Memo From Mexico | Mexican Reconquistas And American Treason Lobby Meet To Plot Hegemony

By Allan Wall


The "Primer Foro de Reflexión Binacional," a conference organized by Mexico’s Senate and something ominously called the Mexican and American Solidarity Foundation (Fundación Solidaridad Mexicano Americana), was held recently (April 28-29) at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Mexico City.

The theme: "Los Mexicanos de Aquí y de Allá"- ¿Perspectivas Comunes?" ("The Mexicans Here [in Mexico] and There [in the United States] — Common Perspectives?").

It was billed as a "forum." But that’s a little misleading if by forum you mean an exchange of diverse ideas. The speakers and panelists at this "forum" were all on the same sheet of music.

The ideas presented at the "forum" were few and repetitious:

Not that Americans weren’t present at the "forum." There were a number, including Henry Cisneros, hate-monger Jose Angel Gutierrez, MALDEF lawyer Katherine Culliton, and open-borders zealot Frank Sharry. All were invited to speak to those assembled at the get-together.

In other words, American citizens actively collaborated with the Mexican elite and its hegemonic ambitions for the United States of America.

It would have been useful at the forum to have the input of, say, a loyal American residing legally in Mexico.

But, alas, I guess my invitation was lost in the mail.

Just take a gander at the program and you probably know enough already.

The Forum’s list of speakers and panelists included a host of luminaries, mainstream academics, activists and politicians. Mexican participants included Elena Poniatowska, who has spoken openly of reconquering the U.S. Southwest, and Jorge Bustamante, who has proposed dual citizenship to promote Mexican interests.

Enrique Jackson, president of the Mexican Senate, opened the conference.

In his remarks Jackson declared that the forum sought to eliminate stereotypes and prejudices against Mexicans who live in the United States. These millions of Mexicans in the U.S., Jackson assured the audience, are seen (by Americans) as an internal menace, their rights are "violated" and "they are victims of abuse and violence." Inauguran Foro De Reflexion "Los Mexicanos De Aqui Y De Alla" Anuncio, April 28th

No reference by Senator Jackson to violence committed by Mexican illegal aliens against American citizens — of which there is all too much.

Of course, those who murder Americans enjoy the protection of the Mexican government.

As far as Mexican illegal aliens' rights being violated, what can Jackson be referring to?

The fact that illegal Mexicans in the U.S. are allowed to move freely about, engage in public demonstrations, avail themselves of public health care and education?

That it’s very hard to arrest illegal aliens because many public officials take their side?

That illegal aliens regularly drive automobiles with no car insurance, that they are often released when apprehended, and that some states grant them in-state tuition and driver’s licenses?

That the entire American political establishment panders to them?

No, I guess he wasn’t referring to that.

By the way, Jackson said there were 25 million fellow-Mexicans in the U.S. That’s significant: he’s including American citizens of Mexican ancestry.

After Jackson’s introduction, the podium was turned over to American Citizen Henry Cisneros, 4-time mayor of San Antonio, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary, and former president of Univision, U.S.

Cisneros is also an unabashed booster of what he has called "the Hispanization of America — It’s already happening and it is inescapable."

Cisneros' discourse was entitled "El Futuro de las Relaciones entre México y la Comunidad Mexicano-Americana" [The Future of Relations Between Mexico and The Mexican-American Community].

Cisneros spoke of the 25 million people in the U.S. "with Mexican blood", and he attacked "laws that separate and destroy families" by which he means U.S. immigration law.

Cisneros says new laws are needed to protect Mexicans.

Once again, we have a U.S. citizen in Mexico, speaking as a de facto agent of the Mexican government.

If Cisneros were a citizen of a nation whose leaders valued its sovereignty, he might be in real trouble.

Cisneros boasted: "Somos la realidad de un nuevo mestizaje en Estados Unidos; donde somos el grupo minoritario más grande y el que crece más rápido … " [We are the reality of a new mestizaje in the United States, where we are the largest minority group and the fastest-growing one].

