
Banned by Free Republic?

By Steve Sailer


My VDARE article "GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote" — which demonstrated that if George W. Bush had merely won 57% instead of just 54% of the white vote, he would have earned an Electoral College landslide of 367 to 171 — continues to elicit strong reactions.

A supporter tried to post my article on the conservative discussion website www.FreeRepublic.com, which played such an heroic role in exposing the Clinton scandals. Alas, the owner, Jim Robinson, deleted it. He claimed it was "divisive" and "promoting racism." Eventually, a more open-minded citizen sneaked it past the vigilant Mr. Robinson. Numerous people then responded in a rational manner. Despite Mr. Robinson’s fears, all this free speech did not bring about the end of the world as we know it.

A few comments on the self-defeating mindset of conservatives like Mr. Robinson.

In contrast to Mr. Robinson, the participants in the Free Republic forums tolerate heretical thought. Shortly, I'll respond to them.

January 03, 2001

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