Another Migration Miscellany

By James Fulford


Environmentalists Can’t Do Anything "Right"

Blogger Charles Murtaugh reports on a New Scientist interview of Betsy Hartmann by Fred Pearce (February 19, 2003) entitled "The Greening of Hate," in which environmentalists and immigration reformers are described as right-wingers "attempting to penetrate the mainstream environment movement."

The New Scientist article cites Virginia Abernethy and the Carrying Capacity Network as the rightists in question. The difference between them and mainstream enviros is apparently that the real hard Greens hate all humans equally, whereas people like Abernethy and former Sierra Club director John Tanton love their own countrymen.


Tancredo vs. Media Again

The Independence Institute’s Dave Kopel has an item in his Rocky Mountain News media criticism column reproving an attack on Congressman Tom Tancredo in the same paper. Kopel disagrees with Tancredo over troops on the border, but he points out that the story suppressed Tancredo’s reasoning on the fence’s technical feasibility.


"Most Immigrants Aren’t Terrorists." So What?

In the March, 2003 issue of Reason Magazine, Cathy Young has a piece called Guilty by Association | Its subheading: Note to conservatives: Most immigrants aren’t terrorists.

Young seems to feel that the economy will suffer if illegal immigration is stopped, and that making illegal immigration legal will stop the trade in false documents which terrorists take advantage of.

But the point is that in the long run, illegal immigration and illegal immigrants do more harm than terror.


Vin Sees the Light?

Vin Suprynowicz is a libertarian columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He recently had an experience with illegal immigration advocates that has shown him what the problem with illegal immigration is.

In 'I don’t know what an illegal alien is' Jan 26, 2003, and Attack of the killer euphemisms Feb 2, 2003, Suprynowicz writes about the forces trying to censor newspapers that report on illegal immigration.

A Las Vegas Hispanic activist named Fernando Romero demanded that "derogatory word terms, such as 'illegal aliens' … etc. not to be used in future articles."

Suprynowicz thought that illegal means illegal.

Of course, once you see the light on immigration, you start feeling the heat, as Ken Ward discovered at the same paper that Suprynowicz works at.

I wish him luck.


H-1B In The News

WKMG in Orlando has done an interesting special on H1-b visas called "Where did the jobs go."You can see a brief video clip by clicking here.



Dan Stein was on the O'Reilly Factor February 18, talking about the Ford Foundation’s funding MALDEF, and when I say talking, I mean trying to get a word in edgewise, [transcript] of course, as is always the case on the O'Reilly Factor.

The title of the show was "Ford Foundation Funding Groups Against Stricter Border Control." This is an old story to readers, who have read Joe Fallon’s three-part series in the Social Contract, [Funding Hate: Foundations and the Radical Hispanic Lobby [I] [II] [III]. But it’s one that needs exposure to a wider audience.


Polling Hispanics: Como Se Votando?

In the latest Columbia Journalism Review, Sergio Bendixen says that multilingual polling is a necessity. Of course, he may feel that way because he makes his living by multilingual polling.

There are Latino voters, American citizens, who prefer Spanish as their language of work, play, TV viewing et cetera. But I don’t think it’s a trend that should be given much encouragement — considering that outside the Miami area, where Bendixen lives, the Hispanic vote is negligible, and predictable.

Did you know, by the way, that you can register to vote in Spanish — not just in Denver, Colorado? [ PDF ], but in Stamford, Connecticut?


Outrageous Charge Of Dual Loyalty?

Slate blogger Mickey Kaus pointed this out (scroll down). I don’t know if his one line comment is ironic:

Saturday, March 1, 2003

The Washington Post again raises an outrageous charge of dual loyalties!

"For many of those [Mexican-American] troops, serving in the U.S. military is a source of pride, but also of deep personal conflict. They wrestle with the weight of culture and a tradition in which Mexican nationalism has long been measured by opposition to its powerful northern neighbor. Mexican public opinion is overwhelmingly against a war with Iraq. President Vicente Fox has said Mexico, which holds a seat on the U.N. Security Council, will oppose unilateral U.S. military action against Saddam Hussein. In a country with a deep reluctance to get involved in conflicts outside its borders, the antiwar sentiment is raw and passionate."[Fighting 'Their War' For Soldiers With Mexican Roots, A Struggle of Pride vs. Heritage, By Mary Jordan, March 1, 2003]

The Army’s Hispanic recruiting strategy will make this dual loyalty problem worse, not better. No doubt many Mexican-Americans are extremely patriotic, and that’s fine. But, south of the border, El Presidente Fox will certainly make himself heard if Mexican-Americans are killed fighting for the United States.

Which, according to the Washington Post, may be starting already.

"In news widely reported in Mexico, Spc. Rodrigo Gonzalez Garza, 26, a U.S. soldier born in the Mexican state of Coahuila, was killed Tuesday with three other soldiers when their Black Hawk helicopter crashed in Kuwait."


Thanks, Ilana!

Ilana Mercer has just (March 5) published a WorldNetDaily column arguing that the real immigration problem is legal, not illegal, immigration. We think it’s brave and powerful, although it’s very nice about Peter Brimelow, Paul Craig Roberts and Steve Sailer.


Diane Alden in

Diane Alden has a five part series running on immigration in, in which she gives a lot of credit to for our research, et cetera. It’s worth looking at. Only four parts have been published so far, the next one’s on Immigration And The Poor. I've added some links below, because doesn’t have the massive linking that we put in all articles.

Part I: Dumping the Third World on the West
[From ancient history to Anthony Browne]

Part II: H-1B: Bombing the Middle Class
[Norm Matloff, Tyson]

Part III States of Disunion
[Cheap labor, Peter Brimelow, me!]

Part IV: America for Sale: Visa Roulette
[Borjas, Jeff Elkins]


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