
Immigration reaches the Heartland

white doe

By Virginia Dare


By "Uncle Sam"

(Peter Brimelow writes: Recently we've received many of these reports — from the South, from the Upper Midwest, from suburban New York. It’s simply a function of the numbers. The good news: It means that immigration as a political issue is reaching critical mass all over the country. Significantly, "Uncle Sam" wants to remain anonymous "for career-continuance purposes." Another blessing of diversity.)

Colorado is on its way to Third World status. The Sept. 2 Denver Rocky Mountain News reported that during 1990-99, the Hispanic population grew 42.2%, and the Asian presence grew 62.1%. European Americans went up by 19.3%. Of course this means we will be a minority in Colorado in x-number of years. More than 20% of the state’s births are Hispanic.

What’s amazing is that Colorado is supposed to be a 'refuge' state for European Americans fleeing California and other immigrant destinations. Yet even here our population is being outpaced by immigrants. And that includes the counties where the price of housing is highest, where the growth is highest. Even in mountain communities, nothing stops the Mexican invasion. They're everywhere. And most are illegal.

Douglas County borders the city and county of Denver to the south. It’s growing faster than any other Denver-area county. The county is upper-middle-class and 93% white. But even in Douglas County, the ultimate 'white refuge' county for white flight from other states, where our population grew by 156% during the 1990’s, Hispanics and Asians outgrew us percentage-wise by large margins. That means there’s no hope ANYWHERE for having a stable, long-term European American community of any size.

And interesting numbers for Denver County, which is just the city of Denver. The European American population there declined slightly during the '90’s, while others gained big-time of course. And surrounding counties had large white gains. This shows we aren’t moving into Denver anymore. The city schools are 51% Hispanic, 24% black, 23% white. They tend to have the lowest school test scores in the area, and the city has the most crime and gangs. If I had kids, I wouldn’t put them into that environment. Too bad, because Denver has nice areas. But most of the resident European Americans are older and have long since sent their kids through Denver public schools. Or don’t yet have school-age kids — and will bolt to the suburbs the moment they do.

So by bypassing Denver (for good reasons), we are forced to put building pressures on surrounding areas … causing growth, sprawl, traffic, less farmland. If the immigration numbers were 1/6 of what they are now, we would be more often moving into the city of Denver, and much of the vast suburban sprawl of Denver probably wouldn’t exist. The numbers of European Americans moving to Colorado in the first place would be much lower if not for Third World immigration forcing us out of California and other locales.

Now there is a 'growth control' initiative coming up on the ballot. It involves area cities and counties trying to manage growth, open space, traffic. Millions of dollars are being poured into the campaign, from growth-control advocates and by builders who want to capitalize on the exploding population (which is expected to rise by 1 million in the next 20 years, 50,000 per year). If the 1965 Immigration Act hadn’t been passed, this expensive fight wouldn’t be happening.

Either way, things will get worse. If the growth control thing passes, fewer homes will be built, meaning that housing prices will rise even more than they are now … and the 'American Dream' will be out of reach for most, just as in the Bay Area. If the initiative fails, the growth will spiral and getting to work will take forever and a day. Highways will be gridlocked either way.

Looking ahead, as these trends continue, European Americans will eventually leave Colorado en masse, California-style, because of crowding and Third World-ization.

The U.S. government will be cheering every step of the way.

Here are the 1999 numbers for the Denver area — Census Bureau estimates. Growth rates from 1990 in parentheses.

Adams County, pop. 331,045
— — — — — — — — —
White: 70.5% (+17.3%)
Hispanic: 22.3% (+50.4%)
black: 3.6% (+34.4%)
Asian: 3.5% (+66.8%)

Arapahoe County, pop. 482,089
— — — — — — — — — —
White: 83.0% (+19.5%)
Hispanic: 6.8% (+51.8%)
black 6.4% (+32%)
Asian 3.9% (+35.6%)

Boulder County, pop. 273,117
— — — — — — — — —
White: 87.2% (+18.1%)
Hispanic: 8.3% (+48.9%)
black: 1.0% (+38.8%)
Asian 3.2% (+58.6%)

Denver County, pop. 499,775
— — — — — — — — —
White: 55.3% (-0.04%)
Hispanic: 27.8% (no info.)
black: 15.0% (+21.2%)
Asian 3.3% (+14%)
A. Indian 1.4% (+6%)

Douglas County, pop. 156,860
— — — — — — — — —
White: 93.0% (+156%)
Hispanic: 4.0% (+228%)
black: 0.8% (+205%)
Asian: 1.2% (+264%)
A. Indian 0.5% (+162%)

Jefferson County, pop. 509,222
— — — — — — — — — —
White: 88.1% (+13.5%)
Hispanic: 8.5% (+40.5%)
black: 0.8% (+29.6%)
Asian: 2.4% (+58%)

Statewide: pop. 4,056,183
— — — — — — — —
White: 78.3% (+19.3%) — Down from 80.8% in 1990.
Hispanic: 14.9% (+42.2%)
black: 4.3% (+29.6%)
Asian: 2.5% (+62.1%)
A. Indian: 0.9% (+20.7%)

Percentages over 100% I guess mean some people are in more than one category.

September 6, 2000

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