D.C. Cardinal Wilton Gregory Happy To Give Communion To Pro-Abortion Biden — Because He’s Opening The Borders!
By Eugene Gant
If you want to know why the Catholic bishops will cheerlead “President-elect” Joe Biden for the next four years, listen to Washington, D.C.’s Wilton Gregory, the first black American cardinal [Wilton Gregory becomes the first Black American cardinal, CBS News, November 28, 2020]. Gregory says Catholic-In-Name-Only Biden’s full-throated support for abortion-on-demand is no reason to deny him holy communion [DC archbishop affirms he will give Holy Communion to pro-abortion Joe Biden, by Michael Haynes, Lifesite, November 24, 2020]. Gregory’s failure to uphold Canon 915, the Catholic law governing the reception of Holy Communion, is a symptom of his open Leftism, along with his fellow Bishops, which in turn explains why they back Biden’s suicidal plan to open the borders, legalize 11 million illegal aliens, and hasten The Great Replacement.
Before elaborating on the link between the bishops’ ignoring canon law and their leftism and immigration boosterism, it’s worth explaining why Gregory must deny Holy Communion to Biden, who thinks a “palmist” wrote the Psalms.
"Devout Catholic" Joe Biden doesn’t know the "P" in "Psalmist" is silent, not the "s".pic.twitter.com/P4VAaYbJWT
— LifeNews.com (@LifeNewsHQ) November 26, 2020
I’m not a canon lawyer. But I am a cradle Catholic, and an American patriot. You don’t need a Ph.D. from the Gregorian University to know when someone can’t receive communion.
Says Canon 915:
Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
Last year, a faithful priest did deny Biden Holy Communion [Joe Biden was denied communion at Catholic church in South Carolina, by Eric Bradner, CNN, October 29, 2019]. But it’s the rare and courageous priest who does so.
Cardinal Gregory won’t, because he claims “we should be a church in dialogue, even with those with whom we have some serious disagreements,” Lifesite’s Haynes reported him saying:
“On my part, it’s a matter of the responsibility that I have as the archbishop to be engaged and to be in dialogue with him, even in those areas where we obviously have some differences.”
After a snow job like that, Biden might slip and break his other foot [Biden breaks foot while playing with dog, to wear a boot, by Alexandra Jaffe, The Associated Press, November 30, 2020].
As a retired priest friend told me: “Gregory commits mortal sin by taking the position he has taken, and again he or any priest of the Archdiocese of Washington violates Canon 915.”
And the bishops are no better, the priest said. They’ve given themselves permission to commit the same mortal sin. Here’s their website:
The question has been raised as to whether the denial of Holy Communion to some Catholics in political life is necessary because of their public support for abortion on demand. Given the wide range of circumstances involved in arriving at a prudential judgment on a matter of this seriousness, we recognize that such decisions rest with the individual bishop in accord with the established canonical and pastoral principles. Bishops can legitimately make different judgments on the most prudent course of pastoral action.
[Catholics in Political Life, USCCB.org]
Gregory will not be corrected, certainly not by Pope Francis, who terribly confused the matter in a controversial apostolic exhortation [Amoris Laetitia].
In my view, the reason so many Bishops ignore Canon 915: They themselves are corrupt, and indeed might be violating the law themselves.
In 2006, Gregory was openly accused of being a homosexual … along with 34 of 44 other bishops [A Question That Won’t Go Away: Do Bishops Have A Sexual Orientation? by Richard Sipe, AWRSipe.com, August 1, 2006]. That was 77 percent of the men on the list.
Sipe isn’t popular among some good Catholics, but what if he’s right? What if he’s half right? And however many of those bishops have died or retired, Gregory is still with us. So are others.
Michael Voris, a former homosexual who publishes the orthodox Church Militant website, calls Gregory “The African Queen,” while a Catholic website that tracks perverts in the collar provides the long list of reasons to suspect Gregory is homosexual [Why Faithful Catholics Should Reject Wilton Gregory as Archbishop of Washington, D.C., by Peter, ComplicitClergy.com, March 30, 2019].
Now, consider what Gregory and the bishops do rage and obsess about:
- President Trump’s visit to the John Paul II National Shrine, although Trump is the most pro-life president since SCOTUS legalized abortion in 1973 [Archbishop Wilton Gregory Issues Statement onPlanned Presidential Visit, June 2, 2020]; and,
- Racism, at a meeting in Baltimore during height of the McCarrick sex abuse scandal.
