"I’ve Had Enough" — An Open Letter To President George W. Bush

By Peter Gadiel


From Peter Gadiel

George W. Bush
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C.

Dear George,

It looks as though the House of Representatives is telling you and the U.S. Senate/ House of Lords to drop dead on amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. The House is holding hearings across the country on the idea. And of course — since 80 percent of Americans think it stinks — that’s gonna to be the kiss of death.

The House’s attentiveness to the wishes of the American people is in such sharp contrast to your obvious contempt for them. It makes me think about your disastrous speech of May 15, the one where you tried to sell Americans on the idea of amnesty.

So I thought I'd write and offer you a little advice.

I mean, it looks like you actually thought Americans would be fooled. Sorry to disappoint you, but the House’s insistence on allowing Americans to show their anger in public hearings shows that no-one was taken in.

Let’s face it George, anyone who isn’t brain dead, understands that when someone commits a crime and he’s given a pardon and the slate is wiped clean, well, that’s amnesty. And your whole speech was about trying to fool us on that point.

Of course I do see the distinction between an ordinary amnesty and the super duper kind of amnesty that you're proposing. With an ordinary amnesty, the criminal just gets back the same rights that he had before he committed the crime. He’s restored to where he was before he broke the law; nothing more.

What’s different in your proposal is that in addition to forgiving all the crimes committed by illegals and "wiping the slate clean" you actually want to give these criminals a giant reward on top of it: U.S. citizenship.

So I guess I see your point. What you and McCain and Kennedy and Lieberman and Hagel are talking about is not amnesty because a real amnesty would mean just letting the illegals return home and then allowing them to apply for immigration visas without holding it against them that they'd broken our laws.

That’s not what you and the Senate Gang have in mind at all. You want to let 'em stay here and then give 'em a big prize.

Sure as shootin', George, that ain’t ordinary amnesty, it’s a whole 'nother thing.

No wonder you gotta call it something else.

I mean, suppose you rob a bank. And you get caught, and instead of punishing you the government tells you that if you quit robbing banks for a few years, at the end of that time some bureaucrat is gonna give you a million dollars. No one in his right mind would call that "amnesty." We'd have to make up a whole new word for it.

And you, and McCain, and Teddy (the hero of Chappaquidick) already have: you call it "earned legalization."

Hmm. Makes me want to go out and commit a crime so I can win a prize from my government.

But look Georgie, your lies aren’t working. No one’s fooled.

Let me tell you what I think is going on here. I'll use an analogy so you get it, okay?

Let’s say there’s this cop, named Patrolman Bush, and every day he walks his beat in Kennebunkport, Maine. And every single day he sees crimes committed by guys who are members of a gang run by Vinnie the Fox. Every single day he watches Vinnie’s guys beat up old ladies, commit murder, drive drunk and run over pedestrians, whatever.

He knows when they're gonna do it and where they're gonna do it. And this Patrolman Bush, he doesn’t do anything! He just stands there…every single day…watches it all happen and lets 'em walk away from their crimes without arresting them. Of course, after a while the people of Kennebunkport get a little suspicious. They wonder: "Hey, how come Officer Bush stands by and watches these guys do all this stuff in front of him…every single day…and he never does anything about it?"

So, imagine that situation Georgie. I mean, people are gonna start asking questions right? They might even, Heaven forbid, say that Officer Bush is, well, a little dishonest. No?

They might go to the Police Chief and say: "Chief, we certainly don’t wanna suggest that Officer Bush is not a nice man…after all he talks about God all the time and about how he has a favorite hymn and all that…but since he lets Vinnie the Fox’s gang commit all these crimes…every single day…and doesn’t do anything, we're kinda wondering if maybe Patrolman Bush is not on the up and up."

You see my point here, Georgie? I mean you're the cop on the beat. The Big Cop, responsible for enforcing all the federal laws. And you're letting Vicente Fox’s gang commit crimes on a massive scale…every single day…while you keep starving the Border Patrol, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

And then, in your speech on May 15 you actually admitted you know that guarding our borders would discourage illegal immigration! And Georgie, for over five years, you've had the power to secure our borders and you've refused to do a damn thing.

