Announcing American Renaissance’s 2011 Conference!
By Jared Taylor
[See The Saga Of American Renaissance’s 2010 Conference: "Anarcho-Tyranny" In Action, by Alexander Hart; 2010 AR Conference held Against All Odds, by Jared Taylor]
May whites have a racial identity? Are they allowed to be glad they are white or to think about what is good for them as a group?
Shelby Steele, a black scholar at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University doesn’t say "no"; he says "hell no".
"[B]eyond an identity that apologizes for white supremacy, absolutely no white identity is permissible. In fact, if there is a white racial identity today it would have to be white guilt — a shared, even unifying, lack of racial moral authority."
[White Guilt: How Black and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Right Era, by Shelby Steele]
Dr. Steele continues: "Black children today are hammered with the idea of racial identity and pride, yet racial pride in whites constitutes a grave evil. Say 'I’m white and I’m proud' and you are a Nazi."
Dr. Steele means all whites everywhere: " Today’s whites, the world over, cannot openly have a racial identity." [Yo, Howard! Why did Dean have to embrace the Confederate flag?, November 13, 2003]
Pretty clear, isn’t it? If any whites anywhere permit themselves the vagrant thought that it might be nice to remain a majority in North America or Europe, or if it dawns on them that to "celebrate diversity" is to celebrate their dispossession, they are "evil".
Well, I guess I’m "evil" by Dr. Steele’s standards. And, dear reader, you probably are, too.
Nowadays, all a white person needs to do is attend a Tea Party, and the NAACP will call him "racist". Even voting Republican can be a form of moral leprosy. "Anti-racist" entrepreneur Tim Wise, who hectors whites about their sins at $6,000 a day, recently unbosomed his joy at the thought of the deaths of millions of us. He wrote that any white who was happy about the 2010 election results or who voted Republican was a hijo de Puta [son of a whore] and should go to hell.
But first they should die:
"We just have to be patient. And wait for your hearts to stop beating. And stop they will. And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told. Do you hear it? The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently? Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful." [An Open Letter to the White Right, On the Occasion of Your Recent, Successful Temper Tantrum, Tim Wise, Daily Kos, November 3, 2010]
Mr. Wise repented of his candor and removed that passage from his website. But it’s edifying to know where we stand.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is constantly on the sniff for "hate", so I thought I would call Mr. Wise to its attention. My good friend at the center, Heidi Beirich, is a world-class hate sniffer. She assured me that Mr. Wise’s calling me and millions of whites sons of whores, telling us to go to hell, and thrilling at the thought of our deaths does not qualify as "hate". I’m greatly relieved.
I’m also perplexed, though, because Dr. Beirich thinks my publication American Renaissance peddles "hate" — and that does, too.
In fact, anyone who wants whites and their culture to survive, and who thinks they are not interchangeable with any other people or cultures is apparently a hater. Anyone who likes being white or — heaven help us — hopes his grandchildren will be white is too awful for words.
Dr. Steele, Dr. Beirich, and Mr. Wise will no doubt be outraged to know that we "haters" get together from time to time to discuss such shocking questions. American Renaissance is holding its next conference over the weekend of Feb. 4- 6 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I invite all readers to attend. If you are a dissenter from racial orthodoxy you will have a marvelous time.
Full details are here. We will have some great speakers.
There will be a mystery guest from Europe, who represents the very best of nationalist political movements. He (or she) is a prominent figure in just the kind of party we must have in this country if we are not to go extinct, as Mr. Wise so ardently wishes. This speaker seldom comes to the United States, and the American Renaissance conference will be a rare and inspiring chance to hear about what works across the Atlantic.
Our speaker from South Africa, Dan Roodt, is an Afrikaner leader whose people face a far sharper crisis than our own. He will offer a riveting analysis of the psychology of capitulation, and how to avoid it.
Jonathan Bowden, little known in the United States, has a tremendous following in British nationalist circles. I do not believe I have ever heard so powerful and mesmerizing a speaker anywhere. He will share a British nationalist’s perspective on America.
Donald Thomas is one of the few people who really understand how the American refugee/asylum program works. Like so many things the government does, the deeper you probe the worse the rot. His report will shock you.
Hugh Kennedy, an expert on free speech law, will talk about where thinking of the Shelby Steele kind ultimately leads: censorship. After all, if whites with a sense of their group interests are a "grave evil", it is only a matter of prudence to curtail their rights of speech and assembly. Mr. Kennedy will explain the ways the First Amendment could be neutered.
Other speakers include David Yeagley, who will offer "A Comanche View of White America", and Prof. Raymond Wolters of the University of Delaware, who will describe the desperate folly to which the racial gap in school achievement has driven our "educators".
As usual, there will be remarks by your servant and the incomparable Sam Dickson, and we will have yet another mystery guest, an American academic who, in his retirement, is finally free to speak his mind.
I would note that in this sweet land of liberty, there are so many people of the Steele-Wise-Beirich persuasion that we have to be coy about the exact location of the conference. We know that if we give the lovers of tolerance and diversity enough time to organize, they will put pressure on the venue to cancel their contract with us. Our venue is fully briefed and believes in freedom of speech. But just to be on the safe side, we are releasing the final location just a few days before the conference begins.
In the meantime please make your plans to drive or fly to Charlotte. Roundtrip tickets are cheaper than you think: If you book now, they are under $200 from New York and under $300 from Los Angeles or Dallas.
And when you come, be on the sniff for "hate", will you, and let me know if you find any.
For details of American Renaissance’s ninth conference, Feb. 4-6 2011, click here
Jared Taylor (email him) is editor of American Renaissance and the author of Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. (For Peter Brimelow’s review, click here.) You can follow him on