Previously: The Del Rio TX Disaster — "Like Watching A Nation Busily Engaged In Heaping Up Its Own Funeral Pyre”
Even the Leftist Regime Media can’t ignore the invasion at the border. At least 12,500 “migrants” — Regime-speak for illegal aliens — mostly of them black Haitians, have crossed into America at Del Rio, Texas [12,000 migrants wait under Del Rio bridge to surrender to Border Patrol, by Anna Giaritelli, Washington Examiner, September 17, 2021]. The shocking sight of “migrants” swarming unhindered across the Rio Grande in broad daylight shook even the GOP — it took a break from demanding more Afghan refugees and actually attacked President Biden! The Historic American Nation faces an emergency that the federal government will not address. GOP-controlled border states must act — and, ultimately, a GOP-controlled Congress must impeach and convict Biden and Vice President/ Border Czarina Kamala Harris.
NEW: As of 7:15pm Del Rio time, here is what the situation under the international bridge looks like, where close to 15,000 migrants have camped out after crossing illegally. Many of the migrants have constructed makeshift shelters from sticks and plants. @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/i6tyPxSw25
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 19, 2021
BREAKING: I am absolutely stunned by what I’m witnessing right now. We are on a boat in the Rio Grande near the Del Rio international bridge and we are watching as masses of hundreds of migrants walk across the river from Mexico and stream into the US illegally. @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/xXE4pDkpIe
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 18, 2021
The Del Rio disaster is merely a symptom of Biden’s treasonous Open Borders policy. Consider what this man is doing:
Meanwhile, Biden’s allies in Congress are trying to sneak through a mass Amnesty in a budget bill that would legalize at least 8 million illegals. (BREAKING: The Senate Parliamentarian seems to have just made this more difficult.) Border Patrol reports serious personnel shortages and could now be called the Welcome Patrol. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has virtually stopped interior enforcement. Biden’s policies led to the Camp of the Saints situation we are watching, live, on television and social media, thanks to intrepid reporters such as Fox News’ Bill Melugin.
Law enforcement sources say there are up to 10,000 more migrants en route to cross illegally into Del Rio. They have been walking across a dam in the Rio Grande all morning long, and they then walk to the international bridge where they are congregating underneath. @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/xzAcyglRLB
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 17, 2021
Of course, Biden wants the crisis to go away. But he can’t act because the anti-white Leftists who control the Democrat Party have handcuffed him. Their policy: no border security, no increased enforcement. That’s why Biden’s proposed Amnesty contained zero concessions that would have given squish Republicans an excuse to support it. Thus, for months, White House flacks insisted nothing was amiss, despite monthly apprehensions by the Border Patrol that topped 200,000 each in July and August. And the Regime Media dutifully peddled the party line.
But the truth keeps breaking through [White House backtracks after Biden calls border situation a 'crisis,' by Betsy Klein, CNN, April 19, 2021]. The Administration tried to hide the Haitian invasion at Del Rio by having the FAA ground the Fox drone that was broadcasting the illegals’ camp to the world. But Fox’s Melugin boarded a helicopter to track the invasion, courtesy of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
NEW: We’ve learned that the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, meaning we can no longer fly our FOX drone over it to show images of the thousands of migrants. FAA says “special security reason”. pic.twitter.com/aJrjAPO2Pz
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 17, 2021
More footage. Major thank you to Texas DPS. When the FAA grounded our drones, DPS was willing to get us in the air to show ongoing deteriorating situation at the bridge. The situation is in Del Rio is completely out of control. @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/8RUXheV8gk
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 17, 2021
The truth was out, but the Regime Media still tried to provide cover for Biden. The Sunday talk shows barely addressed it. Instead, they blabbed about the Flu Manchu and how Republican governors are killing people by not submitting to Biden’s mandates. The only noteworthy mention of the invasion came from Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, who said that the border problem is one of the issues that highlights Biden’s “big credibility crisis.” But he didn’t elaborate [Chuck Todd: Biden Has a ‘Credibility Crisis on His Hands,' by Joe DePaolo, Mediaite, September 19, 2021].
Still, Biden knows he can’t just do nothing. The Regime announced over the weekend it would accelerate deportations back to Haiti. It closed the port of entry at Del Rio and sent hundreds of additional agents to the area. “We have reiterated that our borders are not open, and people should not make the dangerous journey,” Homeland Security spokeswoman Marsha Espinosa said in a statement. And Biden’s top people even seem to be resisting criticism from the Left — for now [Biden Administration to Deport Haitians in South Texas, by Eileen Sullivan and Miriam Jordan, New York Times, September 18, 2021].
