Memo From Middle America| Does The “Latino Victory Project” Mean We Can Have A Regular American Victory Project Too?

By Allan Wall


Yet another Treason Lobby front group has opened: the “Latino Victory Project” [Latino donors set sights on GOP lawmakers who oppose immigration overhaul, by Matea Gold, Washington Post, October 27, 2013]

“Victory” for whom? For the Latino Lobby, of course.

But victory over whom? Over the historic American nation.

My question: what is the rationale behind this “Latino Victory” concept? Why should it even exist? Don’t Latinos have the same interests as other Americans?

If the answer is yes, then what’s the big deal? Just treat them like everybody else.

But if the answer is no, then these differences should be publicly spelled out. Because maybe, just maybe, America’s non-Latino majority might like to have a say in the future of their own country.

The Washington Post reports Latino Victory Project aims “to oust lawmakers who stand in the way of overhauling immigration laws.”

Translation: oust lawmakers who support enforcing current American law.

WaPo says Latino Victory Project is “modeled after the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund.”


Incidentally, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund already has “Latinos Out To Win” program. Get it — “out to win”? Click here to see.

More details from WaPo:

At a private meeting for about 30 donors, fundraisers and union leaders Friday [October 25th], leaders of the group laid out a strategy to make the issue central in next year’s midterm elections if Congress does not pass a bill, identifying 10 House Republicans who would be vulnerable to pressure from Latino constituents. Members of the group agreed to spend $1 million to $2 million in each of the targeted districts. The effort will begin in coming weeks with a campaign aimed at persuading the lawmakers to back an immigration measure this year. If that fails, the group plans to run a barrage of radio and TV ads against them next year.

These donors are from Washington, Florida, Texas, California, New York and Massachusetts. Chicago art gallery owner Amalia Perea Mahoney was quoted boasting: “We’re all very united.”

About 30 organizations were represented at the meeting, including the AFL-CIO. The union’s “immigration campaign manager” Tom Snyder threatened:

“There was agreement in the room that if we don’t see action in the House, we know who we’re going after…We’re at the point where if you don’t act, we’re going to have to make you pay at the ballot box.”

Hmmm — why do these “Latinos” need a union goon?

Indeed, other labor operatives were there: from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the National Education Association. (Read Editor Peter Brimelow’s exposé of that group in The Worm In The Apple . As a public school teacher myself, I’m not and never have been a member of the NEA, because in my state there’s a viable alternative of which I’m a member.)

But don’t run away with the idea that Latino Victory Project is just a homosexual/ labor union creation. No, no! — an associate of globalist George Soros was there too! (See my latest article on Soros’ Evangelical front group here).

Latino Victory Project is reportedly a successor to the Futuro Fund, which raised over $30 million for Obama in the 2012 campaign. This group was led by Henry R. Munoz III (a San Antonio businessman); Andres Lopez (a Puerto Rican lawyer) and Eva Longoria, celebrity / Hispanic activist (see my previous article DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES’ Eva Longoria And The Failure Of Mexican Assimilation). It was allegedly the most successful political fund-raising project ever carried out by a Latino group.

The president of the Latino Victory Project: Cristobal Alex, who used to work for (wait for it!)….the Ford Foundation! WaPo:

“What we want to do with the Latino Victory Project” said Alex, “is build political power in the Latino community, so that the faces of Latinos are reflected not just in every level of government but in the policies that drive the country forward.”

Gary Segura [Email] and Matt Barreto [Email] of Latino Decisions, a Hispanic oriented polling firm, did a presentation at the October 25th meeting, claiming (as usual, yawn) that permanent damage would be inflicted on GOP among Latinos unless the party immediately caves on Amnesty. [Polling Election Results Show Anti-Immigrant Candidates Face Long Odds Given Demographic Realities Latino Decisions, November 7, 2013] They even used California’s Proposition 187 as proof — a myth that has been repeatedly refuted here at, but being an immigration enthusiast means never having to say you’re sorry.

Segura and Barreto kindly identified ten targeted Republican congressmen. Six are from Border States: Texas, New Mexico and California. Three are from second tier states Nevada and Colorado, which might as well be Border States. One is from Florida, which also has plenty of illegals.

Interestingly, none are from Arizona, the border state that has done most to combat the illegal invasion.

Here’s a chart with each congressman, his district and his Numbers USA rating:



House District

Jeff Denham


CA 10th


Gary G. Miller


CA 31st


David Valadao


CA 21st

No grade

Howard P. “Buck” McKeon


CA 25th


Steve Pearce

New Mexico

NM 2nd


Randy Weber


TX 14th

No grade

Mike Coffman


CO 6th


Scott R. Tipton


CO 3rd


Joseph J. Heck


NV 3rd


Daniel Webster


FL 10th


But the ten targets hardly form a united front on immigration:

Pearce, for instance, does not support the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” bill or anything like it….Weber, who represents the district of former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), spoke at an anti-amnesty rally on Capitol Hill in June….Denham, on the other hand, supports amnesty, at one point issuing verbal support for the Senate bill but backtracking after immense pressure from conservatives and constituents over the course of August. Since the congressional recess, Denham has come out to publicly endorse House Democrats’ amnesty plan….

Soros Adviser, Obama Donors, Amnesty Activists Form Group to Target House GOP Members, by Matthew Boyle, Breitbart, October 28, 2013

California’s David Valadao has also subsequently announced his support for H.R. 15. [ Another flip on immigration (Video), By Rebecca Shabad, The Hill, October 30, 2013]

Note that these two congressmen, especially Denham, were not necessarily responding to the Latino Victory Project. They were probably pandering out of general stupidity and cowardice, neither in short supply in today’s GOP.

Nevertheless, the existence of a “Latino Victory Fund” raises disturbing questions — which you can bet the Main Stream Media and political elite (of both parties) won’t ask.

Do Hispanics have a collective veto power over the future of our nation?

When will our fearless leaders speak out against this blatant Latino ethnocentrism?

And when will we see a Political Action Committee that defends the historic American nation?

American citizen Allan Wall moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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