By Sam Francis
Many Americans know about the Texas town of El Cenizo, which not long ago announced it would no longer allow federal immigration laws to be enforced within its precincts and actually outlawed any city employee from enforcing them.
Neither the president of the United States nor his attorney general nor even the governor of Texas — an hombre named George W. Bush — bothered to do or say much of anything about what was essentially a public announcement of rebellion. Now, not too surprisingly, other towns in the same region are following its example.
One such town is that of Mesa, Ariz., near Phoenix, where the mayor, Keno Hawker, recently proposed that the local police help federal immigration authorities enforce immigration laws. Of course, that’s exactly the opposite of El Cenizo, but it didn’t last long.
No sooner had the mayor uttered his suggestion than the brown battalions swung into action. A group called the Mesa Association of Hispanic Citizens declared a "Keno Watch" to keep an eye on the mayor, and "monitor the political actions and announcements of Mayor Hawker and the City Council and identify those which are detrimental to the Hispanic community." The group also leagued with what the Arizona Republic calls "about half a dozen other Hispanic groups" and vowed to initiate civil-rights proceedings against the city if its cops actually dared to enforce the law.
It also announced that the coalition would investigate the local police for discrimination in hiring, approach federal agencies about employment opportunities in the city for Hispanics and intensify voter-registration efforts. On top of all that, a representative of one of the chief Hispanic racist groups, the National Council of La Raza ("the Race"), popped up to denounce the mayor and sputter yet more threats of what would happen if anyone in town enforced the law. "Surely this is not what Mayor Hawker wants for his city or his constituents," purred La Raza’s Lot Diaz.
Well, no, probably not. What Hawker seems to have wanted was just to do his job, which is executing the laws of his city and those of the federal government when applicable- as they certainly are in Arizona — where thousands of illegal immigrants have poured over the border for the last couple of years. Nor is it exactly what the American people want, the vast majority of whom would like less immigration as well as a bit more law enforcement, both to keep the illegals out as well as to protect themselves from the illegals who sneak in.
But, thanks to the racial solidarity of Hispanics, their willingness to use their collective racial power to force themselves into this country despite the laws and the availability of federal power to help them against real Americans, what the American people want means virtually nothing.
Hawker has not backed down, but he hasn’t exactly been pushing forward, either. He now says he should have consulted local Hispanic leaders to "get their input on the plan." Why? Does the FBI meet with Italian-Americans before cracking down on La Cosa Nostra? Only if we assume that the "local Hispanic leaders" are somehow representative of the illegal aliens invading the country do the leaders have any connection with a simple law-enforcement plan.
The mayor also announced he would "work with Hispanic groups and said that race will not play a part in how the Police Department performs its duties." "I’m opposed to any type of racial profiling but not criminal profiling," he assured everyone.
Bully for the mayor! If he’s really against "racial profiling" in hiring, he'll soon get the boot from the mayor’s office, since "racial profiling" for hiring is more generally known as affirmative action. Racial profiling is OK for discriminating against whites; it’s just taboo when used against non-white criminals.
Diaz says that other towns have tried to pull the same stunt of enforcing the law that Mesa tried, but they haven’t gotten away with it either. She named San Jose and Farmersville, Calif., and Katy, Texas — but "in all cases, the cities abandoned their plans when faced with civil-rights violations and lawsuits."
The plain meaning of the Mesa story is this: Immigration policy — who and how many people we allow to enter our country — is ceasing to lie in the hands of Americans or their legal government. Once immigration has reached a certain level, neither our laws nor the officials who make and enforce the laws are able to stop it, and power naturally passes to the immigrants and those allied with them.
In Mesa, as in El Cenizo and the other towns Diaz mentioned, that point has already been reached. If immigration is not halted very soon, the entire nation will reach it before long.
February 20, 2001