Find out what a bishop does about Canon 915 and you’ll find out his politics. And, to some degree, vice versa.
In other words, the bishops will sing hosannas when Biden stops deportations, revs up asylum applications, lifts the ceiling on refugees, and sends Amnesty legislation to the Senate.
USCCB’s Justice for Immigrants website explains what the bishops want: more foreign workers, more “family reunification,” and “an opportunity for those who live in the U.S. as ‘unauthorized immigrants’ to transition to ‘legal immigrants’ if they can demonstrate good moral character and have built up equities in this country” [We Are Strangers No Longer].
The bishops cavil claim they oppose Open Borders. But that’s obvious nonsense. An Amnesty for 11 million illegals will send the message that the borders are open. And whatever they think Open Borders means, as a practical matter the bishops echo Slippin’ Joey [The Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants].
Yet official Catholic teaching is a far cry from what we hear from the bishops:
Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption [emphasis added]
[The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part 3]
The bishops’ website, apart from the Justice for Immigrants satellite, says this:
[N]o country is bound to accept all those who wish to resettle there. By this principle the Church recognizes that most immigration is ultimately not something to celebrate [emphasis added].
[Catholic Social Teaching on Immigration and the Movement of Peoples, USCCB.org]
Yet Justice for Immigrants features a “Migrants Monday” and denounced the Trump Administration’s plan to limit refugees to 15,000 annually [USCCB President and Migration Chairman Respond to Announcement of Lowest Refugee Designation in the History of U.S. Refugee Resettlement].
Then there’s Pope Francis. Two years ago, he wrote that nations must provide “humanitarian visas” and family reunification, along with visas for refugees from nearby wars.”
And no deportations, either:
Collective and arbitrary expulsions of migrants and refugees are not suitable solutions, particularly where people are returned to countries which cannot guarantee respect for human dignity and fundamental rights.
[Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for the 104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2018, Vatican.va
But of course an “expulsion” is not “arbitrary” if the “refugee” lied about why he jumped the border, as 90 percent of asylum applicants do [Migrant Protection Protocols, DHS.Gov, January 24, 2019.
Francis refused to bless or even meet with Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini because he cracked down on African illegal aliens. And only a man who is seriously confused could believe, let alone utter aloud, that a wall to stop uncontrolled illegal immigration is comparable to the Berlin Wall that trapped people in a Communist tyranny [Pope Francis Compares Trump’s Border Wall To Berlin Wall, by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, May 28, 2019].
Francis pontificates about “the common good” vis-à-vis WuFlu lockdowns. But then he and his bishops forget it when illegal aliens overrun borders and threaten “the good of the people” who are taxed to provide free food, education, and health care.
The pope congratulated Biden after the election and apparently discussed immigration with him [Pope and Biden discuss equality, climate change and immigration, by John Lavenburg, CruxNow.com, November 12, 2020]. Francis and Biden, like Gregory and Biden, are simpatico. Needless to say, Francis didn’t tell Biden to stay away from Holy Communion.
One lesson to learn from Gregory and the bishops’ open Leftism and refusal to follow canon law comes from St. Thomas Aquinas: Sexual vice perverts reason and darkens the intellect.
Here’s how dark: As VDARE.com wrote in 2016, Trump’s position on immigration is more Catholic than the Pope’s or the bishops’, who surely know that immigration promotes abortion because immigrants overwhelmingly vote for pro-abortion Democrats.
So what’s coming next?
Gregory will work closely with the first Catholic president since JFK, the media tell us, while the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will set up a special committee to do so [Will Gregory’s ‘dialogue’ with Biden undermine USCCB?, by Ed Condon, Catholic News Agency, November 25, 2020].
That means Biden’s mitred defense team will downplay his commitment to abortion. They’ll chatter about “dialogue.” Then they’ll say he’s a good Catholic for proposing Amnesty and “welcoming the stranger,” and a good American for embracing “our values as a nation of immigrants,” as Biden’s website puts it.
The upshot of it all: The Catholic bishops are part of the Treason Lobby that is fanatically determined to elect a new people.
If Biden takes the oath on January 20, they’ll have a co-religionist in the White House to make that wish come true.
Eugene Gant no longer lives in Baltimore.