In My Hate Mail: America’s Funeral Pyre?

By Juan Mann


[ warning: Strong language. Bad spelling. And something you almost never see on our moderate, sensible website: hate.]

The gentlemanly debate on the National Question last Fall between Steve Sailer, advocating a new American "citizenism", and Jared Taylor, advocating racially-conscious White Nationalism, has no parallel among immigration enthusiasts.

The most vocal opponents of any and all immigration law enforcement are not at all ashamed of viewing the immigration scofflaw problem explicitly in racial terms.

Consider the January 30 news bulletin from La Voz de AztlanImmigration Crisis: Preparations for the Mexicano/Latino Leadership Summit being finalized – in which "Summit facilitator" Professor Armando Navarro was quoted as saying:

" … the challenge facing all of us as Mexicanos and Latinos, especially our organizations, leaders, politicians, and activists is to set aside whatever differences we may have with each other and unite under the banner of solidarity in defense of our people, especially migrants, in order to defeat the Sensenbrenner legislation [H.R. 4437] and realize major immigration reform." (My emphasis).

Mexican racial consciousness alert! Jared Taylor, call your office!

I’m not surprised. Professor Navarro sounds a lot like some of my hate e-mailers.

As the proprietor of, the negative e-mails I receive generally fall into the same two general categories: 1) shock over any immigration law enforcement; 2) outright Mexican racism/separatism.

Most hate letters say either


So let’s start from square one. Even before Steve Sailer defined the term, the web site was a purely "citizenist" effort to explain the systematic behind-the-scenes rigging of federal immigration law enforcement.

I've posted the same thesis since November 2001:

"It’s time to abolish the permanent amnesty bureaucracy of the U.S. Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) … and enforce federal laws to detain and deport all illegal aliens and criminal alien residents!" doesn’t really say much compared to my expanded Absolutely Definitive Essay on the failure of the federal immigration litigation bureaucracy, or my archived writings on My hate mailers probably just glanced at the domain name or the home page at best. No one ever mentions the EOIR either. But they all come with great animus…and take the time to let me know about it.

Here’s an unedited, un-spell-checked, uncensored sampling from my latest hate mail. In soundly rejecting both Sailer’s and Taylor’s visions by offering instead only "citizenist" apathy and Mexican separatism, neither of these answers bode well for America.

"You are a very mean person … nice work done on all your web pages"

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006

From: Isabel Ibarra

You are a very mean person who seems to be selfish. why are you against all illegal aliens? What have they done to you? Are you going to support them? of course not, I seriously don’t understand what bothers you. Let me tell you something, you and everyone else who is against this law called the "DREAM ACT" are just waisting your precious time on trying to encourage people to deport aliens. This Bill will be passed on by this Year 2006 so that good people can have an opportunity in this country. Maybe PEOPLE should start working on better things like how to help students and encourage them to continue succeeding in life. jajajaja

Sincerely, Isabella Iberia

P.S. I was an ilegal alien many years ago, buy THANKS to my husband I was able to become a Resident of the U.S. and later a U.S. Citizen like you! I hope you are not an illegal! Funny right?

By the way nice work done on all your web pages, hopefully you change your ideas because they are just going to waste. :)

" … hold a slim position of power, and a badly built website"

Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006
From: bulldog grevol
Subject: BIGOT!!!!

Hello my name is Joe Cortez, and i just wanted to express my opinion to you, i believe that you are a lousy Bigot, who believes that the white supremisy uis the best, you dispise hard working immigrants because you claim they take up jobs? you want every Illegal alien in the United States deported? when all they are doing is assiting and improving the economy, they work hard in the fields (a job which you would NEVER even think about doing) and you would cry like a baby back bitch if you ever had to do it for at least a day, Now your upset at the Government because it is passing laws which are aiding illegal aliens to attend post secondery education on in state tuitions, your upset now because the illegal aliens are no longer dumb witted, you KNOW they are now in competition for the better jobs, YOUR job, YOUR children’s job, and you know they are harder workers so YOU KNOW they will beat you out of those jobs thats why now while you still hold a slim position of power, and a badly built website, attempt to get your little voice out there, in an attempt to remove the illegal aliens out of the U.S. but if you do so, who’s going to clean your restrooms?, who’s going to pick up the garbage, i'm sure as hell your lazy fat ass wont. All i'm saying is that if they meet the requirements to attend an in state college, if they have the brains and the will, to make an attempt at post-secondary education, then why shouldn’t they? if you have anything to say, i can’t wait to hear it.

