
Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also … Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome

By Brenda Walker


The Virginia Tech massacre compels inquiring minds to search out the many other instances of immigrants who purposely kill in quantity.

We must call this "Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome", to match Daniel Pipes' term "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" describing the distinct tendency of Muslims in the U.S. to start suddenly offing Americans. In fact, Sudden Jihad Syndrome may just be a special case of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome.

But guess what? The Mainstream Media doesn’t seem to have any inquiring minds. Even to find these immigrant mass murders is extremely difficult because of the MSM’s agenda-driven refusal to use the I-word.

Additionally, some true crime websites are suspiciously shy about noting immigration backgrounds. Gory crime details are meticulously catalogued, but foreign origin given little attention.

As VDARE.com has pointed out many times, this pattern of hiding the immigration status of perps is reprehensible, unhelpful and (for what it’s worth) contradicts the media’s self-proclaimed principles — see the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics for unintentional hilarity.

But it’s not a laughing matter. In effect, political correctness is blinding Americans to very real danger that is being imported through immigration policy.

One example: four years ago, in an incident that eerily foreshadows the Virginia Tech Massacre, an immigrant gunman carrying two guns and 1000 rounds of ammunition took some 100 people hostage. He killed one and wounded two before police shot and captured him. Why didn’t you know about this?

(For more details, read on.)

By James Fulford used the free search engine Google to make his compilation of immigrant mass murders a few days ago. Through the generosity of a VDARE.com donor, I've been able to use the proprietary service LexisNexis.

Here is my quick, non-comprehensive list of additional immigrant mass murderers.

(It’s curious how the mass murdering via fire doesn’t seem to shock as much as when the crime involves guns. The victims are just as dead, and they may have had a far more horrific death by fire than if they had died from a gunshot. Remember how trapped 9/11 victims in the World Trade Center jumped to their deaths rather than be burned alive. But there is no Sarah Brady of gas cans.)

President Carter’s welcome to over 125,000 Marielitos had plenty of immigrant crime blowback. They even included some 800-900 Cuban criminals who, while on their initial immigration parole into the United States, were convicted of violations of state or federal law ranging from attempted murder to trafficking in cocaine to petty theft and have been in detention ever since. A Congressional inquiry found that around 10 percent of Marielitos had a criminal or mental illness background that would have precluded their legal admittance.

Another immigrant category deserves attention: attempted immigrant mass murders that failed. Police thwarted these would-be killers before they could rack up their desired high death count.

Taheri had lived most of his life in this country and was a college graduate, yet the influence of Islam and his Muslim milieu were more influential than his years of American education.

And then the Virginia Tech lookalike I mentioned above:

At the time, news coverage at the time appeared excited by the prospect of another white-guy gun conflagration — until the identification of the shooter was made. Then the case disappeared from national media.

Google reports not one national media mention of Halder in the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre. In contrast, there are "about 7,740,000" mentions of "Virginia Tech"and "Gun Control."

Immigration enthusiasts will object to this sort of analysis. They will say that America has plenty of home-grown killers. That’s true. In fact, that’s the point. We've already had too many Americans mass murdering. Consequently, we don’t need to import murderers from abroad.

The accumulation of mass-murdering immigrants is the merely worst indicator of a society grown too diverse for social harmony. The elite ideological infatuation with diversity as the highest good has had a terrible cost. Teddy Roosevelt warned against hyphenated Americans and Balkanization as destructive to the America’s unity. Today, in contrast, those negative characteristics are actually celebrated by our elite.

Professor Robert Putnam, the Bowling Alone scholar of community values has cautioned, "More ethnic diversity means less trust." Policy-makers should pay attention. — now.

Meanwhile, our latest tally of the Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome cost: 23 killers, about 238 dead, some 111 wounded. And counting.

Brenda Walker (email her) lives in Northern California and publishes two websites, LimitsToGrowth.org and ImmigrationsHumanCost.org. Recent events have convinced her that the Second Amendment should apply to citizens only.

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