Meet the Senate Judiciary Committee — Your Fate Is In Its Hands Right Now

By Joe Guzzardi


When I sat down to write my column, I planned to lead by saying that no United States Senator is worse on immigration than the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Pennsylvania’s Arlen Specter (R).

Based on his tortured immigration proposals this week, I thought that was a safe statement.

Then I looked at the entire committee roster. Specter has a lot of competition among the seventeen-man group.

Specter is touting what he calls "Comprehensive Immigration Reform of 2006," an as-yet unnamed bill that is several of our worst nightmares rolled into one: amnesty, guest workers, new worker visas and everything but official open borders.

Specter’s proposal would give amnesty to 15-20 million illegal residents and create 1.1 million new green card holders among employment-based immigrants. Amazingly, the provision for more than 1 million employment-based green cards would renew every year in perpetuity.

And it would generate a brand-new American job-killer: the no cap H-2C visa for those soon-to-be omnipresent guest workers.

Read’s outstanding analysis of the entire Specter disaster here.

To accompany the NUSA analysis, readers might find it useful to have the following armchair guide that I developed to refresh your memory regarding the individual senators' immigration leanings.

Meet, in all its ignominy, the committee:

A thumbnail profile of the Republican bad guys:

The Worst of the Lot

Republicans; the Moderates

Republicans; the one solid Senator

Unfortunately, predicting the way the committee will vote is child’s play. Even before a single vote is cast, past history as outlined above tells us that the deck is stacked against us.

Immigration reformers can count, with 100 per cent certainty, on exactly one vote. Only Alabama’s Sessions stands ready to thwart the open borders, Chamber of Commerce lobby.

Three other possible votes for our side: Grassley, Colburn and, who knows, maybe even Dianne Feinstein, the notorious Democratic immigration waffler.

If the worst happens, lay the blame where it belongs: on the Republicans.

Whatever final scheme the Senate Judiciary Committee may come up with, the Republicans there are the heavies…they have aided and abetted the Democrats on immigration policy.

If the G.O.P. hadn’t turned coat, Specter’s crazy scheme would never have seen the light of day. But, unhappily, the Republicans of late are just as bad as the Democrats.

The good news is that even Specter admits that the road ahead will be rocky. Since the Senators are divided — each with his particular sell-out angle — no immediate consensus is likely.

Said Specter:

"I have seen virtually no agreement on anything. Emotions are at an all-time high." [Immigrant Bill Faces Tough Fight in Senate, Suzanne Gamboa, Associated Press, March 2, 2006]

Thankfully, the committee’s treasonous work is done for this week. The next hearing is tentatively scheduled for March 8th or 9th.

In the meantime, Specter remains hopeful.

As NumbersUSA.COM Executive Director Roy Beck told me,

"You can count on Specter, if he is given any chance, to do the wrong thing."

Joe Guzzardi, an instructor in English at the Lodi Adult School, has been writing a weekly newspaper column since 1988. This column is exclusive to

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