Earlier In Waterville, Maine, Mayor Nick Isgro Proclaims Columbus Day, Not "Indigenous People’s Day"
Unless you’re in Canada (in which case Happy Thanksgiving!) it’s a month early for the War On Thanksgiving, and two months early for the War On Christmas, but it’s Columbus Day, and War On Columbus Day has become part of the War On White America.
Also, of course, the War on Christianity in general — Columbus was a Christian, his ships are frequently represented with crosses on the sails, and the pre-Columbian societies in North America and the Caribbean were pagan or heathen, which means that they had human slavery, cannibalism, and tribal warfare with stone knives and clubs. English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, writing more than a hundred years after Columbus discovered the New World, described society in a “state of nature” as being "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" [Leviathan, Chapters XIII–XIV].
That’s what Columbus found when he arrived. In Waterville, Maine, where, as I mentioned recently, the heroic Mayor Nick Isgro prefers to celebrate Columbus Day (the Federal holiday) rather than “Indigenous People’s Day” (the holiday proclaimed by antiwhite haters in the Maine State Legislature), some University of Maine College Republicans spoke out in a Facebook post [Archive link] which controversially criticized human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Of course, the University of Maine’s “Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students” (I.E. Cultural Marxist Commissar) Robert Dana attacked the College Republicans in an email to everyone with a UMaine email address. If you’re a student at UMaine, you can protect your email address from spammers, but if the Commissar in charge of “Student Life” wants to send you an email, he can (the email was also signed by college president Joan Ferrini-Mundy ):
"The positions reflected and reposted on that page are neither supported by nor reflective of the University of Maine’s values and principles of inclusivity and equity," Ferrini-Mundy and Dana, who accused the College Republicans of using "15th-century Spanish war propaganda to dehumanize indigenous peoples, implying all indigenous peoples of the Americas are brutal savages," wrote.
UMaine PUBLICLY SHAMES College Republicans for Columbus Day comments in CAMPUS-WIDE EMAIL, by Celine Ryan, Campus Reform, October 11, 2019
This is really shamefully revisionist history. I mean, seriously, there’s no way you can make pre-Columbian or for that matter post-Columbian Indian society into anything but a horror show.
From Samuel Eliot Morison’s Admiral Of The Ocean Sea, about the Carib Indians who Columbus first met:
The searching party found plentiful evidence of these unpleasant Carib habits which were responsible for a new word — cannibal — in the European languages. In the huts deserted by the warriors, who ungallantly fled, they found large cuts and joints of human flesh, shin bones set aside to make arrows of, caponized Arawak boy captives who were being fattened for the griddle, and girl captives who were mainly used to produce babies, which the Caribs regarded as a particularly toothsome morsel.
It’s from those Caribs, as Morrison noted, that we get the word “Cannibal,” “Caniba” being how Columbus pronounced “Carib.”
The Aztecs of Mexico were much more civilized — in the sense of being organized, and building cities. But that means they, like the Evil Empires of Japan, Russia, and China, had a way of being evil on a much larger scale. They weren’t “brutal savages” eating their neighbors, they were brutal pyramid builders eating prisoners of war by the thousands.
This is from a review of Hugh Thomas’s book Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes, and the Fall of Old Mexico:
On November 8, 1519, Hernan Cortes and his Spanish expeditionary force arrived at the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. They were greeted by the Aztec nobility at a place on the outskirts of the city called Malcuitlapilco, which means "the end of the file of prisoners." In 1487, when the Aztecs inaugurated the Great Temple in Tenochtitlan, a line of prisoners waiting to be sacrificed on the city’s pyramids had reached this point. It was two miles to the Great Temple, and there were four such lines of victims.
You can see them there, young men standing in the sunlight in the great city built on an island in the great lake of Mexico, a name that means "in the navel of the moon." The sky was blue above them, and the two lofty volcanoes, Iztaccihautl and Popocatepetl, rose in the distance. Throughout the day, the young men waited in line for the blood-caked priests of Huitzilopochtli, god of the sun and the chase, to rip their hearts out and roll their bodies down the sides of the pyramid so that they could be dismembered and eaten. At the foot of the Great Temple, a carved stone was set in the pavement; this stone was called "Huitzilopochtli’s dining table."…
It is interesting to reflect on the fact that noble descendants of Montezuma ended up in Spain, where "the family of the counts of Moctezuma survived many generations". In Mexico, pork became a favorite dish of the former Aztec nobility, "since it had a slight taste of human flesh". Thus Thomas twitches the curtain and allows a glimpse of the conquest’s strange afterlife in the two countries that before 1519 had never dreamed of each other’s existence. Speculative fiction could hardly improve on history.…
I Left My Heart in Tenochtitlan by Stephen Cox, Liberty Magazine, November 1995.
The UMaine College Republicans came back (October 7) with a Facebook post [Archive link] protesting Commissar Dana’s abuse of power.
We are horrified by Dean Robert Dana’s destructive behavior. His email today has created a hostile political environment even more extreme. He clearly has no regard for the personal safety and wellbeing of the members of the UMaine College Republicans. If ANY of our members are attacked, bullied, or intimated as a result of his actions, we will hold him personally responsible. Just this afternoon, on October 7th, we met with members of his administration and were assured that there would be no action taken against us for exercising our rights to free speech.
We demand a formal apology for this blatant misrepresentation of our views and are standing by our facebook posts supporting Nick Isgro and Columbus Day (a national holiday).
While that’s the feeling of normal Americans in Americaland, there are lot of crazy people hating on Columbus, and lot of places celebrating “Indigenous People’s Day.”
The New York Times, reporting on this, says that “Communities have renamed the Columbus Day holiday, but not without pockets of resistance.”
I don’t know why The New York Times thinks that Americans who don’t want Columbus cancelled are somehow “pockets of resistance,” since America has not, in fact, been conquered by the Indians. But at least Mayor Nick Isgro of Waterville gets to make the “Newspaper Of Record” —
Maine — One town is refusing to join the state in renaming Columbus Day.
Maine and Vermont, which passed a law this year renaming Columbus Day, are now the only New England states to honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
“There is power in a name and in who we choose to honor,” Gov. Janet Mills said at the signing in April.
But controversy arose when Mayor Nick Isgro of Waterville defiantly proclaimed that Oct. 14 would be Columbus Day.
Mr. Isgro, a Republican, said on Friday that people were “sick and tired” of what he called “selective historical outrage.”
“The history of mankind is not necessarily a nice one,” he said. “With every great accomplishment, we could probably line up negative consequences as well as positive consequences and that goes across all peoples, all continents, all countries.”
More Localities Drop Columbus Day for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, by Heather Murphy and Aimee Ortiz, October 13, 2019
The plan fact is that all of this is part of a generalized hatred of white people, of Western Civilization, and of Christianity. The reasons for Columbus-hate are summed up in two of our headlines on Columbus pieces in 2017 and 2018:
Just as “first they came” for the Confederate monuments, and “first they came” for the Confederate Flag, they’re now coming for any white American historical figure, and for, as Sam Francis predicted in 2001, the American flag.
And I suppose that means we are the Resistance.
Previous Columbus Day Coverage
Five Columbus Day stories by the late Comanche writer, patriot, and friend of VDARE.com, David Yeagley:
Stories by American non-Indians — or “white people,” as they’re known: