Meet the Cops Who Gave Their Lives

By Michelle Malkin


Officer Perry Renn of the Indianapolis PD | Major Davis Jr., Renn’s alleged killer

If you've been watching cable news, reading Hollywood celebrities' tweets and listening to race-hustling opportunists, you might think that every police officer in America has a finger on the trigger, hunting for any excuse to gun down defenseless youths.

This hysterical nonsense must be stopped.

The Cirque du Cop-Bashing, with Al Sharpton as ringmaster, is working overtime to exploit the deadly incident in Ferguson, Mo. That means stoking anti-law enforcement fires at all costs.

Are there bad cops? Yes. Does the police state go overboard sometimes? Yes. Do the demagogues decrying systemic racism and braying about "assassinations" know what happened when teenager Mike Brown was tragically shot and killed last week? No.

Here’s a reality check. While narcissistic liberal journalists and college kids are all posting "Hands Up" selfies in hipster solidarity with Ferguson protesters, it’s law enforcement officers who risk their lives in "war zones" every day across the country.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) reports that a total of 1,501 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 58 hours or 150 per year. These include local and state police officers, federal officers, correctional officers and military law enforcement officers.

Fact: Last year, 100 law enforcement officers were killed. On average, over the past decade, there have been 58,261 assaults against law enforcement each year, resulting in 15,658 injuries.

Fact: New York City has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 697 deaths. Texas has lost 1,675 officers, more than any other state.

Just this week, NLEOMF released preliminary fatality statistics from August 2013 to August 2014. Total fatalities are up 14 percent, from 63 last year to 72 this year. "Five officers were killed in ambushes, which continue to be a major threat to law enforcement safety," the group notes.

Among the men in uniform who gave their lives this summer:

Al Sharpton, concocter of hate-crimes hoaxes and inciter of violent riots against police, had no comment.

Michelle Malkin is the author of Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s review. Michelle Malkin is also author of Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild and Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies

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