Democrat Sees Veterans Betrayed by Open Borders Clichés
Veterans know the country they fought for is being given away. Though I rarely answer mail, a recent letter in response to my column about suicidal Republicans was so poignant I couldn’t help but respond. A Korean War veteran writes,
"A great piece! Too bad it’s far too late…
I was always hoping real Americans would get their country back, but as I look down the opposite end of the enemy’s weaponry the hope for the future is all there is and I sure as hell won’t share it should it come to pass in some other life. I don’t see it happening here.
I worked in Washington during Viet Nam so I got a ringside seat along with the insults meted out to our then fighting men. We Korean vets who returned didn’t know how lucky we were not to be vilified, those of us who made it back, especially if we were in one piece. I tell my grandson "pull a Clinton" if it comes to that. Hell no, don’t go, especially in the Middle East. Up yours baby! Chair borne soldiers are just that. They can vent their spleen in the media. Thank you for your service!!!!"
This sense of betrayal is far from uncommon. This soldier and so many others risked their lives to defend a nation that politicians are sickeningly eager to betray. Polls have shown about 65% of all Americans have consistently supported restricting immigration. However, what is most infuriating is the illogical, weak, and clichéd nature of open border “arguments.”
These include:
1. "We are a nation of immigrants." Nothing I've ever written is anti-immigrant. However, a brief look at Roy Beck’s gum ball presentations will tell you America already takes in more immigrants than anyone else. Most countries have strict regulations on immigration — including Mexico, a nation happy to export its underclass to the USA.
2. "There are jobs Americans won’t do". The racist corollary is, in Mexican President Vicente Fox’s words, “There is no doubt that Mexicans, filled with dignity, willingness and ability to work are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States” [Mexican leader criticized for comment on blacks, CNN, May 15, 2005. ]
Recent footage by Dennis Michael Lynch shows a group of African Americans standing in line for a low paying job, saying they will take anything. With over 20 million US citizens idle or unemployed, using aliens to dispossess working Americans should incur protest from our side, not from illegals. Of course, the mainstream media’s adoring coverage of illegals may explain it.
3. "What can we do about those 11 million here illegally already?" We are told that we have no choice but to let lawbreakers stay.
Of course, if the federal government would enforce existing laws, the 40% of that number who overstayed their visas would be pursued and sent home.
We are told there’s no such effort because of the “expense.” Meanwhile, far greater “defense” costs are ignored because it is so profitable for American business! The slogan seems to be, “Millions for defense … but not of our borders!”
There are easy solutions. Making E-Verify mandatory would insure most jobs go to Americans. Simply removing the job magnet would deter many illegals from coming.
If Senate Bill 744 (or a bastardized version) passes, it won’t just mean amnesty for 11 or even 20 million. According to Dan Stein of FAIR, It will create the impetus for 70 million more (including anchor babies).
In response, open borders fanatics simply manipulate the data. As Roy Beck shows, even the “respectable” Brookings Institute used skewed polling questions to get preferred outcomes.
4. ‘What about those innocent kids brought here by their parents?" We get a constant drumbeat about illegal alien “Dreamers,” many of whom are over 20 and all of whom were apparently Valedictorians.
It’s sad they are cynically exploited. Any real compromise on the so called Dream Act is impossible thanks to Obama’s “my way or the highway” position on Senate Bill S 744.
5. "What America needs are more jobs and growth!" As an environmental expert once said,
“Growth is the behavior of a cancer cell.” Advances in technology that reduce needed money and manpower are ignored by cheap labor apologists. Importing a helot class and putting more strain on our resources and environment is hardly a sound economic plan.
6. "Why not bring in more brilliant young Asian engineers to create companies to employ more Americans?"
This is the great push (putsch?!) of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. The bottom line is that America has already been training too many engineers for decades.
For example:
EPI analysis finds no shortage of STEM workers in the United States
Economic Policy Institute
April 24, 2013
In a new EPI paper, Hal Salzman of Rutgers, Daniel Kuehn of American University and B. Lindsay Lowell of Georgetown University find little evidence to support expansion of high-skill guestworker programs as proposed in the immigration bill being debated in the Senate. Contrary to many industry claims, the study finds that U.S. colleges and universities provide an ample supply of highly qualified science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduates.
In Guestworkers in the high-skill U.S. labor market, the authors examine the IT labor market, guestworker flows and the STEM pipeline, and conclude that the United States has more than a sufficient supply of STEM workers available.
Key findings include:
- Guestworkers may be filling as many as half of all new IT jobs each year
- IT workers earn the same today as they did, generally, 14 years ago
- Currently, only one of every two STEM college graduates is hired into a STEM job each year
- Policies that expand the supply of guest workers will discourage U.S. students from going into STEM, and into IT in particular
"The debate over guestworker programs is largely based on anecdotal evidence and testimonials from employers, rather than solid evidence," said Salzman. "Our examination shows that the STEM shortage in the United States is largely overblown. Guest worker programs are in need of reform, but any changes should make sure that guest workers are not lower-paid substitutes for domestic workers."
Despite a steady supply of U.S. STEM graduates, guest workers make up a large and growing portion of the workforce, specifically in information technology occupations and industries. IT employers look to guestworker programs as a source of labor that is plentiful even at wages that appear to be too low to attract large numbers of the best and brightest domestic students.
There are plenty of other open borders clichés deployed by the uninformed or dishonest. What’s important is that all this is intended to achieve a “putsch” through S. 744, an attempt to overthrow our government and replace it. The violence directed against the rule of law is violence that will spread until it destroys us.
To all veterans who fought for our freedom and safety, prepare to keep fighting. The heritage you and your fallen comrades secured is under threat like never before.
Donald A. Collins, is a freelance writer living in Washington DC and a former long time member of the board of FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. His views are his own.