A greeting sent from the Las Vegas Recovery Center treating drug, alcohol and gambling addiction

Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:33:45 -0800
From: "Nursewest"

this is a stupid website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if it was not for mexicans you would not be doing anything who do you think does all your dirty work and do it very well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so no im not going to report any one so take your dumb as web site and shove it .

Confused by Emma Lazarus: "the United States once said, "Bring me the Poor, the Criminals and i shall make the best of them."

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 22:25:17 -0800 (PST)
From: jenny gomez

I am writing you an E-mail because i am extremely concern with the content of this page. The fact that many people like yourself have the guts to open up a website in order to inform "The American People" as you refer; on how to deport illegal or legal immigrants of this country is embarrassing. As a concern citizen of the United States, and daughter of once illegal resident of this country i am not only ashamed but sadden to see that in such a great country like the United States (a Country that i was born into) there is still such ignorant people like yourself. The U.S a country that as i supposed you know, is a country that was founded not only in the based of freedom, liberty, but also opportunities. As i supposed you can recall back to history, (we); the United States once said "Bring me the Poor, the Criminals and i shall make the best of them." [ note: for the record, the Emma Lazarus Poem on the Statue Of Liberty says nothing about criminals.] and as you know we now are the best and most powerful country in the world. Immigrants are not only criminals as you make them seem in your Website. These people are just like you and me or like our families that once came to this country for better opportunities. They have a dream "The American Dream" and all they want is a chance to make that dream come true. Twenty years ago when my family decided to migrate to the U.S, they sold all they had in their country and with many debts behind them they decided to make the American Dream come a reality. My father crossed the Mexican desert by himself in which he got lost for two weeks, during this time he got bit by a snake and almost died. Until Immigration saw his body and saw that he was still alive, and instead of taking him to a doctor like any person would do, they took him to jail; thankfully they saw all his efforts and allowed him to stayed. Now just asked yourself if you think that a person that is willing to risk their lives for their family future does not deserves to be a part of our great country. The American dream is something that our families have all come for, and i refer to we because i do not think that yourself is a real American (unless you are a native American) since all the people that have come to this country have been and will forever be immigrants (like you and me). Hope this Email has widen up your opinion in regards to the immigrants that we have in this country, and that all they are doing is trying to find the American Dream.

" … Satan is actually a big Mexican"

Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006
From: Samuel Boss
Subject: Little Juan

You must be such a little man to hide your hate behind a website. I hope that you're still alive when people of Hispanic heritage finish taking over the U.S. and make assholes like you eat their words.

If it weren’t for those illegal aliens do you have any idea how much you would pay for tomatoes, corn, etc? You are one of the most ignorant and arrogant idiots that I have come across in the Internet.

So what are you going to suggest next shithead? To remove California, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, New York, New Jersey from the continental United States because they have illegal aliens or legal residents with a checkered past living there?

Man, it is wimps like you that have this country all fucked up. Let me guess, you also want to go against blacks and would like to see the KKK rule the world? You already have a president that thinks like Hitler, so half your dream is accomplished.

May god have pity on your ignorant soul, and may you burn in hell for eternity when your days are over on this earth.

By the way, I've heard Satan is actually a big Mexican, and has a special place designed just for asswipes like you.

Why don’t you reach between your legs and see if you still have a pair down there, maybe you can run a big political campaign based on your stupidity and become real popular. That’s right you can’t do that, because hiding behind a website is safer.

Poor little Juan, he thought he was a man … but he’s just a little man.

As I say, this doesn’t bode well for America.

To quote the late, great Enoch Powell, importing this Hispanic hate "is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre."

Juan Mann is an attorney and the proprietor of He writes a weekly column for and contributes to Michelle Malkin’s Immigration BLOG.

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