He went on to gloat over the Hispanic birth rate being higher than that of whites, blacks or Asians.

And, of course, he bragged to the assembled about the "hispanización de Estados Unidos."

Dificil llegar a un acuerdo migratorio Mexico-EU : Henry Cisneros April 28th, 2004

MALDEF, The Ford Foundation’s contribution to the Treason Lobby, also had its representative at the conference: attorney/activist Katherin Culliton.

She participated in the panel discussion "Los derechos humanos y laborales de los mexicanos en Estados Unidos" (Human Rights and Labor Rights of Mexicans in the United States).

According to the Notimex report,

"Katherine Culliton, of MALDEF, added that besides that, more than 100 measures have been taken that restrict their (Mexican migrants') rights. Because of that, she stated, the legal situation of migrants and undocumented [i.e. illegal] Mexicans is worse than ever." [Katherine Culliton, del MALDEF, agregó que además se han tomado mas de 100 medidas que restringen sus derechos. Por todo ello, aseguró, la situación jurídica en Estados Unidos de migrantes e indocumentados mexicanos es peor que nunca.]

The MALDEF attorney painted a grim picture of a U.S. in which

"[T]here is more racial profiling by the police, in an unconstitutional manner, against the Latin American migrants, and those who look Latino are stopped and required to show documents…We are speaking of new tendencies and cases of anti-immigrant and anti-Latino discrimination."

Wow! "New tendencies" — not just your old garden variety discrimination!

And this new discrimination allegedly extends to all levels of government! Government policies, presumably those of Panderer-in -Chief George W. Bush "incluye la xenofobia y las decisiones polìticas y judiciales." [include xenophobia in political and legal decisions].

The solution, according to Culliton: reform (i.e., liberalization) of U.S. migratory law… of course. Funny how they always arrive at that conclusion![ Aumenta discriminacion Contra Migrantes April 29th, 2004]

The Mexico City jamboree was also attended by two former Mexican ambassadors to the United States: Jesús Reyes Heroles and Jesús Silva Herzog.

That is entirely fitting, given that the Mexican diplomatic corps is on the frontline of the Mexican reconquista of the U.S..

In other words, these guys know whereof they speak.

Silva Herzog, ambassador to the U.S. 1995-1997, instructed those in attendance that the goal for U.S. immigration policy is "orderly and legal migration" and that immigration would continue for decades.

Well, that’s certainly Mexico’s intention, isn’t it?

Necesario Trabajar Para Que Haya Una Migracion Ordenada y Legal April 29th, 2004

Herzog also complained about the discrimination Mexicans suffer in the U.S.. And he said the Bush Betrayal — the President’s extraordinary open-borders proposal in January — was insufficient.

But Herzog was quite truthful when he called Mexican emigration "a safety valve from our incapacity to grow and offer more job opportunities." "una válvula de escape a nuestra incapacidad de crecer y de ofrecer mayores oportunidades de empleo".

Silva Herzog made these comments in a panel discussion which also included Mexican-American José Angel Gutierrez of the University of Texas, Arlington.

That’s interesting. Gutierrez is the founder of the La Raza Unida Party. He has said that "we have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." (More Gutierrez quotes.)

But is anybody questioning the Mexican Senate for including this rabid hate-monger in its officially sponsored- conference?

Of course not.

The other former Mexican ambassador, Jesús Reyes Heroles gloated over Latinos becoming the biggest minority in the U.S., due principally to migration, but also to the fact that whites and blacks are multiplying at a slower rate.

Reyes Heroles also explained the demographic distribution:

"Mexicans are concentrated geographically in a few regions. Eighty-four percent of all Mexicans residing in the United States are located in five states: California, Texas, Arizona, Illinois and New York." "Los mexicanos se concentran geográficamente en pocas regiones. El 84 por ciento del total de los mexicanos radicados en Estados Unidos se ubica en cinco estados: California, Texas, Arizona, Illinois y Nueva York."

(As Steve Sailer has pointed out, this actually reduces their much-exaggerated political clout).

