Happy New Year — Unhappy Old Nation?

By Sam Francis


New Year’s is often the occasion for looking ahead at what the future will bring, and for the United States whatever we can see doesn’t look much like it did in the past. From California comes news that that state will soon look even less like it used to — and as California goes, so goes the nation.

A new study of babies born in California in 1998 by the University of California at Los Angeles reveals that soon the entire state will look like Los Angeles does now — that is, Latino.

"We can see the future of California by looking into delivery rooms today," the study crows. "By the time today’s kids become adults, the state will be just slightly under half Latino and we won’t need any immigration to achieve it," says the study’s author, David E. Hayes-Bautista, [send him mail] director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Who, you may wish to ask, is "we"?

"We" are the future people of California, the people who are carrying out what "we" call the "Reconquista," the Reconquest. As David Lopez, a sociologist at California State University at Northridge, [send him mail] expresses it, "In 1848, Mexico lost the war, but in 2050, Mexico will have reclaimed what was rightfully theirs."

Well, at least we (that is the real "we," the old American people as opposed to the new one lurching toward Los Angeles to be born) know whose side he’s on.

If you don’t think there are two sides, then you're probably part of the Open Borders crowd, which has been chirping about the massive influx of immigrants for years, denouncing anyone who questioned it as a racist and hatemonger and assuring anyone who cared to listen that the new immigrants would assimilate and become good Americans. As usual, the Open Borders crowd got it wrong — totally wrong.

Good Americans don’t boast of how "Mexico will have reclaimed what was rightfully theirs" when the Latinos come marching in. What the demographic explosion of Latino babies in California foreshadows is not just the ethnic transformation of the state but its political and cultural return to Mexico — as the Los Angeles Daily News, which reported on the new study, says, "As Latino populations continue to surge, California as a whole will revert to its roots." [Peter Brimelow reflects on this idea that America is an "aberration".]

In Los Angeles county, nearly two-thirds — 62.4 percent — of all births are Latino. Of the more than 500,000 babies born in the state in 1998, 47.5 percent were Latino. In Los Angeles Latinos already outnumber non-Hispanic whites by 42.1 percent to 41.6 percent, and by 2016, the study projects, Latinos will make up the majority of young adults in the entire state.

As Mr. Hayes-Bautista noted, "we" won’t need immigration to achieve majority status, but it certainly helps. "If the (Latino) immigration were ever to cease, I think the Hispanic birth rate would decrease dramatically," says another expert, David M. Heer, senior scholar of the Center for Immigration at the University of California, San Diego. "But I don’t see immigration declining." Nor should he.

Yet another study, this one conducted by the National Population Council, an agency of the Mexican government, says that between 400,000 and 500,000 Mexicans will migrate to the United States every year for the next 30 years. "Within three decades, the study predicts 18 million Mexicans living in the US, in addition to more than 14 million second and third generation Mexicans already living north of the border."

Note that the report, from the Mexico News Service, doesn’t hesitate to call them "Mexicans," even if they come from folks living in the United States for two or three generations.

That’s why they call it "reconquista."

Immigrants who come in such huge numbers are not really immigrants at all, of course, but invaders, and the invasion of the Southwestern United States by Mexico is precisely what is happening. Indeed, the UCLA study of new births in California makes clear that what I have previously called "colonization" is an even better term for what’s going on.

It’s going on because the Mexican government and ruling class has never convinced itself that it lost the Mexican-American war fairly or that the land that was ceded to the United States is really no longer Mexican. Hence, the Mexican government does everything it can to encourage mass immigration into the United States and to manipulate the Mexicans who immigrate for its own national purposes.

That is perhaps understandable. What is not understandable is why "our" government — "our" referring to the real American people, whose ancestors created the United States — tolerates and even seems to be in league with what is now clear will be the destruction of American national unity and probably, as Latino birth rates and immigration continue to swell even beyond California, of the United States itself.


December 31, 2001

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