Democrat Tells Obama And His Opponents: “Immigration Overload” Led To Jobs Mess

By Donald A. Collins


I find it more than annoying that, as we look at the dreary employment numbers just posted and the terrible record of new hirings for months and months, we never hear our MSM or our vaunted leaders talk about “immigration overload”!

Yes — immigration overload. That, folks, remains a major factor behind what got us into this pickle.

Since 1965, when our US population was about 185 million, we have allowed the importation of over 100 million aliens, who have added their offspring at far higher than US citizens, for no reason except official inertia and the greed of those seeking cheaper labor or more ethnic/ religious electoral fodder.

Now look where we are. This week we have heard more from Obama, the immigration un-enforcer, and from the Republican Presidential wannabes about the unemployment rate which hangs doggedly at the 9 plus percent level.

As the 9/7/11 FAIR web release so eloquently noted:

“This week leaders of both political parties will attempt to tackle the jobs issue facing America. On Wednesday Republican presidential candidates will duke it out at the Reagan Presidential Library in California, while President Obama is set to outline his jobs plan on Thursday evening from the U.S. Capitol.

"More than likely missing from both the debate and the President’s jobs plan will be any discussion of the detrimental affect of illegal and legal immigration on American workers. Despite the continued displacement of Americans by immigrants in low-skilled and even high-skilled jobs, Republicans and Democrats refuse to incorporate any blunt and meaningful discussion of decreased immigration in their economic plans.

"7 million illegal aliens currently occupy jobs that rightfully belong to Americans while 1.1 million legal immigrants are admitted each year, creating additional demand for scarce jobs. It is impossible for the American labor market to maintain equilibrium between the labor supply and available jobs without addressing and revising immigration policy.

Unemployment in the U.S.:

Total official unemployment is 9.1 percent — 14 million Americans

8.8 million additional people involuntarily working part-time and seeking full-time positions

2.6 million discouraged workers — those who have stopped looking for jobs

In all, 16.2 percent of working-age Americans are unemployed

42.9 percent of unemployed — 6 million people — have been jobless for 6 months or longer

10 States with the Highest Unemployment rates — July 2011

Nevada — 12.9 percent

1. California — 12.0

2. South Carolina — 10.9

3. Michigan — 10.9

4. Rhode Island — 10.8

5. Florida — 10.7

6. Mississippi — 10.4

7. North Carolina — 10.1

8. Georgia — 10.1

9. Alabama — 10.0

Unemployment rate by race/ethnicity

· White/Non-Hispanic — 8 percent

· African-American — 16.7

· Hispanic — 11.3

· Asian — 7.1

150,000 jobs need to be added every month just to keep up with population growth and new entries into the labor force."

Jobs, jobs, jobs, is the drumbeat of our political elite. But we Americans understand where the jobs went. Many went overseas to cheaper labor markets — and many more to illegals or to legal immigrants receiving that massive number of work visas based on phony claims that there are no Americans to do the jobs. “Immigration overload”, the adding of over 100 million aliens and their offspring, is a major force behind the lack of jobs for Americans.

I personally favor an immediate moratorium until our employment rate sinks below 7 percent. But right now, neither party will let that happen — or even debate the idea.

Donald A. Collins [email him], is a freelance writer living in Washington DC and a former long time member of the board of FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform. His views are his own.

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