The Fulford File, By James Fulford
Schwarzenegger Comes Out Against Illegal Immigration But Nobody Notices — Yet; etc.
The British news agency Reuters reports that Arnold Schwarzenegger, a legal immigrant who spent years struggling with the INS’s bureaucracy, says amnesty for illegal immigrants is unfair to legal immigrants.
"What he [Cruz Bustamente] doesn’t understand is that people like myself waited 15 years to get citizenship," Schwarzenegger, who came to the United States from Austria in the 1960s, said. "There are people who have been waiting 20 years. I find it unfair to all of a sudden push the whole thing with undocumented immigrants and say they should immediately get citizenship."
(Immigrant Arnold Wants More Secure Calif. Border, September 2, 2003, by Dan Whitcomb)
Schwarzenegger said this on KFI-AM 640’s "John and Ken Show." (Audio here. Immigration starts at 7 minutes 30 seconds.) Schwarzenegger speaks English very well, by the way, and you can compare him for example, to the audio of Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, of whom John and Ken say that "Due to the language barrier, she was unable to answer most of John & Ken’s questions."
Amazingly, the Reuters' report doesn’t seem to have been picked up in the American media at all.
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WSJ Edit Page’s Labor Day Revisionism
Well, maybe not so amazingly. A reader points out that the Wall Street Journal Edit Pagers, not content with claiming July 4 a.k.a. Independence Day for immigration, now apparently want Labor Day too.
Mary Anastasia O'Grady celebrated it with a piece booming illegal immigration on [Treating Immigrants Humanely | Sealing the borders isn’t an option, harnessing supply and demand is. August 30, 2003]
It’s the usual WSJ special pleading. Ms. O'Grady is an area specialist on "the Americas." She seems to have forgotten that her primary concern should be for "the America."
But check out the fierce "Reader Responses."
We don’t need any more illegal workers for low wage jobs that cost taxpayers billions of dollars in social services here in California. — Gary Rudnick — Palm Desert, Calif.
It’s easy for you wealthy Eastern elites to vapor about how much Mexicans contribute to the U.S., you don’t have live here in the Southwest with the problem. Les Waldron — La Mesa, Calif.
The real problem with illegal immigration is based in the government not pursuing employers who wish to keep down American wages because they run businesses that would fail in the real world or out of pure greed. Felipe Bover — Santa Fe, N.M.
The outright refusal to secure American borders and points of entry, especially in a time when hostile infiltration from abroad is a very real danger, is quite unjustifiable. National sovereignty and security are more important than cheap produce and affordable hired help. The mere invocation of the "market" or "demand" can never defend a policy that offers the enemies of the United States an easy means of access. Daniel Larison — Albuquerque, N.M.
Even in the inner sanctum of post-Americanism, the smoke of dissent is rising.
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Hispanic Killer and WSJ Edit Page, Part Dos
On August 27, while it was still breaking news, I wrote an item about the Chicago warehouse shooting, Hispanic Gunman Kills 7 in Chicago, a headline exclusive to
Now the rest of the story. Guess what, he was an immigrant.
A reader tipped us that he had seen confirmation of Tapia’s Mexican origin in a story from the Philippines. (The story was headed "Ople: No Filipino killed in Chicago shootout." My first thought was "Gee, thanks a lot, guys." But it’s a legitimate thing for the Philippine Foreign Affairs department to be worried about.)
Most of the US media, however, followed the rule that immigration status is only important in a victim. (Oddly, the Government of Mexico reverses this rule; they go all out for Mexicans on Death Row, and ignore their victims.)
One of the victims was Roberto Valles, whose funeral mass [ABC Video] was held Saturday, August 30, in Chicago, before his body was shipped back to Mexico for burial.
The ABC story of his sad death and funeral included the fact that he was an immigrant. But it didn’t include the immigration status of the man who shot him.
As soon as we posted last week’s story, I got an unfriendly email saying
Did you really use the deaths of those poor people in Chicago to make some vague and incorrect point that the killer was an illegal entrant?
Answer: Yes.
Partly to say I Told You So, (because I did, repeatedly). And partly because I knew the gun control people would be blaming the gun and we would hear, ad nauseum, that it was a Walther PP .380, and that it was made in Germany, but not that the killer came from Mexico.
From a public policy standpoint, immigration is infinitely more important than gun control.
Not only does Mexico have a murder rate three times as high as the United States, but its citizens don’t like Americans.
John Douglas, the famous FBI psychological profiler, and author of Mindhunter, has a link on his website to an Alamance Independent article in which he’s quoted:
Douglas told the online true-crime newspaper APB Online that he views [the serial "Railway Killer"] Resendez-Ramirez as committing crimes to satisfy immediate material needs, such as money — but murders in significant part out of anger at the rich America that keeps deporting him to his impoverished homeland. Such a motive would almost amount to a form of terrorism — because Douglas went on to say that Resendez-Ramirez doesn’t care what race, sex, or age his victims are, but rather hates the whole American population.
It’s not just Mexican illegals who see the U.S. as a nation where living standards are immensely higher than those of their homelands and come here illegally for that reason — but Mexico is the only Third World nation whose poor are blanketed by Hollywood’s airbrushed version of American prosperity.
How many more Resendez-Ramirezs are out there, waiting to go off?
Well, now we can name at least one: Salvador Tapia.
And, once again, as with Resendez-Ramirez and James Taranto, we can also name a Wall Street Journal Edit Page accomplice: Mary Anastasia O'Grady.
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