John Derbyshire: I Support Sessions vs Trump — Because Mueller Is A Disease Of The Skin, Immigration A Disease Of The Heart
I get queries and sometimes complaints from listeners asking me why I don’t give more time to the Special Prosecutor investigation, the intelligence-service scandals, Mrs. Clinton’s shenanigans and possible crimes in the 2016 campaign, and so on.
I also get listeners asking me — always, I must say, politely — where I stand in the feud between our President and his Attorney General Jeff Sessions. I’m not sure that "feud" is the right word. Certainly the President has strong feelings about Sessions and has expressed those feelings with his customary pith and vigor. Jeff, however, has kept shtum, unless I missed something. It takes two to tango, and also to feud.
Whatever: There is a real, serious disagreement there. Arguments on both sides are substantive and nontrivial. You can make a case for Trump’s side; you can make a case for Sessions. So which side am I on?
Answer: I’m with Sessions. I understand the arguments on the other side; and they are, as I said, nontrivial. You can certainly make the case that in recusing himself from anything to do with the Special Counsel, and failing to let the President know his position in a timely-enough manner, Sessions was being too punctilious.
I’m with Jeff none the less because of the underlying issues: on the one side, Special Prosecutor Mueller’s efforts to reverse the result of the 2016 election; on the other side the A-G’s firming up and enforcing our country’s immigration laws.
Permit me to draw an analogy.
Eighty years ago, China was in a sorry state. The titular government of the country had lost key parts of its territory to Japan; and in other parts, Mao Tse-tung’s Communists were challenging the central government’s authority.
Chiang Kai-shek, China’s military dictator, made it known that eradicating the Communists was his main priority. When people responded, "What about the Japanese?" he had a stock response. "The Japanese," he would say, "are a disease of the skin; the Communists are a disease of the heart."
I feel the same way about those two underlying issues. I can certainly see the President’s point of view. Mueller and his squads, aided of course by their Main Stream Media allies, must be as much fun for the President to live with as a cloud of mosquitoes at a summer picnic. They are, though, I believe, a disease of the skin. They can’t kill our Republic, or transform it into something its citizens don’t want it to be.
Our foolish immigration policies, and lackadaisical enforcement even of the feeble laws we have, can do those things. Our immigration folly is a disease of the heart.
Jeff Sessions knew this — and spoke fearlessly about it, and tried to legislate about it — when he was in the Senate. Now he’s at the Justice Department, he has done more to halt the creeping catastrophe of demographic replacement than any public official of the past half century. Read Neil Munro’s August 27th piece at Six Reasons Why AG Jeff Sessions Is Trump’s Hammer In The Fight Against Illegal Immigration.
The rumor going round is that Trump wants to fire Jeff Sessions after the November midterms. [Donald Trump just gave a GIANT hint about when he'll fire Jeff Sessions, by Chris Cillizza, CNN, August 30, 2018] The only way that would not be a disaster for the U.S.A. would be if Trump were then to appoint Sessions Secretary of Homeland Security and give the Justice Department to Kris Kobach.
To dismiss Sessions and put some milquetoast seat-warmer in his place, just for some leverage over Mueller, would be to turn all the government’s efforts towards fighting a disease of the skin while leaving a disease of the heart unattended to continue its silent, deadly progress.
John Derbyshire writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him. ) He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other books. He has had two books published by com:FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT (also available in Kindle) and FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT II: ESSAYS 2013.
For years he’s been podcasting at Radio Derb, now available at for no charge.His writings are archived at
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