Elites Want U.S.-Mexico Merger — Hence The Flaw In H.R. 4437

By Juan Mann


The focus of VDARE.com is on immigration and the National Question. It’s a noble endeavor, but I believe it represents only one component of a much greater problem.

The root of the evil: our apparent forced march toward a "comprehensive" New World Order of regional and ultimately global government, where nation-busting mass immigration is just one part of the process.

Though hardly a recent development, the excellent recent work by Jerome R. Corsi exposing the North American Union, the Amero currency, the NAFTA Superhighway — and its Texas highway segment which is already underway — leaves little doubt that the collectivist, internationalist agenda of America’s ruling elite continues full steam ahead whether the public likes it or not.

The late Dr. Sam Francis identified this danger.

Shortly after the Mohammedan jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001, Dr. Francis wrote that a "large bucket of cold reality has been splashed into my face" by a Chicago Council on Foreign Relations poll on elite vs. public attitudes concerning mass immigration. [10/24/02 — Poll Exposes Elite-Public Clash On Immigration]

Dr. Francis wrote:

"The [Summer 2002] poll shows that there is a vast gulf between the elite and the public at large on immigration, but more than anything it also shows that if the American majority that favors reducing mass immigration because they see it as a 'critical threat' to themselves and their nation really wants to meet that threat, then they must first remove from power the entire class of 'leaders' who are unable to perceive the dangers of immigration even when its dangerous consequences literally blow them out of their own skyscrapers."

Yes, America’s ruling class already knows that America is being transformed by massive legal and illegal immigration. And they reply: so what?

They want it that way. They made the decision long ago.

The made-for-TV conflict between dueling immigration bills (S. 2611 and H.R. 4437) illustrates that the wishes of the American people — not to be transformed in their nation and displaced out of their livelihoods — only go so far in influencing the will of Congress.

In the U.S. Senate, the mass immigration fix is in. But in the people’s House of Representatives, there is hope … well, at least a glimmer of hope.

But what should real immigration law enforcement fans be hoping for anyway?

As I have written before, one of the most critical components of the so-called "enforcement" provisions of H.R. 4437 is really a serious step backward for immigration law enforcement.

As I wrote in December, 2005:

H.R. 4437 undercuts the [Immigration Act Section 235(b) Expedited Removal] laws already on the books by scaling back the expedited removal authority granted (but never implemented) by Congress in 1996. The bill allows the summary removal of illegal aliens found within 100 miles of a land border within 14 days of entry. But in 1996 Congress previously authorized the removal of any [illegal] alien found anywhere in the U.S. within 2 years of entry!

So not only has there been a quiet rigging of the nationwide expedited removal provisions by successive administrations, but now the much-celebrated H.R. 4437 "enforcement" bill actually destroys the possibility of there ever being nationwide summary removal (outside of border areas).

And without the summary removal of illegal aliens — sending them packing without years of immigration litigation — there will be no real immigration law enforcement in this country … because no one will be leaving anytime soon.

But why would a so-called "enforcement" bill confine expedited removal only to the border? And why has absolutely no one in the Mainstream Media commented on the sabotage of Immigration Act Section 235(b) summary removal?

There must be some other agenda at work here.

As in the words of Dr. Francis, my keeping track of the expedited removal non-implementation has been my own "large bucket of cold reality … splashed into my face."

It has been seven months now since my rude awakening to the internationalist agenda, as evidenced by my comments here on VDARE.com — 10/24/05 — Chertoff’s "Catch And Release" Trick Reveals Bush’s Secret Agenda.

So just for the record … and to see if there is anyone out there listening … here again is my unified field theory of why American immigration law enforcement has been and will continue to be sacrificed on the altar of globalism, internationalism and collectivism.

As I wrote in October, 2005:

"Internationalists in the Bush and Clinton Administrations have decided to confine immigration enforcement only to the U.S. borderlands…until there’s no enforcement at all, because the U.S., Mexico and Canada will have been merged into one unit behind a new 'North American security perimeter.'

"This shared Canada-U.S-Mexico ’security perimeter' is exactly what the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America has in mind for America someday.

"And wouldn’t you know … DHS Secretary Chertoff himself is a signer of the SPP’s report to leaders [PDF report] on the New 'North American' Order for Security and Prosperity Partnership.

"And the SPP just so happens to be a dead ringer for step numero uno toward goals outlined in the Building a North American Community report [PDF] by the ubiquitous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

"The Building a North American Community report was signed without dissent by the former chief immigration law enforcement officer of the U.S. — the Clinton Administration’s Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner — Doris M. Meissner.

"Read the reports side by side for yourself [SPP report] [CFR report] and find out what the internationalist cabal has planned for America.

"So who cares if there’s no interior immigration law enforcement in the United States, as long as there’s a 'North American security perimeter' in the works for what former California Governor Gray Davis called the 'magnificent region' that a merged U.S. and Mexico would comprise?"

Now … what can freedom-loving Americans do in the face of this intractable scourge of internationalism?

Answer: Go to your favorite House of Representatives "immigration town hall meeting" this summer. And after haranguing them about illegal alien amnesty, demand that they explain why is it that the so-called "enforcement" bill, H.R. 4437, eliminates the nationwide expedited removal of illegal aliens.

At least you'll have some fun … and you'll be the first on your block to quiz your elected representatives on how much they really know about immigration law.

Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of DeportAliens.com. He writes a weekly column for VDARE.com and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.

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