Ground Zero In Occupied America: What You Can Do
By Juan Mann
[See also: The Struggle To Report Illegal Aliens: A Status Report]
The Open Borders propaganda machine of the so-called "mainstream" media sees to it that Americans are fed a steady diet of stories on the plight of illegal aliens crossing the border, and living "in the shadows" (while, of course, consuming taxpayer-funded services).
But as Peter Brimelow recently observed in the Blog, the impact of massive illegal immigration on the average American is a very real and scandalously unreported story.
As proprietor of for the past three years, I have been getting a steady stream of e-mails asking advice on how to report illegal aliens.
My correspondents aren’t necessarily stalwarts in the real immigration reform coalition. They probably don’t even care much about politics. But they definitely need help.
So how can someone report illegal aliens or criminal alien residents to the federal government?
First, read this article for background information.
If there is no U.S. Border Patrol station nearby, your best bet will be contact the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security by calling (866) DHS-2ICE to "report suspicious activity" — (866) 347-2423. Either make a report there or ask for the number of the nearest ICE field office with an investigations division "duty officer."
A list of phone numbers for former INS district offices that now have ICE investigations divisions has been complied by American Patrol in its report illegals section.
Please do not send reports to or its writers. We can only refer you back to this same information anyhow.
Here are some of the stories I've received via e-mail this past year, unedited to retain their authenticity … most in English, but some in Spanish too.
Illegal aliens overrunning a house of God
11/12/04 — I am not here to hurt anyone, but our church is under much stress. We saved and worked, and dreamed of our own church, and after twenty years with God’s help, we paid for the land and got our church. About five years ago, Hispanics joined too, and were welcome. We soon found out, most of them didn’t speak English. The council of our church got a nice brick church for them in [city] Georgia. They couldn’t pay to have the grounds took care of, and the power was turned off, because the bill went unpaid. Now our church is being overrun, and our electric bill has gone from fifty to three hundred dollars. This has got to stop. Why is our government not doing its job?
Beware hiring illegal aliens!
9/23/04 — I am an employer who hired an illegal alien for work. he gave me fraudulent documents to work, which I copied and took as real. he asked me to pay him cash and I did. at the end of approximately 8 weeks he quit and then filed with the Dept. Of Labor for a complaint that I never paid him anything, and is using a law service provided to these people to extort money not owed to him. Also I am subject to fines by Dept. Of Labor for non-withholdings and other penalties. We have time-cards and witness that he received his earnings. He also contests that he was to be paid a higher amount than I paid him. That amount is not made by anyone at my company. How does the Dept. Of Labor expect me to pay fines on someone who we don’t even have his true identity?
Fraudulent naturalized American citizen still at large
8/30/04 — I know of a person who submitted several fraudulent statements or documents to INS and who has since been granted citizenship because INS never really verified any of the submitted information. They had regular income that was unreported to the IRS for several years before being granted citizenship. They had been detained 3 or more times by the Sheriff’s Department for domestic incidents, but didn’t report that on the application (There were no arrests for the earlier incidents, but there was one for spousal battery a year after being granted citizenship). There was importation of more than $20,000 over several years (gifts from Mother!) that was not reported to the IRS.
Seeking help for false domestic violence accusations
8/30/04 — Thank you for placing letters from the victims of false accusations on the web. I am a victim of such accusations myself. I have tried many, many times to find articles on the web relating specifically to the abuse of Section 204 by these vicious aliens, and yours is the only site I have found. I am getting sick and tired of getting thousands of irrelevant websites, and websites designed to assist the illegal aliens!
European woman marries only for a green card
11/1/04 — I was born in New York, and at the age of 30 I went to Europe to get married. When I got married, I came with my wife to America. We had 2 kids, and one day when I told her we are going to Europe on vacation, she told me that "I only married you to come to this country." That night, she took my kids and left to a shelter. And now she is claiming that she has been battered, which is not true. She is making false allegations and using my kids as a shield. And the funny part when she went to the shelter, she made no claim until I filed a petition to the courts to know where my kids were. After I saw the judge, my wife went and claimed that I beat her in the body, which is not true. I always argued with her because she never took care of her kids. Please help me in what to do.
Reporting a fraudulent Texas tourist
7/8/04 — Espero que usted si hable Espanol estoy tratando de deportar a una persona que vive en San Antonio, Texas yo tengo todos los datos esta persona falcifico con ayuda de otro senor documentos para estar con una visa de turista en los Estados Unidos de Norte America, me gustaria me pudiera dar informacion sobre que debo hacer o si usted es la persona indicada para pasar todos estos datos le agradeceria me contestara este correo, Gracias y que pase buen dia.
[I hope that you, if you speak Spanish, I am trying to deport a person that lives in San Antonio, Texas. I have all the data on this false person, who with the help of another person has documents to be with a tourist visa in the United States. I would like for you to give me information on what I must do, or if you are the indicated person to pass all this information to, I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer this mail. Thank you and have a nice day.]
Veteran’s swimming pool business sunk by "Sergio "
9/8/04 — I had my own swimming pool business in, and like most contractors picked up these illegals and my heart honestly went out to these guys. I ran my business with just my brother and I, after both of us had just finished active duty in the us navy. I love my country and I believe every one deserves a chance. This one guy worked on and off for me when we needed an extra hand…
Getting to my point, this guy Sergio that worked for me basically ran my business into the ground. I took him into my home tried to get him a work permit, let him have one of my trucks to drive and payed him well when he worked. I come to find out that he and some of the guys he lives with were going out using my name and soliciting work. And once things got out of control, everything back-lashed and it was like falling dominos. Job after job that Sergio was in charge of completing either wasn’t paying, would not let us on the property, or threatened to sue. When I confronted Sergio, he basically told me "oh well," so I let him go. The following weekend I went on vacation. When I came back, my van was gone and the first thing that came to my mind was Sergio. I called him and his reply was that he took the van for monies owed to me as ransom. Now Sergio was paid per completion by the job, since some jobs were left in disarray and I could not even begin to explain the mess I was left in. I called the cops they told me to go to Sergio ’s house, bring the title to the van, and if it was there call the cops from there, and they will arrest him. So like a fool I called Sergio and gave him a warning and when I got to his house my van was there, so without even thinking, I got in my van and took it home. The next week or so I spent making a list of all the tools missing and all the damage done to my brand new van. I have estimated over $15,000 in tools and damage. The cops said I could file a grand larsony report, but what good would that do? Sergio would just get a free ride back to Mexico.
Following that, I get a letter in the mail from a "workplace project" that Sergio (and a few other illegals I don’t even know) are obtaining help to sue for wages owed in the amount of $25,000. I almost passed out, because to be honest, I was left so bad off by Sergio, and had burned so many bridges with some of my main sources of income where I had to sell my wife’s new truck, my new truck, the van Sergio had because I couldn’t afford to pay for the damages to it. And I sold my new dump truck just to get rid of some debt because I’m now unemployed. I’m left with one van for me and my wife. I shut down my business and I’m now in the process of filing bankruptcy. I can’t believe this guy could basically destroy my life. I was so excited when I came home from the service I was ready to conquer the world now all I care about is saving my marriage and being able to support us.
These Americans need help. Their government is not giving it to them — yet.
Juan Mann is a lawyer and the proprietor of