Half 2010 GOP Senate Intake Dodged Voting On Immigration — "Why Cumbereth Them The Ground?"

By Patrick Cleburne


With Congress now thankfully in recess — the new Senate session starts on January 23rd — this is time to evaluate the first year of 2010’s new Senators from the point of view of patriotic immigration reform.

I use the invaluable NumbersUSA data.

In a word, the situation is OUTRAGEOUS!

HALF! (50%) of the 12 new GOP Senators simply did not vote on the key immigration issues as defined by Numbers USA:

Kelly Ayotte NH

Dan Coats IN

John Hoeven ND

Rob Johnson WI

Rob Portman OH

Patrick Toomey PA

VDARE.com believes that even our enemies would disapprove: Senators are not put on the public payroll to dodge major national issues.

There were plenty of opportunities to express an opinion: the rest of the incoming GOP class did fairly well:

Boozman AS A+

Moran KS A

Blunt MO B+

Lee UT B

Paul KY B-

Rubio FL B-

In the case of Senators Coats and Portman, the patriot cause may have benefited from their cowardice, They had deplorable records as Congressman, of D and D+ respectively.

And for the record: two-thirds (66%) of the Democratic Senators were F or worse in the NumbersUSA survey.

This is the Treason Lobby — Legislative branch. The Democrats simply, blindly, want to Elect a New People.

Only 10.6% of all Republican Senators were A or above.

Fully an eighth — 12.8% — of all Republican Senators failed to register an opinion.


This extraordinary non-participation by the new Republican Senators in this matter of established public importance suggests to VDARE.com that some moronic component of the GOP Congressional Leadership advised these Senators to hide. The no-show proportion is just too high to be chance.


VDARE.com has particular contempt for New Hampshire’s Senator Ayotte, who put out literature in her campaign attacking her Romneyesque opponent:

“Bill Binnie: Supports Amnesty. Opposes Arizona Immigration Law… The fact is, in his own words Bill Binnie moved his manufacturing plant to Mexico. Supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. Opposes the Arizona immigration law,”

and yet has never voted.

Clearly a separate question for any Republican this Fall, beyond “What is your Immigration position?" is: “Will you actually vote?”

Otherwise one has to ask of this group the question of Luke 13 chapter 1 verse 7

why cumbereth it the ground?

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