"ICE, Do Your Duty!" D.A. King Reports Another Illegal Alien Demonstration
By D.A. King
11 September 2004
Special Agent Ken Smith
Special Agent in Charge
Atlanta Region
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
1691 Phoenix Blvd.
Atlanta, Georgia. 30349
770 994 4200
"In the simplest terms, ICE is responsible for enforcement within the U.S. interior and internationally, investigating individuals or organizations that breach or attempt to breach U.S. border security." IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT (ICE) Fact Sheet, March 31, 2004
Special Agent Smith,
The above quote is taken from the I.C.E. Website, and describes your sworn duties to the American public.
I write as a follow-up to my telephone call of September 9, 2004 to your superior, Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary for Transportation and Border Security Asa Hutchinson’s office. [202 282-8355, ]
With that telephone call and this letter I am making your offices aware of a publicly announced gathering of admitted illegal aliens and people, some who are elected government officials, that have made it known that they will be assisting, transporting and encouraging these illegal aliens. All of these actions are in violation of federal law.
A for profit group known as "The Hispanic Services Foundation" [E-mail them] holds a permit to demonstrate at the Georgia Capitol Building in Atlanta on Thursday, 16 September 2004 at 10:00 AM. The purpose of this demonstration is to demand that illegal aliens be granted a Georgia driver’s license. They have made it public knowledge that the crowd will be composed of the aforementioned illegals.
This collection of illegal aliens is a repeat of a similar event that occurred last September, which I attended. At that time, I saw, and spoke with, enforcement officers from your office who were present. Despite full knowledge and a clear view of the blatant violation of USC Title 8, sections 1324 and 1325, there were no arrests or apprehensions of any of the hundreds of illegal aliens gathered directly across the street.
The large majority of these people carried signs not only admitting that they were in our nation illegally, but also boasting of the fact, while taunting the Americans watching as our laws were ignored.
A large group of American citizens, including myself will again be present at this year’s version of public flouting of our Homeland Security laws. Many members of the local, national and international media will be on hand to record and report on the actions of these illegal aliens, their enablers and the law enforcement actions by you and your office. Included in this group will be a producer and camera crew from CNN Presents, who are producing a one-hour documentary concerning illegal immigration in the U.S. to air worldwide.
I am making this letter public, and forwarding copies to news media and many members of Congress. I am also sending a copy to Under Secretary Hutchinson’s office.
I am an American citizen demanding that our republic and my family be protected, and that you act to enforce the law, as is, once again, your sworn duty. All of the above described actions and violations of federal law represent a threat to our national homeland security.
I have personally been threatened with violence for speaking out on this crisis, and fear for my personal safety because of your office’s neglect in enforcing our immigration laws or apprehending those who have breached our "border security".
Such as it is.
I am enclosing several news stories announcing the event I describe, its participants and exact time and location, along with photos from last year’s collection of criminals.
I demand justice sir.
D.A. King
Marietta, Ga.
cc: Under Secretary for Transportation and Border Security: Asa Hutchinson.
Special agent John Chakwin, Deputy SPAIC, Atlanta B.I.C.E.
D.A. King is proprietor of The American Resistance