Earlier by Pedro de Alvarado: Hispanic Immigrant Says 1964 Civil Rights Act Enabled BLM War Against Historic American Nation And It Should Be Repealed
As a Hispanic immigrant (I’m from Venezuela), I’m always amazed to watch professional ethnic grievance peddlers like Univision’s Jorge Ramos. Despite openly attacking the country that accepted him, he has carved out a respectable niche in America. Like Ramos, I came to the U.S. legally — unlike most of his compatriots, who routinely Zerg Rush the border or overstay visas. And like millions of American Hispanics, I grew up watching him on Univision. I dropped the habit once I became assimilated and stopped caring about Spanish-speaking news and entertainment, like any responsible immigrant would. Yet I’m still amazed at the length to which Ramos goes to push his ethnic agenda at the expense of the Historic American Nation.
Ramos views himself as a “conquistador” of sorts, and perhaps rightly so given his looks and European background. For his ascendant conquistador class that largely rules Mexico and Latin America, the U.S. is up for grabs, and mass migration is the perfect tool to stick it to foundational Americans and turn the country into a Third World hellscape.
Ramos’ latest hobby horse: A false narrative about oppressed black Hispanics — yet another justification for Open Borders.
Ramos has constantly attacked President Donald Trump since Election Day 2016, and rarely fails to remind us that Americans skeptical about Open Borders are insufferable bigots [Jorge Ramos: ‘Stop Lying’ About Undocumented Immigrants, JorgeRamos.com, April 20, 2017].
But the death of St. George Floyd has provided a new narrative to keep him relevant in the era of outrage politics: the cosmic injustices against Hispanics of African descent.
It helps Ramos that every minority in the country is distancing itself from America’s founding core, what Steve Sailer calls the “flight from white.” But that aside, Ramos recently stressed the importance of weeping about Afro-Latinos and their struggles [A Hard Conversation for the Latino Community, the New York Times, July 3, 2020].
He lamented the obstacles that black co-anchor Ilia Calderón “had to overcome to sit in that chair” at Telemundo.
Calderón was born in the Chocó department of Colombia, which is known for its sizable Afro-Colombian population. According to figures from the Colombian government, slightly more than 9 percent of Colombia’s population (4.7 million) is Afro-Colombian.
Then came the connection to the Floyd hoax. Ramos said:
The recent killing in Minneapolis of George Floyd, an African-American man, after a white police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, has sparked an urgent debate on the mistreatment of Afro-descendants. In order to find solutions to the systemic problems highlighted by Mr. Floyd’s killing we must have uncomfortable conversations; we must confront the existence of racism within the Latino community and within our own homes.
“We have a lot of racism within our communities, and a lot of it is self-hate,” Aida Rodriguez, an Afro-Latina writer and comedian, told me in an interview. “What we need to start doing is having this conversation with our parents and our grandparents, and understanding that where we come from is far more glorious than they told us.” [Links in original.]
Before going on, permit me to digress briefly about Afro-Latinos, ethnicity in Latin America, and offer some numbers.
For the uninitiated, Hispanic is an ethnolinguistic category. Hispanics come in all shapes and sizes — white, black, Amerindian, mestizo (a mix of European and Indigenous), mulatto (European and Black), zambo (African and Amerindians), as well as Asians, Jews, and Arabs.
The African element of Hispanic migration is particularly important due to the region’s history. From the 16th century through 19th centuries, more than 10 million Africans were imported as slaves to the New World; 10 percent landed in Spanish-speaking colonies. The Portuguese were the most active in the slave trade and imported nearly 6 million.
Thanks to the 1965 Immigration Act, Latin America’s Afro-Latino problems are moving across our frontier with Mexico. That should alarm Historic Americans given their long-lasting problems with foundational black Americans [Four Hundred Years Together: Wilmot Robertson on “The Negroes,” by Peter Bradley, Counter-Currents, October 16, 2019]. The non-white Hispanic migration rolling into the U.S. will create an indigestible underclass who could make ongoing Black Lives Matter riots seem like a casual appetizer once the full course meal is force-fed to Americans.
Consider these data:
Now, back to Jorge.
In his New York Times op-ed, he went out of his way to assert that “racism” explains Afro-Latino poverty in the U.S., and why black Hispanics are at a constant disadvantage as far as educational and economic opportunities are concerned:
Racism is deeply rooted in America’s social system, putting Afro-Latinos at a constant disadvantage. Compared with other Latinos, Afro-Latinos are less likely to have some level of college education. They’re also more likely to have smaller family incomes: In the same 2014 Pew survey, roughly six in 10 Afro-Latino families reported incomes below $30,000. As uncomfortable as it may be, we Latinos must have a serious conversation about these issues.
It’s no secret that Latin American societies are among the most stratified in the world. But it’s rather curious that inequality between races remains whether Afro-Latinos live in Los Angeles or Mexico City. It’s as if stronger biological forces are at play that explain these differences, not environmental factors nor “systemic racism.”
That said, in his 2005 book Latino Wave, Ramos openly boasted about the coming demographic changes in America, that Hispanics will have trouble assimilating, but that Historic Americans will simply have to shut up about them:
The Hispanic community has grown so much that it now seems impossible that it could ever fully assimilate into the Anglo-Saxon culture at large. Hispanic culture is unique — and reinvigorated by each new immigrant, each new Spanish-language television show, every long-distance phone call, every package sent to Latin America, and every book written in or translated into Spanish.
That was 15 years ago!
Hispanics are projected to number roughly 100 million by 2050 per United States Census Bureau data. Imagine what a Third World population that large could do to the social fabric of a First World country.
I don’t want Americans to find out.
To make matters worse, quisling European-Americans are assimilating the pathological hatred of the multicultural mob to cleanse themselves white guilt and expiate the sin of “racism.” It’s open season on whites and most are frantically scurrying to the globhomo legion, which many view as the future.
Although Ramos is of predominantly European extraction, he’s what Steve Sailer calls a “Conquistador-American” and would like nothing more than to commandeer Latin America’s dark-hued hordes to wage war against America’s white population.
This is likely the desire of many predatory Hispanics who would cosplay as Simón Bolivar or Fidel Castro — two demagogues who gained fame for mobilizing colored Hispanics against inhabitants of European descent.
But Latin America’s 500-plus years of multi-racialism has already given us a glimpse of extreme diversity. It’s not pretty. Corruption, failed states, and constant economic instability are the regional order of the day. Without an immigration moratorium, Latin America’s dysfunction will inevitably make its way north.
It’s time for people on the Right to face the cold, hard, and unbearable truth: anti-white attitudes will only intensify as the country loses its European character and the demographics start irreversibly tipping. Mass migration will put this on hyperdrive and provide race hustlers like Ramos with an endless supply of potential ethnic radicals to commandeer.
Ramos isn’t just another Leftist immigrant. He’s colonizer who is exploiting Open Borders. He’s a rational actor taking advantage of a country’s institutional weakness and its unabashed Treason Lobby.
The “migrants” with which the Ruling Class is so enamored will be a lumpenproletariat army to wage a full-fledged war against the Historic American Nation.
Ramos is sending a message. Americans better listen.
Pedro de Alvarado is a Hispanic dissident who is well aware of the realities of race from his experience living throughout Latin America and in the United States.
As a native of lands conquered by brave Spaniards but later subverted by centuries of multi-racial trickery and despotic governance, Pedro offers clear warnings to Americans about the perils of multi-racialism.