Fellow panelist Raúl Hinojosa, of UCLA, asserted that "el mexicano de aquí y de allá" [the Mexican of Mexico and the United States] had the potential to transform the future of the U.S.A. and the bilateral relationship.

Hmm, sounds like Huntington … But, in a classic of Orwellian double-think, Hinojosa was quick to deny this:

"The Mexican of There [the United States] is not even close to what Professor Huntington of Harvard attempts to believe, that he is an imminent danger. In any given moment he can fly from Boston to California to see the future."

In reality, Huntington already has seen the likely future — that is if present trends continue and if Americans don’t wake up.

The star-studded host of luminaries at the "Foro" was joined at its closing ceremony by none other than Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez, recently returned from his tour of Los Angeles, Alta California. In fact, Derbez gave the closing address.

The highly-competent Mexican Foreign Minister was at the top of his game. He presented to the assembled Mexicans and American fifth-columnists a coherent vision of Mexican hegemony over the U.S.A.

On this question, you certainly can’t accuse Mexico’s leaders of having muddled vision — or hiding it. (Unless Professor Huntington dares to notice.)

Derbez told them that

"as you all know, the Mexican communities abroad are a matter of the first priority for the government of Vicente Fox. The Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, through 45 consulates in the United States and the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, confers the highest priority to the protection of our fellow Mexicans and the development of programs that contribute to raise their standard of living."

That’s raising the standard of living of Mexicans in the U.S. — not in Mexico.

Derbez continued

"In this context, the implementation of this forum testifies to the broad consensus that exists in Mexico in regard to the subject of immigration, particularly regarding the necessity of defending the rights of workers and their families."

That’s "defending" them in the U.S. — not in Mexico.

Later, Derbez really got into the heart of Mexico’s strategy:

"For Mexico, the rapprochement with the populations of Mexican origin residing beyond our borders is a fundamental issue. Today, over 24 million persons of Mexican ancestry live in the United States. This figure includes 9% of the total of residents in that country and more than half that of the Hispanic population. In the states of Texas and California alone reside 15.7 million persons of Mexican origin, which represents 28% of the population of both states."

The Mexican government, you see, is paying close attention to these dramatic demographic changes in the U.S..

Derbez continued … .

" During recent years, American society has been Mexicanized. The number of Mexican immigrants has increased 13-fold from 1970 to 2000. The impact of this change in the social fabric of the United States will be reflected, above all, among the children and grandchildren of the millions of Mexicans that migrated northward during the past 30 years. By the middle of this century, one of every five Americans will be of Mexican ancestry. It will depend upon us to create the favorable conditions so that the children and grandchildren of our migrants maintain their links with the country of their ancestors."

Non-assimilation, in other words.

Exactly what Huntington said.

Derbez promoted the Mexican government’s "Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior" and its "Consejo Consultivo:"

" … we want the Council to serve to give voice to the communities abroad, so that they can participate in the process of the formulation of public policies directed toward them. We know that the best manner of contributing to the well-being of this population is strengthening its autonomous labors of organization, encouraging its interchange of points of view among its leaderships, and bringing about the identification of a shared agenda, around which Mexicans of both sides of the border can join together."

Can he make it any clearer?

A large Mexican-American population residing in the United States, but owing its civic allegiance to Mexico.

That’s the goal of the Mexican government.

Many Americans ridicule the idea that Mexico could be a threat to the United States.

I guess these people just don’t take Mexico seriously.

As the Mexico City forum illustrates, Mexico’s elite and their American collaborators know exactly what they want. And they're actively engaging in obtaining it.

Does the Bush Administration agree?

And what about the American people?

American citizen Allan Wall lives and works legally in Mexico, where he holds an FM-2 residency and work permit, but serves six weeks a year with the Texas Army National Guard, in a unit composed almost entirely of Americans of Mexican ancestry. His articles are archived here; his FRONTPAGEMAG.COM articles are archived here; his website is here. Readers can contact Allan Wall at .

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