BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES: We Respond To Motion To Dismiss — And Find Out The Use Of Ben Shapiro
See also: MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead — BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves Forward
A quick update on our lawsuit against The New York Times for accusing me of being an “open White nationalist” and then refusing to acknowledge, despite its own published guidelines, that it had made a stealth correction:
Our final response to The New York Times motion to dismiss is here. Many thanks to readers who commented on the preliminary draft linked in my story above.
The New York Times now gets to respond. Then U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Polk Failla will rule, possibly in sixty days.
One amusing point: the New York Times’ motion to dismiss (see here) cast some light on a question that has interested for years: What is the use of Ben Shapiro?
It said:
[B]y the time that The Times wrote about him, Brimelow’s reputation as a white nationalist and white supremacist was firmly established as a result of the things he said. A simple Google search turns up numerous national news organizations, over many years, making the same assertions about him and about VDARE. Even extremely conservative commentators have characterized Brimelow and VDARE as such. See, e.g., Ben Shapiro, Conservatives Oust Bigotry, and the Left Only Slams Them For It, National Review (Aug. 28, 2018), (“[O]ther speakers included Peter Brimelow, creator of the white-supremacist site”)
This is a very curious argument for the New York Times’ lawyers to make. It is axiomatic that it is no defense to libel to point to others perpetrating the same libel.
But this passage in The New York Times’ brief does illustrate Shapiro’s usefulness to the Ruling Class: In claiming to lead and then betraying American patriots, he is (pardon the expression) a Judas Goat.
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