Memo From Mexico| To Force Mexico To Control Its Border, Why Not Dump Central American Illegals On it?

By Allan Wall


I write this article from Mexico, where my family and I are on our annual summer visit. I've seen a small sample of the sudden northward flow of Central American illegal aliens, including thousands of children and adolescents, that has been getting pretty good coverage on the DRUDGE REPORT, although downplayed in the Main Stream Media.

(As usual, the Republicowards aren’t putting up much besides a little rhetoric, although to his credit Senator Ted Cruz has questioned the official narrative that the Central American violence is causing the exodus of children — see video here. And in a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on June 24, Rep. Candace Miller, R-MI, called for a cut-off of U.S. aid to Mexico and Central America).

We were in a downtown convenience store in the metropolitan area where I formerly resided and which we're now visiting.

This Mexican metro area, I'd like to point out, is a long way from Mexico’s southern border and an even longer distance from the country of Honduras. Yet, here they were.

We saw a black man and a boy who appeared to be his son. In most regions of Mexico, it’s rare to see a black person, so my curiosity was piqued. Outside on the street, I spoke to the man and found he was from Honduras. We started off speaking in Spanish but switched to English pretty quickly. (Many Central American blacks are native English speakers). Sure enough, the Afro-Honduran gentleman was on the way to the United States, although he said he might actually stay in Mexican city if he found work there.

Another day, I saw more black people, begging on the street. They too were part of the northward Honduran exodus.

Of course, not all Central Americans who travel all the way across Mexico make it to the U.S. Some are detained and deported in Mexico, others are kidnapped and/or killed in Mexico, others stay in Mexico. But some (still a lot, actually) make it across the U.S. border.

This is an enormous humanitarian disaster — and also a threat to U.S. sovereignty. These people are being used as pawns by the governments involved, by politicians and economic interests. Anybody who truly wants to help poor folks in foreign countries should put his money where his mouth is and help the poor folks where they are. Don’t encourage them to come to the United States. That hurts Americans and often the immigrants themselves.

But don’t worry. President Obama is right on top of this!

The Obama administration says it is going to detain and deport more illegals. [U.S. Moves to Stop Surge in Illegal Immigration, By Julia Preston and Randal C. Archibold, New York Times, June 20, 2014].

Obama has even called Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and reportedly told him that " immigrants crossing into the U.S. illegally won’t qualify for legalized status or deferred deportation, including children" but that that he "welcomed the opportunity to work in close cooperation with Mexico to develop concrete proposals to address the root causes of unlawful migration from Central America." Obama said that Mexico and the U.S. "shared responsibility for promoting security in both countries and in the region." [Obama talks tough to Mexico: Illegal-immigrant children won’t get to stay, By Dave Boyer, Washington Times, June 19, 2014]

Obama dispatched Vice President Joe Biden to Guatemala, and wants to work with Mexico and Central American nations on a "regional strategy". [Biden Dispatched To Guatemala, Warns U.S. Will Start Detaining Immigrants, Fox News Latino June 20, 2014 by Associated Press]

And the state of Texas says it’s going to secure its border with Mexico. Go for it, Texas! [Texas Approves Border Security Surge, by Bob Price, Breitbart, June 18 2014]

But none of these governments — including our own federal government and Rick Perry’s Texas — have any credibility on the immigration issue.

The Mexican government is key, however, because Central Americans pass through its territory. Why couldn’t Mexico stop the traffic?

Contrary to what some in our own camp have said, Mexico does not have a tight border with Guatemala. It’s 541 miles long, about a quarter of the U.S.-Mexican border, and crosses forests, rivers, lakes, farmland, pasture, valleys and mountains — some of them as much as 13,000 feet above sea level.

Mexico doesn’t have a big border wall. In fact, Central Americans cross the Suchiate River, which forms part of the border, in broad daylight, right under the noses of Mexican officials, who don’t stop them.


This 2006 picture was taken on Mexico’s southern border.

[Mexico Worries About Its Own Southern Border By Ginger Thompson, New York Times, June 18, 2006]

However, once illegal aliens do cross the border, they can be detained and deported. The Mexicans have checkpoints on roads in the interior. I remember years ago travelling by bus in the Yucatan Peninsula, and seeing Mexican officials dealing with Guatemalans s they'd taken off a bus.

I guess they figure it’s easier that way.

In October of 2012, the Mexican government reported that, at that time, about 400,000 illegal aliens annually entered Mexico through its southern border (with Guatemala and Belize). Of that total, some 80,000 were sent back to their home countries, 70,000 managed to make it to the U.S. border, while 250,000 wound up staying in Mexico.

That was in 2012, the year of the Mexican presidential election. Before the Pena Nieto administration took office, one of its coordinators, Arnulfo Valdivia, said the new administration would "create the necessary filters so that those who cross by the southern border do not stay stranded in their attempt to cross to the United States" and it would "diminish the number of indocumentados who are concentrated on the northern border without possibilities of crossing it, forming belts of poverty."

[Peña quiere 'patrulla fronteriza' mexicana, by Miriam Castillo, Milenio, October 9th, 2012 (my translation, see details here.)]

So the Mexican government doesn’t really care about Central American illegal aliens crossing its territory — as long as they don’t stay. But, obviously, Mexico is not doing a great job, since the 2012 statistics show that most of the Central American illegals do stay in the country.

Central American governments, whose countries already depend upon U.S. remittances for a greater proportion of their GDPs than does Mexico, are not likely to stop emigration.

The Mexican government could do a much better job, but it doesn’t, because it’s not a priority.

Why don’t we make it a priority?

Instead of housing and feeding all these Central American illegal aliens, why not just deport them all — to Mexico?

They entered the U.S. from Mexico, right?

Of course, the Mexican government would squawk and howl and moan and groan, but if we really secured our border, it wouldn’t matter a hill of beans.

Then Mexico would have to get serious about reducing the numbers of Central American illegal aliens in its territory, because it could no longer count on them going to the U.S.

That’s a pipe dream, of course, with the Obama administration. The continental invasion going on now is part of its attempt to replace the historic American nation.

But an administration that really cared about America could do it — and a patriot Congress could insist on it.

Of course, the number one reason Central Americans go to the U.S. is because they can. If the U.S. shut down its border, word would get down to Central America pretty fast. So it’s ultimately Washington’s fault.

When I met that Honduran in Mexico, I shook his hand and wished him the best — and I really meant it. But I don’t think what’s going on now is the best thing for him nor for other Central Americans being used as pawns by the globalists.

Nor is it the best thing for the United States of America.

American citizen Allan Wall moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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