Marine Le Pen And The Existential Stakes In France’s Election

By James Kirkpatrick


Above, Marine Le Pen savages Angela Merkel in the EU Parliament.

[See Also: Make Europe Great Again: Nationalism On The Rise — But Fast Enough?]


No book has been as prophetic as Camp of the Saints, French writer Jean Raspail’s 1973 epic meditation on Western identity, masochism and the extinction of our culture through mass migration. But now Raspail’s claim to be the pre-eminent prophet of Western suicide is being challenged by another French novelist: Michel Houellebecq and his 2015 novel Submission. Submission posited that the French Establishment would do anything to prevent a National Front victory, even if it meant acquiescing to the overthrow of all of French civilization. And that’s precisely what’s happening today, as both the French and the European political classes are using legalistic legerdemain to block Marine Le Pen and leave the Islamization of La République intact.


The hateful gangsters of the European Parliament removed Le Pen’s parliamentary immunity earlier this week, opening her up to charges which could put her in prison for three years. The action came at the request of the French judiciary.

Le Pen’s crime? She tweeted images of Islamic State atrocities, including the beheading of James Foley by the “British man” Mohammed Emwazi.( “Jihadi John.”) [EU Votes To Strip French Presidential Hopeful Le Pen Of Parliamentary Immunity From Prosecution, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, March 1, 2017]


This is apparently a crime in the “free” nation of France — showing that the French government is far more concerned about its citizens finding out about acts of Islamic terrorism than the terrorism itself.

The French government is also taking action at home against Le Pen. Police raided the National Front’s headquarters ostensibly as part of a “fraud” investigation. Le Pen has characterized the action as a “unilateral and illegal decision taken by political opponents… without proof and without waiting for a judgment from the court action I have started”. [Marine Le Pen’s Front National headquarters raided by police, by Kim Willsher, The Guardian, February 20, 2017]

Le Pen is a threat because a Presidential election victory by her National Front would almost certainly mean the end of the European Union. As former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta put it, if Le Pen wins, “it will be game over” . [Former Italian PM: Le Pen Victory Is ‘Game Over’ For The EU, by Donna Rachel Edmunds, Breitbart, February 28, 2017]

Marine Le Pen has accused the European Union as it currently exists of being “the problem, not the solution” and speaks in existential terms about the main issue in the election.

“What is at stake in this election is the continuity of France as a free nation, our existence as a people”, she believes. “The French have been dispossessed of their patriotism. They are suffering in silence from not being allowed to love their country … The divide is no longer between the Left and the Right, but between the patriots and the globalists.”

[Le Pen: “It’s Time To Do Away With The EU, by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, February 24, 2017]

Le Pen is also a threat to those who want to start a war with Russia over Syria. The National Front leader says leaving President Bashar al-Assad in power is the more “reassuring” outcome for France in the Syrian Civil War [Le Pen Says Assad May Be Lesser of Two Evils for Syria’s Future, by Dana Khraiche, Bloomberg, February 20, 2017].

On current form, Le Pen will likely make it through the first round of the election, maybe even winning it. She is being targeted now because it appears she has a significant chance to take the second round as well. And even a milquetoast professional token conservative like Ross Douthat suggests she may “deserve to win it”. [Can Populism Take Paris? New York Times, March 1, 2017]

But the preferred candidate of the System is still expected to beat her in the second round. And that man is Emmanuel Macron, a supposed “independent” who represents the EU consensus. Macron is picking up endorsements from both centrists and far-Left figures such as Daniel Cohn-Bendit. [Macron forges ahead as rivals wrestle with legal troubles, by Mark Deen, Irish Independent, February 28, 2017] Thus, we have the former street fighters of the hard Left falling into line behind a former investment banker.

Macron is also using the same Russoparanoid strategy currently being employed against American patriots such as Senator Jeff Sessions, accusing Russia of targeting him and calling for a “strong Europe” to counter Russia [France’s Presidential Front-Runner Says Russia Is Hacking Him Now, by Mark Deen, Bloomberg, February 14, 2017]. Needless to say, as with Open Borders fanatics in this country, Russia is the only country Macron isn’t willing to prostrate himself before.

Unlike Barack Obama, who at least managed to win office before beginning his Apology Tour, Macron has already distinguished himself during the campaign by trashing his own country on foreign television, denouncing France’s colonial legacy in Algeria [‘Colonization was a crime against humanity’: French presidential favorite Macron sparks firestorm, RT, February 17, 2017].

Yet what’s far worse were Macron’s casual comments about immigration.

“We have entered a world of great migrations and we will have more and more of it…France will not be able to stem it, and Europe will be affected immediately. We will see a migratory phenomenon far greater than what we have seen [with migrants from] Syria.”

[Emmanuel Macron: Europe faces ‘unstoppable mass migration’ says French PM hopeful, by Belinda Robinson, Daily Express, February 26, 2017]

If this is so, then why does France bother having a government? Why even bother discussing issues such as the budget, health care, transportation or energy when every single program is going to be exacerbated by dumping an unlimited African and Arab population on top of it?

The exponential growth of Third World population, especially in Africa, ensures that there will always be an economic rationale for migrants to come to Western countries until the very moment they successfully transform European countries into duplicates of the failed societies that spawned them. Macron’s nihilist liberalism in the face of such an existential threat is almost unfathomable treason.

Yet the European Union, already buckling under the migration crisis and the upsurge of nationalism, is doubling down on the plan to dispossess its own population. The EU is now threatening member nations with heavy fines if it does not take in tens of thousands of refugees [EU prods members to take in the refugees they promised to, ABC News, March 2, 2017].

All too obviously, an emotional attachment to the “European ideal” is still compelling to the political class and the Main Stream Media, and even to some particularly brainwashed populations: it’s driving the possible victory of Martin Schulz in Germany.

But what good is European unity when it is only a means to destroy the existence of Europe itself?

The central question in the French election confronts all Western nations, including the United States: Does any European or European-derived nation have the right to prevent itself from being subsumed entirely by the Third World?

Those who deny this right are becoming increasingly comfortable in saying so openly. It is no longer possible to claim those who want more immigration for Europe are arguing in good faith and sincerely believe it will benefit the European people. If current trends continue, it means the Death of the West.

In Europe and America, those who are pushing this know exactly what they are doing.

And those on the sidelines (hello, congressional GOP?) can no longer say they were not warned. James Kirkpatrick is a Beltway veteran and a refugee from Conservatism Inc.

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