So, you know, people are like, well they're asking questions, George. They're wondering if maybe you are not on the up and up.

But as for me, George, I’m not asking questions anymore. I've reached my conclusions. And even though you don’t give a virtual fence about what I think, I’m gonna tell you why you should be worried about what I think.

See George, I’m a registered Republican; have been since the day I was eligible to register to vote. Voted for every Republican presidential candidate from Nixon on. Even you (at least in 2000).

Now, I gotta admit I don’t vote straight Republican. I split my vote. But even so, I’m a dyed in the wool, rock-ribbed, Main Street Republican, and I should be the kind of guy who’s gonna be in your corner until the end of the line. If you don’t care what I think then that might mean you're out of touch with your "base."

So here’s what I think, George. I think that you have violated your oath of office. You have refused to live up to the most basic obligation that every public official in America has: to protect his fellow Americans from foreign attack, preserve the general welfare and enforce the law (all the laws, George, not just the ones you like).

So George, I've had enough. It’s time to admit that, like the cop on the beat who lets the criminals do what they want every day and lets 'em walk, you don’t belong in your job. It’s time for you to go.

Clear out your desk, grab your Bible and go back to whatever it was you did before a vicious trick of fate inflicted you on the American people.

Let me add one thing George. My son James was one of those killed on 9/11 in the Trade Center. I remember you standing on the ruins of his building a few weeks later. (George, I've never gotten any remains of James, so you were standing on the only tomb my son will ever know.) And I remember you saying to the American people: "I hear you."

Well, George, you sure fooled me. I thought you were saying this: 'My fellow Americans, the monsters that did this should never have been allowed to get into this country and I'll do everything I can to make sure no one like that ever gets in again.'

But since that time George I've seen you do everything in your power to make sure monsters like that have no problem walking across the Mexican border; no problem getting visas and no problem overstaying when their visas expire.

You've made sure criminals and terrorists from many countries can legally enter the US without a visa or biometric identifiers on their passports. You even connive with Vicente Fox to let illegal aliens use his "matricula consular cards" to ship money out of the country and to evade US immigration law. (These are the same cards that the FBI calls a threat to national security, and, by the way, just recently your people at the Department of Homeland Security let my friend Bruce DeCell get into their building with his own fake matricula card.)

And now your boys in the Commerce Department are planning to ignore a law that’s been on the books for over 60 years and they're gonna let foreigners control our airlines. On top of that you're collaborating with the Saudis in some scheme to let their guys get scholarships to learn aviation in the USA so that more of 'em can join those other nice Saudis who hijacked those planes on September 11.

(Now I know what you meant when you walked out on your porch in Crawford with that Saudi prince and said that you and he "share a vision": it’s a vision of more Saudi Arabians committing more 9/11 attacks and of you as the president who helps 'em into the cockpits!)

So Georgie, I know you don’t give a damn about what I think. Heck, I’m just an American. So in your mind that means I’m so dumb that I'll believe you when you say that "amnesty isn’t amnesty." I guess you figure that since Bill Clinton got away with saying "It depends what the meaning of the word 'is' is," that you could disgrace the Presidency just like him and get away with it.

But Georgie, here’s your problem. I’m a straight arrow kinda guy. I’m not like those people at MoveOn.org who made excuses for Clinton…I've got standards.

I thought Bill Clinton was about as low as a man could sink. And I thought Jimmy Carter was the most dangerous President that my country would ever have to endure. I never believed there could be another president who was as careless about the security of our country or as big a liar as Slick Willy, and I never believed there could be another president who would be as much of a threat to our country as Mr. Peanut was.

But I was wrong, George.

You beat 'em both, George.

You beat 'em by a mile.



Peter Gadiel ( email him) is president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America. His son, 9/11 World Trade Center victim James Gadiel (North Tower, 103rd floor), was 23 at the time of his murder.

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