
FULFORD AT THE CASTLE: Dems Say They Want To Destroy Whiteness. VDARE.com Wants To Stop Them

By James Fulford


Earlier, 2013: Gun Control — Like Immigration Law, Enforced Only Against Those Who Obey It. And 2022: VDARE.com’s JAMES FULFORD: The MSM Wants To Lie To You. We Won’t Let Them

By James Fulford writes: This is adapted from a talk I gave at the recent VDARE.com Summer Conference, June 17, 2023.


My name is James Fulford. I’ve been working for VDARE.com for over 20 years now, and this is what I do.

I once saw a guy who’s a performer, who’s a juggler, and he’s a busker, and he goes from town to town, and country to country, because there are international busking festivals. And he said, occasionally, someone would shout at him, “Get a job!” And he wanted to tell them, if they would slow down a bit, that this was his job, it was what it said on his passport “This is what I do for a living. So in the same thing, this is not a hobby for me, this is my job.

And I’ve seen a lot of things come and go.

Looking at the whole Dissident Right thing, what we’re dissenting from is, first of all, we’re dissenting from Leftism, and second of all, we’re dissenting from Conservatism Inc.’s surrender to Leftism. [Audience applauds]

There’s a meme among conservatives that Democrats Are The Real Racists — in the sense that their policies are objectively bad for blacks. Which is true, but really, they’re the real racists because they hate whites. And these policies may be bad for blacks, but they’re aimed at whites. And that’s why it’s good to hear people talking about anti-white racism.

I remember when Mo Brooks was saying that the Democrats were attacking white people [GOP Rep. Mo Brooks: Democrats Waging A “War On Whites,” RealClearPolitics, August 4, 2014] and some guy who I think was a Republican, [actually a Libertarian] said, “No, no, no,” he tweeted, “No, no, no.”

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. https://t.co/mT0A85EktX

— Jason Pye 🌐 (@pye) August 4, 2014

Because “Don’t say that kind of thing.”

But of course, that’s what they’re doing. That’s what they say they’re doing. They’re saying that they want to destroy whiteness.

And the thing that can be done — James Kirkpatrick was talking about this — is turning these Civil Rights protections around and pointing them at people who hate whites. The litigation industries and the courts are one way of doing this because, as Steve Sailer has said, you’ll find a lot of people who think that the 14th Amendment, Equal Protection, doesn’t really apply to whites. It wasn’t meant to apply to whites, presumably because whites already had at that point a lot of equal protection already. There’s an actual quote from an old Civil Rights bureaucracy head [Mary Frances Berry], who said that the Civil Rights laws were not meant to apply to whites [Rights Panel in New Uproar, by Juan Williams, Washington Post, February 26, 1985].

But of course, they’re written so they apply to everyone. They’re written in such a way that everyone is equal. The problem is to get the bureaucracy pointed the other way, and do all these “hostile environment” things or whatever it is they do, to the diversity trainers — get them on the wrong end of “hostile environment” lawsuits and enforce the Civil Rights laws to say that if you want to have these Civil Rights laws, then you can’t have them discriminate against whites. And I think a lot of people are moving in that direction.

We have a category on VDARE.com — in fact it was noted in the Washington Post that we have this category [The State of Hate, by David Montgomery November 8, 2018]! — it’s a tag we put on our posts, White Guy Loses His Job. And that is usually because the white guy said something that he shouldn’t have said. And those firings are mostly a violation of people’s Civil Rights.

About teachers being fired: people go on about the distinction between public colleges and private colleges. But that’s not the important part. The important part is that the public colleges are run on roughly the same principle as the civil service — you can’t say, “let’s only have Democrats” or “let’s only have Republicans.” And you can’t force people to do that. Of course, this is a problem with untenured people. But they’re now attacking even people who have tenure. But the point is that we can use these Civil Rights protections if we can manage to get people to understand that these protections are available to them.

There’s a great 1992 book called Invisible Victims, which is about the white victims of affirmative action. Affirmative action is a zero sum game. They have to throw people out to replace them with the Diversity Hires. And those are the “invisible victims.” And in the book Invisible Victims, and in the review of the book, which you can find by searching Invisible Victims on the VDARE.com site, you’ll notice Peter Brimelow said that the white men who had been fired didn’t want to admit being angry about it. But their wives, on the other hand, were really incensed. And that’s another powerful point that people need to know — these policies are attacking whole families, and that white people should be willing to fight back.

