Libertarians and Immigration Archive
Last Updated January 24, 2004
James Fulford writes: Libertarians (I am one) mostly hate the idea of immigration restriction, because it has to be enforced by the government. But as presently constituted, immigration is "just another government program". When I hear New Hampshiremen complaining about socialist immigrants from Massachusetts and Nevadans complaining about the similar "Californication" of their state, I can’t help wondering how libertarians expect immigrants from real police states to vote.
We'll be expanding this archive. Suggestions welcome!
Free Trade Does Not Imply Immigration — John C. Calhoun, by Marcus Epstein
"Natural Order, The State, And The Immigration Problem." by Hans Herman Hoppe
What Would Enoch Say? by Peter Brimelow
Special Immigration Issue of The Journal Of Libertarian Studies Summer 1998
Democracy vs. Freedom (And The Nation-State)? by Jared Taylor
Libertarians and Immigration, by James Fulford
Another Nobel Economics Laureate Drops, by Peter Brimelow
(Peter got a lot of e-mail on this. Perhaps the expression "libertarian loonies" was a bit intemperate. So was the passing mention of low-IQ libertarian loonies, in a Norm Matloff piece. However, "intemperate"is a VDARE method.)
Letter from a Libertarian — Randall Parker
VDARE — Q & A Session with Milton Friedman
VDARE — Livid Libertarians, Welfare and Immigration (contd.) by Peter Brimelow
Samuelson’s Slip-Up on Inequality, By Steve Sailer
The Mises Review on Alien Nation
Immigration: A Paleo-Libertarian View by Hans-Herman Hoppe
Wretched Reviews in Libertarian Magazines
Alien Nation Review: The Freeman, September 1995