
FORMER AGENT: Ex-NYT Hack Julia Preston Packs Immigration Enthusiast Lies Into Establishment Mouthpiece FOREIGN AFFAIRS. How Come?

By Former Agent


I’m retired from the Border Patrol, but I can’t give up! At the airport the other day, knowing I had a long flight, I picked up a copy of Foreign Affairs, because I thought it would be the most serious yet least offensive reading. How wrong I was. Inside was The Real Origins of the Border Crisis: How a Broken Asylum System Warped American Immigration [July-August 2023], by Julia Preston, formerly of the New York Times, now with the Marshall Project. The number of half-truths, untruths, and possible lies Preston packed into some 5,500 words was astounding.

Let’s start with this whopper:

Biden scaled back construction of Trump’s costly border wall. He prohibited family separation and created a task force to reunite the families Trump had separated. He ended the detention of families with children. In practice, however, Biden’s border enforcement has not been that different from Trump’s.


The latest figures are here, but the chart below shows that the number of last month’s crossers, the lowest since 2021, is still higher than the highest number recorded during the entire Trump Administration.


The Trump Administration, whatever its faults, honestly tried to stop the invasion. The Biden Regime has aided and abetted it. Refusing to acknowledge that is just one of the many egregious wrongs in Preston’s spiel.

In discussing the CBP One Mobile app, Preston claimed that “most unauthorized crossers will be detained and swiftly deported to their home countries.” False again. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the unindicted visa fraudster, has scrapped most deportations.

Still, Preston [Tweet her] continued: “Despite these tough measures, Biden’s approach has won little support.” Maybe that’s because those “tough measures” aren’t so tough, and most people can see through Biden’s blizzard of lies about the Great Replacement invasion he has invited.

Preston continues: “For decades, refugees enjoyed bipartisan support,” which is true enough because RINOs and Democrat Congresscritters wanted them. Actual Americans likely didn’t support “refugees,” because they are simply foreigners who manufacture sob stories so they can squat on the Magic Dirt of the United States.

And those “refugees” are not, as Preston claimed, rigorously vetted by the State Department, which is full of communists not all inclined to vet future Democrat voters.

And if even State did want to vet “migrants” properly, how would it do so for a country such, for example, as Mali? Mali and other Third World countries simply don’t have sophisticated, functioning computer databases with which to check criminal backgrounds.

And even if they did, they’d be more than happy to lie about rapists and murderers and send them here.

“Obama hoped that aggressive border enforcement would win him Republican support for broader immigration reform,” Preston continued (“immigration reform” being Treason Lobby code for Amnesty).

Well, I saw Obama’s “enforcement” firsthand. I can call B.S. on that one, too. The “Deceiver-in-Chief” lied about increasing deportations: He recategorized voluntary returns as deportations to get his phony numbers up.

When Obama didn’t get his Amnesty through Congress, he created an illegal one by fiat with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which allowed almost 1 million illegals to stay here. He also tried Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, which would have allowed both children and parents to stay. He refused to send back illegals who did not have criminal records and were arrested away from the border.

Obama basically said that if Congress wouldn’t go along with him, then he was going to do it anyway. Thus, his Obamnesties.

Preston accuses Trump of “calculated cruelty.” But it isn’t “calculated cruelty” to separate an American father who has been drinking and driving while his child was in the backseat of the car. Then Attorney General Jeff Sessions followed the law when he separated such illegal alien fathers from children. And yes, Obama built the cages at the border and separated children from parents. That wasn’t “calculated cruelty,” either.

The cruel calculators were groups such as Pueblo Sin Fronteras [People Without Borders], which encouraged families with small kids to come to the border knowing the families would be separated. The outfit did this for the photo ops. It masterfully exploited the Lying Press to open the border.

Likewise, in Europe, when a 3-year-old Syrian boy drowned trying to get to Greece, the Open Borders non-governmental organizations rejoiced because they knew they could exploit his death to open Europe’s borders to a Camp of the Saints–style invasion.

