The Fulford File, By James Fulford

By James Fulford


Liberal Denounces Sierra Club Stalinists; etc

If you've been following our Sierra Club election coverage, you will be fascinated by this story by Karyn Strickler [The Best Directors Money Can Buy] about the amount of money spent to elect the pro-immigration slate. Karyn Striker, also a candidate for the Sierra board, was opposed to the immigration reformers and her article was posted on the leftist website Counterpunch. But she is scathing about Sierra management misconduct.

There’s a lawsuit in progress to overturn the results of the election. The Judge in charge of the case has stated, in his refusal to dismiss, that

"I do believe that there is probably going to be a pretty good chance of success on the merits with respect to the claim that the Sierra Club has not properly given equal time to all of the candidates."

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Stranger and Stranger

Daniel Pipes has an interesting post about Strange Immigration Cases on his website. The first is the case of an American Muslim Imam, who is seeking refuge in Britain to avoid what he says is "political persecution" in the US. He’s apparently afraid that all his jihad preaching will cause him to be wrongly suspected of a connection to terrorism.

The British play host to a number of guys like this, mostly supported by the British Welfare State.

The other is a French/Moroccan refugee, who has been granted refugee status in the US, as a fugitive from French corruption. Pipes' comment:

It would seem that between them, militant Islam and the partial exclusion of Muslims from European society might be changing the notion of asylum. (April 26, 2004)

I'd say it has. Especially since the people receiving the asylum may be more dangerous than their persecutors.

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More on Insane Asylum

The UK Spectator also has a piece on Islam and immigration in Britain, called How Islam has killed multiculturalism, by Rod Liddle.

Liddle points out that the Labor Party, which is scrambling to recover from recent asylum scandals, is now officially to the right of Ray Honeyford, the North of England school principal who was fired by his school board, years ago, for writing an anti-multiculturalist article in the Salisbury Review.

Honeyford is quoted as saying:

"'All I wanted was for Asian kids to have the same education as their white counterparts, and the overwhelming majority of Asian parents agreed,' he says. But such a view put him beyond the pale, back then — way, way out on the 'racist' Right.

"The same education as their white counterparts" included insisting that Muslim girls should learn how to swim, something that the more fundamentalist parents objected to.

The town of Bradford, where Honeyford was teaching, features canals, lakes, the river Aire and the river Wharfe, and has been known to flood. Honeyford would hardly have been doing them a favor by allowing them to skip swimming lessons for "cultural reasons." Liddle continues:

"And that’s how far the argument has traveled: a man who was once a fellow traveler of the Salisbury Review and the Monday Club now finds himself outflanked on the Right by the Commission for Racial Equality and a Labour government. All too bizarre. Asked how he feels about it today, Honeyford — a mild-mannered man and as far from being racist as it’s possible to get — suddenly finds his venom. 'It makes me feel sick,' he told me."

I’m not surprised that Honeyford is sickened by this. He is unlikely to get any apologies from the "anti-racist" crowd.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, conservative historian Robert Conquest was asked to do a second edition of his book on Communist mass murder, The Great Terror.

All its evidence had been sneered at by left-wing historians. But naturally, with the collapse of Communism, the truth had come out, and Conquest had been totally vindicated.

When his publisher asked if he had a suggestion for a new title, he said "How about "I Told You So, You — king Fools."

This would make a great title for a Honeyford autobiography.

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