Democrat Glad To See WaPo Comment Thread Shows Americans Get It On Deportation

By Donald A. Collins


No surprise to this lifelong Democrat: Hillary Clinton just came out against the Obama Administration’s recent deportation raids — which is probably why they were orchestrated in the first place. [Hillary Clinton calls for end to 'divisive' deportation raids, BBC, January 12, 2016] But one typical sob story from the Washington Post has a comment section that shows Americans are rejecting this scam.

Note the picture above. One Rene Morales talks on the phone with his sister, Rosa Vargas, who is being detained at the South Texas Residential Center in Gilley, TX. Rosa’s daughter, Junedi Mijangos, stands in the doorway. Now, Junedi, born here of an illegal alien, is not going to be deported, mostly because of the “birthright citizenship” absurdity. But never mind that:

Some Democratic leaders, including House Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), have expressed concern about the raids, and Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and other members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are calling on Obama to offer affected families temporary legal protection.

[Deportation raids to continue, despite outcry, by Pamela Constable, Washington Post, January 8, 2015]

Rep. Gutierrez wants “temporary legal protection” for those who have committed an illegal act? It’s sadly appropriate that, in the WaPo dead tree edition, the story underneath this is entitled Germany confirms asylum seekers are suspected in New Year’s Eve assaults By Anthony Faiola and Stephanie Kirchner January 8, 2015.

And perhaps because of the timing, WaPo readers weren’t exactly rallying to the side of Gutierrez and his lawbreaking friends. What’s in the comments from the readers about this story is the real story.

To be sure, there are some comments taking the party line and supporting the illegals. One comment, no doubt placed near the top of the list by the editors, states:

People don’t just up and leave their homes, travel 1500 dangerous miles, and make a treacherous and illegal border crossing, just because one morning they wake up and feel like it. These people are afraid for their lives and the safety of their children. And we're targeting a specific group of women and children and sending them back into horrific circumstances? What has happened to us, the nation founded and built by immigrants? Where’s our humanity?

Leaving aside the “nation of immigrants” nonsense, where are this person’s feelings for our fellow American citizens?

Then of course the apologists who disconnect reality from history: “Did Alexander Hamilton enter the country legally?” (Answer: yes).

But most readers see through the propaganda on illegal immigration.

One says:

I was living in Atlanta during the time of the vast increase in illegals, and I can tell you that they brought plenty of crime with them. Once peaceful neighborhoods turned into shooting galleries. Drugs, once extremely limited are now abundant and cheap. If you want to see this in your area, continue to support Obama’s policies.

Another writes:

Tequila Sunrise (Gibson, Raul Julia, Michelle Pfeiffer) shows our hypocrisy on immigration (not the central theme of the movie … just a minor, minor subplot). A federal judge helps an illegal stay … .because the illegal is the cook at his favorite restaurant. Law and order is what sets us apart from many countries … for decades we have looked the other way for our own convenience/profit.”

[Links added]

Readers also seem to notice that illegal immigration is a bipartisan scam:

Does anyone remember W hosting Mexican President Fox at the WH when they set off the fireworks and did not tell anyone about it? Right after that, a horde of illegal Mexicans started coming into the country. I wonder what W said that night to Fox. [Links added]

One commenter asks: “Which party allowed all of the illegals to enter?” The very next person answers, “Both.” Other comments:

Readers also seem to understand what the MSM does not — Immigration is driving this election:

And the slightly more moderate follow-up:

While I disagree with your assertion that 2016 will be a single issue election, illegal immigration will be a very important part of it, and perhaps the most important part. And as an Independent voter, what I perceive as Democratic support for illegal aliens, and illegal immigration will keep me from voting Democratic.

Here’s another good point:

The law cannot prevent crime. What prevents crime is the deterrent effect of swift and certain punishment. If the punishment is neither swift nor certain, the law is ignored.

Make your law enforcement policy, and then stick with it.

And then there are the simple one line takedowns.

And finally, people understand America is an unfortunate exception to how most responsible countries deal with immigration. One commenter writes:

“OK I have NO problem with deporting illegal or migrant (whatever todays PC is) however if you are going to deport them then also go after the illegals-migrants from everywhere else. There are plenty to be found driving cab’s in DC. We choose to 'pick' on Hispanics because they stand out from say white Ukrainians, Poles or English. But I guarantee you that illegal-migrant Americans going to say Mexico are allowed to stay only until the money runs out. In Korea, Japan or China there are few such problems and when the cops show up you are gone.”

The awakening is clearly underway.

Donald A. Collins, is a freelance writer living in Washington DC and a former long time member of the board of FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. His views are his own. He is the author of From the Dissident Left: A Collection of Essays 2004-2013

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