The Obama White House continues to incite the lynching of George Zimmerman, although he has not even been charged in the death of Trayvon Martin — yet. And with typical uselessness, the Righteous Right has rolled over on its back like a spaniel.
On the Sunday morning CNN talk show State of the Union, White House spokesman David Plouffe doubled down on President Obama’s controversial comments on the case, calling GOP Presidential contenders Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum’s wimpy criticisms “reprehensible” and an appeal to [white?!!!??] “people’s worst instincts”. [Transcript]
On ABC’s The Week, George Will, perhaps the prototypical Main Stream Media [MSM] professional token conservative, took refuge in condemning Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law — designed to avoid the crazy cases where homeowners have gone to jail for resisting burglars. He did, however, caution that the MSM and “certain well-known agitators” ended up looking like fools in the Duke Rape Hoax.
For it’s not just blacks and white Lefties who are spouting this false narrative. Sean Hannity has sounded just like the liberals on his radio and TV show — though, like Will, he has dutifully intoned that we still need all the facts. And that’s essentially the line Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have parroted also.
National Review’s ignominious contribution to the issue: a now-notorious column by Editor Rich Lowry titled “Al Sharpton is Right.”
As it happens, of course, the shooter, George Zimmerman, is Hispanic. According to reports, Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, had a head wound and was heard screaming for help prior to shooting Martin. Zimmerman claims the boy attacked him from behind after trying to walk away from the confrontation. Over the weekend, a new witness surfaced who seemed to corroborate this. [Witness: Martin attacked Zimmerman, Fox Tampa, March 23, 2012]
Almost none of this has been mentioned in the MSM coverage. And the facts certainly don’t trouble the black race advocates and Leftist journalists who are hyping the case:
“Violence is killing Tray Martin,” Sharpton continued. “Don’t act like we are the ones [who are] violent. We didn’t shoot nobody.” [Sharpton emcees racially-focused Sanford rally, warns against use of violence [!!!], by Matthew Boyle, March 22, 2012]
These claims are even more jarring given a recent case where the roles were reversed. In 2006, a black Long Island man, John White, shot an unarmed white teen, Daniel Cicciaro, 17, who had come to his house to fight his son. But in December 2010, black New York Governor David Patterson commuted the sentence of White, who had served a mere 5 months for the killing.
None other than Al Sharpton who came to the defense if his co-racialist and applauded Gov. Patterson for letting White off.
Needless to say, this issue remained strictly local — with no marches, rallies or Presidential demands for justice for the unarmed white teen. Paterson commutes sentence of man who killed teen, WABC, December 23, 2010.
This is fundamental question: even if Trayvon Martin were attacked because he was black, why has it become a national issue?
Whites (and other non-blacks) are robbed, raped and murdered by blacks on a daily basis — with barely an eyebrow raised in the Main Stream Media or by politicians and race activists.
In the same time period as the Trayvon Martin incident, a multitude of anti-white attacks by blacks occurred that remained strictly local news.
Unlike the Trayvon Martin shooting, there were clear and obvious signs of racial motivations — for example, racial slurs — in most of these attacks.
Almost all of the black-on-white attacks involved multiple black attackers against white children, the elderly or the handicapped.
Also, unlike the Martin incident, these attacks were strictly local news — and caused no national outrage.
Of course, if President Obama had a son, he would not look like Jacob Appel or Allen Coon. So apparently he did not feel the need to comment on these attacks.
Given Obama’s racially-obsessed history, perhaps he does not feel too bad about these attacks, assuming he knew about them.
There has certainly been no call for “soul searching” from Obama — or the MSM.
But it is worth asking: why do these every-day, black-on-white and black-on-non-black attacks, not register in the national news?
The rule seems to be that the (almost non-existent) combination of black victim and white attacker will always be fair game for national outrage.
But as the U.S. gets more diverse, Asians and Hispanics like Zimmerman seem set take on the role of honorary whites if they attack a black — even in self defense.
Black-on-black crime can be officially, albeit discreetly, deplored.
But blacks must never be cast as the perpetrators of hate crimes — even though they are easily the most prominent perpetrators of racial violence.
And it is in the interest of a lot of people that this double standard persist — until immigration policy overwhelms America’s historic white majority.
Peter Bradley writes from Washington D.C. He can be reached here.