Strictly Personal
I have written this column for over a decade now and have never once written one such as the one I’m writing today.
Most readers know that I am the pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. My wife, Connie, and I founded this church in 1975 with a total of 6 people attending that very first service. In June of 2010, we will celebrate our 35th anniversary as founding pastor and church.
From the very beginning, it was obvious that God had something special for Crossroad. Our very first Easter Sunday saw 255 people gather together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. The church was 10 months old. First meeting in my mother-in-law’s living room and rented community buildings, we have since constructed 3 auditoriums (the latest one a beautiful 750-seat sanctuary), an education building, office complex, gymnasium, and various outbuildings.
CBC has contributed to the sending of scores of missionaries around the world; we have seen several young men called to preach and sent out to plant churches; and we have seen countless professions of faith and changed lives. All of this is wonderful enough, but there is also something very unique about Crossroad Church: this church has stood by and supported me as I answered the call of history to become a major proponent of liberty and constitutional government in these United States. How many churches do you know that would let their pastors do what I have been privileged to do?
Think about it: I write this trenchant column each week, in which I name names; address the salient, penetrating issues of the day; and plainly address the sociopolitical topics that affect virtually every area of our lives. I have boldly rebuked Presidents from both major political parties. I have rebuked (and will continue to do so) neocon prosperity preachers. In fact, my criticism of G.W. Bush even brought upon me the ire of my dear friend and mentor, the late Dr. Jerry Falwell.
Please understand: I come from within the heart of the Religious Right movement of the 1980s. A graduate of what is now Liberty Bible Institute at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, I was the executive director of Florida’s Moral Majority during the Reagan years. I was among those invited to the White House to meet both President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush. I traveled to foreign countries at Dr. Falwell’s invitation. I shared the platform with many of the Religious Right’s Who’s Who. I appeared on Falwell’s Old Time Gospel Hour. He featured some of my columns in his Liberty Journal and personally lauded my ministry in public meetings and in print. I traveled with him on his private jet for several speaking engagements. I have met many of the "big names" in both religion and politics over the past 3 decades.
But when it became obvious to me that both major political parties (at the national level) were being influenced by the same evil people and were both marching to the same beat from the same socialist/globalist drummers, and that the Religious Right had surrendered freedom’s principles for the sake of political partisanship and personal aggrandizement, I could not keep silent. And believe me, this decision has truly cost me.
When I criticized Bill Clinton for his Big-Government policies, I was regarded as a hero among "conservative" Christians. But when I began criticizing G.W. Bush for the very same reasons, I was vilified. When I was standing for the Constitution and Bill of Rights in opposing Clinton, I was a "true American patriot." But when I stood for the Constitution and Bill of Rights in opposing Bush, I was called a "Bush-hater," traitor, and worse.
But during all of this, my church stood by me. In fact, the church grew!
Then, in the providence of God — and with no personal ambition or covetousness for the honor — the Constitution Party (America’s 3rd largest political party in terms of registered voters) chose me as its Vice Presidential candidate in 2004 and as its Presidential candidate in 2008. And once again, my church stood by me. Of course, there were some died-in-the-wool Republicans who could not understand or appreciate what I was doing that left the church — but these were only a small percentage of the church body. The vast majority of my church family supported me, loved me, prayed for me, and stood by me. And get this: they even rejoiced when Congressman (and 2008 Republican Presidential candidate) Ron Paul endorsed me.
And once again, the church grew. I ask you again, how many churches do you know that would do such a thing?
Today, I continue to write this heavy-hitting column. I continue to speak out for the God-ordained principles of liberty and constitutional government. We even archive many of these sermons on my web page for people to view and even download. See them here.
In addition, we now live stream my Sunday morning messages on the Internet. There are hundreds of people all over the country who regularly tune in to these live messages. Some gather in small groups in their homes. We have even heard of how some people rent out community centers in order that many people might gather in larger groups and watch these messages.
In fact, so many people are reading these columns, watching the video sermons, and listening to my radio broadcasts (heard 30 times a week on 12 radio stations in 5 states) that it is not uncommon for people to travel to Pensacola, Florida, in order that they might attend our church services on Sunday. Last Sunday, a retired Navy pilot visited us from the State of Hawaii who regularly reads this column and watches our video messages. Two Sundays ago, a couple drove down to Pensacola from Kentucky on their 17th wedding anniversary in order to worship with us. They had been reading this column and watching our video messages for some time. They had even purchased several copies of the archived messages and distributed them among their friends and loved ones. And get this: the husband had never trusted Christ as his Savior, but did so that Sunday he was with us!
In fact, we have heard from numerous people who have told us they have become Christians after watching our messages or listening to our radio broadcasts. One man wrote me and said he is now on the mission field after having made his decision for Christ while listening to our broadcasts. I could go on and on.
My Sunday morning message is broadcast at approximately 10:30am (CST) each Sunday. To watch, go here.
I realize that all of the above will be of little interest to many nonbelievers who read this column. I share this information, however, to those who have a heart, not only for America, but also for God.
I also share this information to tell you that the recession of 2009 has hit Crossroad hard. Our church is comprised mostly of hard-working regular Joes, many of whom are associated with the construction industry. And as you know, the construction industry was among the hardest hit in the economic downturn of the last year or so. The result is my church is ending 2009 with a deficit of some $25,000. Furthermore, the next 6 months do not look positive in terms of a strong economic resurgence. Absent an unexpected turnaround, we could be looking at a deficit of over $50,000 by summer.
As I said, I have never used this column to request contributions to Crossroad Church — until now. But, again, I ask you, where have you found such a church as this? Where could a man such as I be given the platform that the precious people at Crossroad Church have given to me?
I have not even mentioned the Black Regiment that I attempted to resurrect back in 2007. Suffice it to say, we now have over 200 principled patriot-pastors who have asked to be included in our Black Regiment and who are taking a stand for liberty and constitutional government in their respective churches and communities.
See the Black Regiment list here.
So, I am asking only this one time: can you send a contribution to Crossroad Baptist Church in order to help us continue this vital work? Will you help us continue to be a voice for truth and freedom at a time when our country needs to hear this message most? I shudder to think about laying off staff, shutting down outreach ministries and radio broadcasts, suspending Internet live streaming, etc.
I know there are some who could give a substantial gift of thousands of dollars, while most could only give much smaller amounts. I also know that there are tens — and maybe hundreds — of thousands of people who read this column. If everyone who feels impressed would send whatever they could afford, this deficit would be eliminated and the need would be met.
In the classic Christmas movie, "It’s A Wonderful Life," the angel, Clarence, told George Bailey, "No man is a failure who has friends." I thank God for the many friends he has given this work and me. Many of you have purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS or contributed to Chuck Baldwin Live, which produces this column. But this request is not for me, it is on behalf of the church that I pastor.
So, I ask this once: would you send a tax-deductible contribution to Crossroad Baptist Church? If you are willing to do this, you can either send an online donation via a credit card, or you can write a check or Money Order.
To donate online, go here.
Or, send a check or Money Order made payable to:
Crossroad Baptist Church
P.O. Box 37039
Pensacola, Florida 32526
Again, in over 10 years of writing this column, this is first time I have ever made such a request. If the need were not serious, I would not write this. But I also know that there are thousands of readers who truly support this work and want to see it continue, as there is a dearth of churches that are willing to take such a bold and courageous stand for God and country. If you can help, your support is much appreciated. And, yes, your gift to the church is tax deductible.
And once more, thank you for reading my columns.
Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. He hosts a weekly radio show. His website is here.