Preston did report a few facts.

In writing about Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s shipping illegals out of state, she explained that “humanitarian groups, in a spirit of assistance, also put them on buses to Chicago, Denver, New York, Washington, D.C., and other cities.”

When Abbott exports illegals, it’s bad. He’s a Republican. When Treason Lobby NGOs do it, it’s good. They’re only relieving congestion on the border.

“But by law, migrants must wait at least 180 days after they file an asylum application to receive a work permit,” Preston wrote accurately … but also deceptively.

As someone who has caught scores of illegal aliens, I can tell you that they aren’t waiting for papers to start working off the books. (And even when they receive work permits, they often work in the underground economy to duck paying taxes.)

“The United States has been flying dozens of deportation flights per week.” Again true, and again deceptive. Deportations are way down, and have been since the beginning of the Biden Administration [Deportations Plummet Under Biden Enforcement Policies, by Jessica Vaughan, CIS.org, December 6, 2021].

Another half-truth:

In September 2021, thousands of Haitians had arrived all at once in Del Rio, Texas, an episode that became notorious when Border Patrol agents on horseback were photographed rousting them back into the Rio Grande. After many of those Haitians were sent back to their country, the outcry from Black activists and lawmakers pressured the administration to curtail deportations of Haitians.

Left unsaid: The agents were doing their jobs, which is why Traitor Joe and Mayorkas falsely accused them of whipping the illegal invaders.

A few but not many Haitians were deported for show. Then the complaints came in and the Border Treason Regime happily used that as an excuse to stop deporting them.

Preston also reported that the regime has started a pilot program allowing Asylum Officers, rather than immigration judges, to decide an asylum applicant’s claims.

This sounds like something new. But in fact, the Trump Administration wanted to cross-train Border Patrol agents as Asylum Officers because so many Asylum Officers were communists and approved 90 percent of credible fear applicants, almost all of them bogus. Border Patrol Agents trained as AOs would interview illegals when they entered the country and hadn’t the time to rehearse their lies or be coached by a Treason Lobby immigration attorney.

The first class of cross-trained agents denied 90 percent of credible fear claims. Because U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was running that program, the agency stopped it temporarily to see why the cross-trained agents had such a high denial rate. Obviously, the Biden Regime would not continue with such a program.

The Regime’s using AOs to decide asylum claims and function as immigration judges avoids that problem. The excuse is the backlog of cases. Biden helped create it and now offers to fix it. And so AOs now will likely approve 90 percent or more of asylum claims to increase the number of illegals here as much and as quickly as possible. Once a person is in the United States, deporting him is extremely difficult. Biden knows that, and has acted accordingly.

Last, Preston asserted that two Republican governors, Eric Holcomb of Indiana, and Spencer Cox of Utah, have proposed a program to allow states to sponsor “asylum seekers and other immigrants based on labor needs" [To solve our national immigration crisis, let states sponsor immigrants, Washington Post, February 21, 2023].

Well, at least we now know the GOP has two Treason Lobbyists in high places. Perhaps these two geniuses didn’t see that California went from solidly Republican to irretrievably Democrat, thanks to immigration.

Julia Preston blames the illegal-alien invasion not on Biden’s opening the border, but on “political instability, criminal violence, and the punishing economic aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Again, hogwash. None of this is new, so why did it accelerate under Biden?

Millions of “migrants” want to jump the border for the same reason the barbarians wanted to get into Rome. They want to live in a safe and wealthy country — to escape the murderous countries in which they live and flee to a land of jobs, welfare, and free stuff.

That’s nothing new. What’s new is a president who is aiding and abetting an invasion of his own country to dispossess and replace the white descendants of the people who built it, i.e., the Historic American Nation.

Julia Preston is an Open Borders activist masquerading as a journalist.

The significant question: Why is she received uncritically in an Establishment outlet like Foreign Affairs?

Has our Ruling Class made some kind of decision that we are not yet given to know?

The author is retired from the Border Patrol.

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