collect them here.

Her book, ¡Adios America! The Left’s Plan To Turn Our Country Into A Third World Hell Hole, was released on June 1, 2015.

Her latest book, Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind, was released on August 21, 2018.

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