That’s certainly better than nothing, but it doesn’t inspire confidence for the future. For one thing, a black leftist judge, Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for Washington, D.C., just blocked deportations using Title 42, a key border-security provision that allowed removals to protect public health. In this case, of course, that’s the WuFlu. Biden will appeal, but might eventually accept it if the Left pressures him enough [Federal judge blocks Biden Administration’s use of Title 42 policy, by Shawna Chen, Axios, September 16, 2021]. That would lead to even more chaos on the border. For another, even if Title 42 is restored, the Biden Administration’s overall agenda draws these “migrants” to America. They know they have a shot at permanent residency because of the constant possibility of Amnesty. These Haitian “migrants” told reporters that the deportation threat won’t stop them from coming to America [Haitian migrants undaunted by U.S. deportation plans, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, September 19, 2021]. And it’s not like Biden will increase funding for ICE and the Border Patrol. The Left won’t allow it.
It’s worth noting that someone in the ranks didn’t get Sullivan’s message. Melugin reports officials say that the single adults will be deported on Title 42 grounds, but that families will be permitted to stay in the country (why?).
NEW: U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz says there are currently 12,600 migrants under the bridge in Del Rio. Told me single adult men will be expelled via Title 42, but most family units will be processed and released into US w/ NTA (notice to appear). @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/JhaS3YB4pX
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 19, 2021
Ultimately, border state Republicans must take matters into their own hands. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott offered a solution, then quickly backed down. Last week, he announced that the state would help close six ports of entry along the border. But then Biden’s border authorities reversed course. Abbott blamed Biden and demanded the federal government do what he intended to do:
Six hours after U.S. Customs and Border Protection requested help from Texas to close ports of entry and secure the border, the Biden Administration has now flip-flopped to a different strategy that abandons border security and instead makes it easier for people to cross illegally and for cartels to exploit the border.
[Governor Abbott Statement On Biden Administration Refusal To Close Ports Of Entry, Gov.Texas.Gov, September 16, 2021]
But Biden has proven time and time again he won’t secure the border, leaving states vulnerable to the ills migrants bring with them. Technically, only the federal government can make these arrests. But state governments must bear the burden [Can Texas Governor Greg Abbott close points of entryat border? Not unless he’s asked. by Ariana Garcia, Houston Chronicle, September 16, 2021].
Abbott must force this issue with state resources to safeguard the border — as he has done somewhat with the Texas Department of Public Safety, which apparently intervened in the situation at Del Rio.
BREAKING: After @GregAbbott_TX surged @TxDPS troopers into Del Rio, it appears that illegal migrants crossings at the river have come to a halt for now. DPS tells me hundreds of their troopers are now there to provide security and a physical deterrent.
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) September 18, 2021
Courtesy: TX DPS @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/RDEKxqEckb
Let the federal government take Abbott to court. Let Biden explain to the public why he won’t protect the border. Texas could prevail in court if it can convince a judge that Biden has failed to protect the border and has burdened the states with the costs of the crisis. But if enough states defy the federal government, they will embarrass Biden into acting even if they lose a court challenge. The Republican base would love bold action.
Several GOP governors did send National Guardsmen to the border earlier in the crisis and Abbott has previously ordered state law enforcement to patrol the area. The Biden Administration sued Abbott over that move, claiming it usurped federal authority [Biden Administration sues Texas over Gov. Abbott order restricting migrant transport, by Samuel Chamberlain, New York Post, July 30, 2021]. The feds are essentially telling Abbott he can’t stop crime in his own state because only the feds can stop crime.
There is precedent. Arizona passed SB1070 in 2010 to enforce the immigration laws the Obama Administration didn’t want to enforce. It eventually went to the Supreme Court, where it was partially neutered. But Trump’s more conservative high court might back the states.
Point is, Republicans must fight. They can’t just tweet about it. Republican senators and congressmen must push bills that provide more funding to border security and ICE. They won’t pass, but they’ll make Democrats argue why we don’t need them during an invasion. State governments can assign more money to border security and construct their own wall, as Texas did last week [Bill tripling Texas’ border security budget and allocating $750 million to wall construction becomes law, by James Barragan, Texas Tribune, September 17, 2021]. Gov. Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey must enforce border security. Biden certainly won’t.
DHS Sec Mayorkas just told us he will be taking a trip to the border to assess the situation in Del Rio, Texas where thousands of migrants, many from Haiti, are camping out in very difficult conditions.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) September 19, 2021
It cannot be overemphasized that what the Biden Regime is doing is treason. It refuses to defend the border while its operatives have repeatedly gloated that the Great Replacement will assure it a permanent majority. The kabuki through the weekend — Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will head to the border! — is meaningless.
In the end, the only solution is impeachment. That won’t happen now, of course, with Democrats in control of the House. But if the GOP can use this continuing crisis and Biden’s unpopularity to take back the House and Senate, the proceedings must start immediately when the new session of Congress begins.
The Haitian invasion augurs a terrible future. The GOP — in its de facto role as the Generic American Party — must respond.
Washington Watcher II is an anonymous DC insider.