Democrat Disgusted By Federal Suit Against Arizona
Boy, if this doesn’t make you angry at your government, regardless of your political affiliation, only the ineptness of its response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill can top it! This Democrat is hopping mad!
If you saw the FOX news clip of the closing of 3500 acres of American territory in Southern Arizona to access by US citizens — "due to human safety concerns" — says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — you probably had the same reaction I did. Why can’t our government protect us?
As Fox News reported:
"Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu told Fox News that violence against law enforcement officers and U.S. citizens has increased in the past four months, further underscoring the need to keep the 80 miles of border land off-limits to Americans.
"The refuge had been adversely affected by the increase in drug smugglers, illegal activity and surveillance, which made it dangerous for Americans to visit.
"'The situation in this zone has reached a point where continued public use of the area is not prudent,' said refuge manager Mitch Ellis.
"'It’s literally out of control,' said Babeu. 'We stood with Senator McCain and literally demanded support for 3,000 soldiers to be deployed to Arizona to get this under control and finally secure our border with Mexico. '[Uptick in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans, June 16, 2010]
Remember Article 4 of the US Constitution? Recall its key words: " shall protect each of them [the states] against Invasion"?
Apparently, the Obama Administration doesn’t!
And now, Hillary Clinton’s TV interview in Ecuadorlet Arizona Governor Jan Brewer know that the Justice Department was likely going to sue Arizona over its new immigration law. I suspect this lack of courtesy means the ensuing litigation will not be cordial!
Nor should it be. The Federal Government has failed miserably for years to uphold our immigration laws, allowing at least 12-20 million illegal aliens to accumulate around the US and not even bother to track them down.
Now, in a rare and insightful immigration article in the Washington Post, [By William Booth, June 18, 2010 ]we learn that, "Gangs, corrupt officials make illegal migrants' trip through Mexico dangerous, ", — to say the least, not in tune with the endless open border pronouncements from Mexican leaders about how the US should treat its emigrants when they arrive in the US illegally:
"IXTEPEC, MEXICO — As the Mexican government condemns a new immigration law in Arizona as cruel and xenophobic, illegal migrants passing through Mexico are routinely robbed, raped and kidnapped by criminal gangs that often work alongside corrupt police, according to human rights advocates."
Not only are there criminal assaults on illegal aliens by gangsters, but also "they are stoned by angry villagers, who fear that the Central Americans will bring crime or disease, and are fleeced by hustlers. Mexican police and authorities often demand bribes".
Furthermore, "Mexico detained and deported more than 64,000 illegal migrants last year, according to the National Migration Institute. A few years ago, Mexico detained 200,000 undocumented migrants. The lower numbers are the result of tougher enforcement on the U.S. border, the global economic slowdown and, say some experts, the robbery and assaults migrants face in Mexico."
It should not surprise you to learn that "The National Commission on Human Rights, a government agency, estimates that 20,000 migrants are kidnapped each year in Mexico".
Now that Arizona has bravely thrown down the gauntlet ,and our Federal government has take it up by challenging a law written well within conformance of its own unenforced legislation, we will for the first time in decades get a national debate that the immigration issue deserves. See you in court, Mr. Holder!
The bottom line from such a suit: a giant expose of the huge costs of illegal immigration, now reflected in the massive budgetary shortfalls in our states. Just how much of our precious tax dollars are being eaten up by benefits to those here illegally should brace up even the softest hearts — and heads. And when, as predicted in Barron’s Magazine’s cover story Watch Your Assets, [June 21, 2010] those inevitable tax increases arrive, how will that grab our previously snoozing citizens?
As I have earlier noted, the only real argument left to those who favor open borders has long been to call those of us who have calmly asked for careful consideration of our real immigration racists, nativists, xenophobes etc.
It may be me, but my sense lately is that the air has been slightly freer of such ad hominem epithets from those who oppose the Arizona law. Obviously, to smear the 60 plus percent of Americans who support Arizona as racists is an unwise political strategy. And, after all, these Open Border promoters know at bottom their objectives are simply a plain, straightforward, supremely arrogant, drive to bring in more votes.
Are we finally getting to the place where our elected officials will act to protect our nation from this invasion? Probably not, if it’s up to our Federal elites, who gain office with the unlimited corporate largesse. But the upcoming November elections will likely be very instructive.
The estimated 50 million newcomers, who arrived here, both legally and illegally, since 1965 are just the potential first wave. Understand that there are a couple hundred million more overseas who would like to be here.
If we fail now to gain resolution in favor of the majority of American citizens on this wedge issue, when will we ever be able to do it?
Donald A. Collins is a freelance writer living in Washington DC and a former long time member of the board of FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. His views are his own.