Grassroots Revolt Spreading: Connecticut Patriots To Protest Three Amigos' Amnesty
By Juan Mann
The revolutionary spirit of Nathan Hale lives on in Connecticut. Hats off to the Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control!
These modern day patriots are preparing a demonstration for Saturday, June 25 outside the Hartford office of U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, protesting his support for the recently introduced "McKennedy" illegal alien amnesty bill — the abominable S. 1033, shamelessly entitled the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act."
This legislation was introduced on May 12 in the U.S. Senate by John McCain. So far only Senators Lieberman, Edward Kennedy, Sam Brownback, Lindsey Graham and Ken Salazar have signed-on as sponsors.
In addition to being congratulated for getting off of the couch and doing something to show its opposition to the alien invasion, CTCIC should also be commended for its creative Hartford meeting flyer [PDF] design. Caricatures of the McCain-Kennedy-Lieberman trio appear as "The Three Amigos" in sombreros and full mariachi outfits singing "viva ilegales," both in the flyer and currently on the main page of the CTCIC web site.
For our Connecticut readers, or anyone else within earshot of Hartford, here are the details of the upcoming demonstration. I received the information via e-mail Sunday.
"CT Citizens for immigration Control will have a demonstration in front of Joe Lieberman’s Office, Saturday, June 25th at 9:30 am., at One Constitution Plaza, corner of Market and State….
"Senator Joe Lieberman has one of the worst records in the Senate on immigration. He has promoted an open borders policy, voted for increased immigration, voted for displacing American technical workers with the H-1B visa program and been an obstruction to passing a safe and secure driver’s license bill."
For more information contact Paul Streitz, CTCIC executive director.
It will come as no shock to readers that Senator Lieberman has an abominable voting record on immigration control.
And since all the world probably knows– thanks to the miserable James Tarantoad–that’s Peter Brimelow is a Connecticut resident, the patriots of the CTCIC had just better keep an eye out for a familiar face in the crowd … just in case.
You never know who might show up to a good rally!
Groups like CTCIC are popping up all over America, as patriots organize to defend their country in the face of Washington’s wimp-out. It’s getting hard to keep up with them!
But unfortunately, the street thugs of the Treason Lobby are organizing (or being organized) too.
For a chilling view of what the First Amendment means today on the streets of America — when it comes to anyone who would dare to question Open Borders orthodoxy, that is — check out the West Coast Reconquista’s response to immigration reform gatherings recently in Baldwin Park (May 15), Garden Grove (May 25) California, and Las Vegas, Nevada (May 29).
So best of luck to the CTCIC and their East Coast efforts. Be careful out there — but go.
Juan Mann is a lawyer and the proprietor of