Exclusive VDARE.com Video Interview With Tom Tancredo

By Washington Watcher


I recently completed an exclusive video interview with former Congressman Tom Tancredo, whose heroic 2008 presidential race, and even more heroic Colorado gubernatorial race in 2010, were key steps in the long campaign for patriotic immigration reform. We post them here on our new VDAREVideo channel.

In Part I, Tancredo discusses Ron Paul, of whose Liberty Caucus he was a member. In Part II, Paul discusses Mitt Romney. In Part III, Tancredo reflects on the failure of the 2012 presidential contenders to raise the immigration issue and the Republican National Committee’s nefarious role. In Part IV, Tancredo talks about his decision not to enter the 2012 presidential race and political future — which may include another run for governmor of Colorado in 2014.

VDARE.com interview with Tom Tancredo Part I: Ron Paul, Immigration and Islam

VDARE.com interview with Tom Tancredo Part II: Thoughts on Mitt Romney

VDARE.com interview with Tom Tancredo Part III: The 2012 Presidential Candidates and Immigration

VDARE.com interview with Tom Tancredo Part IV: On Not Running in 2012, and Plans for 2014

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