You don’t want to say: ”I’m a victim, I’m a victim, I’m a victim.” But if someone victimizes you, you have to say, “No, I’m not standing for that.” And you have to — [Audience applauding] — you have to fight back with legal means, with — don’t bother calling your Congressman, by the way — that may not help. But with lawsuits and charges, and whatever it takes to fight back against this kind of thing, which is explicitly discriminatory.

You’ll have heard about White Nationalism, and how people think it’s wrong and evil, and ought to be illegal. But you don’t hear that much about Black Nationalism — however, it is a Thing. It’s a Real Thing. There’s the NAACP, which is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. I believe it’s illegal to say colored people, at this point, but that’s the title because it’s left over from a former age.

But there’s also the Nation of Islam, which is an explicitly nationalist and Black Muslim organization. And those are much larger than anything that ever happened at Charlottesville, or anything like that. And it’s led to a lot more deaths.

In the same way that they keep talking about the terrorist threat of “white supremacists,” they keep not talking about the terrorist threat of the Black Lives Matter movement, which has many terrorist characteristics. It’s not an organized terrorist movement, in the sense that the IRA is organized, or that the Mafia is organized. It’s because it’s got a lot of disorganized people who are willing to commit terrorism, like five people killed in Dallas, or two cops killed in New York… and of course, a lot of riots and looting and burning.

We’re having charges, years after the fact, for white guys who carry tiki torches [see Democrat Communist Coup Intensifies: Soros Prosecutor Jim Hingeley Indicts Charlottesville Tiki Torch Demonstrators — Six Years (!) Later, by Anne Wilson Smith, April 20, 2023]. Now, tiki torches are funny, just because the tiki torch has a K sound, and then that’s funny. And you think, oh yeah, it comes from the Home Depot, and that’s funny. But if you’re having a torchlight parade, all that means is fire safety.

And no buildings at any point caught fire during that march. They went from one end of the march, to the other end of the march. I wasn’t there, but I assume that if you’re having a torchlight parade, you’ve arranged at one end of the thing for a place to put the torches. If not, it doesn’t matter, because they’re tiki torches, and they won’t overflow.

So compare that to the Mostly Peaceful Protests. I believe the Black Lives Matter movement was nominated for a Nobel Mostly Peaceful Prize. [Audience laughing] They could have got that prize, because the Nobel Prize, the Nobel Peace Prize, is like the Special Olympics of Nobel Prizes. [Audience laughing] [Audience applauding]

I have a list of this on VDARE.com — I assure you that the people who won the Nobel Peace Prize did not actually create peace. That includes the time that Yasser Arafat shared it with the President of Israel, the time that Henry Kissinger shared it with some guy from Vietnam, and the time a Protestant mom and a Catholic mom shared it for bringing peace to Northern Ireland in 1976. Peace to Northern Ireland had to be brought again with the Good Friday Agreement, and then it had to be brought again with some other things. And I think at the first time I noticed this, so it was during the Obama administration, and Hillary Clinton was in Belfast at that point trying to bring it again. But this is the point. The Nobel Peace Prize does not produce peace.

Sorry, that was a sidetrack. The point here is that we have to fight back, we can fight back.

I am amazed, by the way, by Elon Musk’s discovering that in Twitter’s code, which no one told him about when he took it over, there was indeed shadow banning — which we had been told was a myth. At VDARE.com, we’d already written about shadow banning. People were saying, “Conservatives aren’t shadow banned, that’s a myth” — except that, of course, they think conservatives should be explicitly banned.

But we do have a number of options to fight back. And this thing here, this thing which I’ve spent the last 20 years on and do a lot of detail stuff on, the VDARE.com webpage, we’ve been carrying this message for a long time. And part of this carrying the message is that it’s what caused that surprise result in the election of 2016.

And that’s what we’re continuing to do.

Things look bad. Things always look bad. You remember Peter Brimelow was telling you that it used to look like the Soviet Union was going to rule the world. Then the Soviet Union collapsed, and Russia is unable to take over Ukraine.

So that threat is gone.

And other threats can go too.

Thanks, that’s about it! [Audience applauds]

James Fulford is writer and editor for VDARE.com.

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