Memo From Middle America | It’s High Time For An Immigration Shutdown — Let’s Put It On The Front Burner

By Allan Wall


It’s high time for an immigration shutdown, including a moratorium on legal immigration. And it has to be done now.

Illegal immigration should not even be up for debate. If there is going to be any hope to save the historic American nation, a moratorium on immigration is a necessity.

This requires a frontal attack on the “Nation Of Immigrants” myth used to brainwash Americans. It’s nothing but an attempt to shut down rational discussion of the issue

Sadly, many people think the United States has no real identity or culture — it’s just a big place where immigrants go.

To a true believer, Immigration is The Most Important Thing About America. It’s more important than national security, economic prosperity, the Constitution and the very existence of the American people.

That said, most people who unthinkingly repeat the “nation of immigrants” slogan haven’t thought through the issues. They can be educated.

We have to tell them shutting down legal immigration isn’t just a good idea — it’s a necessary idea. And we have to give them the real reasons why.

Chief among them is that legal and illegal immigration today are just two sides of the same coin. If, as some say, legal immigration is great and illegal immigration is bad, then the amnesty proponents are right. Just legalize all the illegal aliens and you’ve solved the problem!

However, the root consequence of immigration — legal or illegal — is the drastic demographic transformation of the United States. We never voted on it, we never debated it, and we can’t even talk about it — unless we celebrate it.

This has to be directly addressed by immigration patriots. This election year, candidates must be confronted with the hard question of why Americans should be replaced.

But even without addressing the demographic replacement issue, an immigration moratorium is a common sense, winning political issue in the 2014 elections if a candidate would just make the case. Let’s look at some reasons why.

The middle class is dying in the United States. Even the Mainstream Media from time to time shares reports indicating a very weak job situation, both in terms of employment and wages. Here are some examples:
  1. Just this past fall, the Washington Post reported that “A majority of students in public schools throughout the American South and West are low-income for the first time in at least four decades, according to a new study that details a demographic shift with broad implications for the country.” Study: Poor children are now the majority in American public schools in South, West[By Lindsey Layton, Washington Post, October 16, 2013].
  2. The New York Times reported recently that Nearly Half of New Yorkers Are Struggling to Get By, Study Finds [By Sam Roberts, April 30, 2014].
  3. Miami’s Poor Live on $11 a Day as Boom Widens Wealth Gap [By Toluse Olorunnipa, Bloomberg, May 2, 2014]. This article contains this interesting tidbit of information:“ ‘Miami isn’t the gateway to Latin America; Miami has the same economic demographics as Latin America,ยด said Pedro ‘Joe’ Greer, a doctor whose 25 years of work treating the homeless and uninsured there earned him the nation’s highest civilian honor — the Presidential Medal of Freedom — in 2009.” Hmm, now why does Miami have the same “economic demographics as Latin America?” And why did Tom Tancredo get in trouble for calling Miami “Third World”?
These examples indicate a country with weak job creation and low wages. And, according to the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2013 in 20% of American families, nobody is employed outside the home.

Even the much-touted “recovery”, such as it is, is mostly creating low-wage jobs. Annie Lowrey of the New York Times writes in her article Recovery has created far more low-wage jobs than better-paid ones [April 28, 2014]

The deep recession wiped out primarily high-wage and middle-wage jobs. Yet the strongest employment growth during the sluggish recovery has been in low-wage work, at places like strip malls and fast-food restaurants. In essence, the poor economy has replaced good jobs with bad ones. That is the conclusion of a new report [PDF] from the National Employment Law Project, a research and advocacy group, analyzing employment trends four years into the recovery.

If our leaders were really concerned about American workers and their wages, they would be shutting down immigration to create a tighter labor market.

And there’s a possible crisis of surplus labor on the near horizon because of robotics.

It’s fashionable to speak disparagingly of a job flipping burgers. Well, it’s honest work, and I did it a couple of years. But how long will that job be secure? A machine has already been invented that can prepare 360 burgers in an hour.

An Oxford study has suggested that 45% of jobs in the U.S. could be computerized within twenty years. (See here).

Author Ben Way predicted to the Mail Online that “[robots] will have the impact to take away 70% of all traditional jobs in the next 30 years,' he said.” In typical understated Daily Mail fashion, the article is entitled Is 2014 the year YOUR job will be taken by a robot? 'Jobocalpyse' set to strike as droids are trained to flip burgers, pour drinks — and even look after our children [By Mark Prigg, Mail Online, January 20, 2014.] The article describes robots that could perform the functions of bartenders, babysitters, musicians, farm workers, delivery drivers, factory workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, postmen and soldiers.

Should we necessarily robotize everything that can be robotized? Of course not. But it’s obvious that, barring some sort of civilizational/technological breakdown, we’re heading toward increased mechanization, computerization and robotization. That means that many jobs are likely to be eliminated, replaced or at least the amount or required workers would be reduced.

Is it wise then to bring in millions more immigrants who will quite literally have nothing to do?

I ask again, why do we need immigrants? How about native born Americans and their needs?

And yet, which member of the current Congress has called for an immigration shutdown? Why not?

In a sane country, the economic argument would be sufficient even if there were no others. But there is also a political argument, an environmental argument, a demographic argument, etc.

We are importing millions of people with questionable loyalties. We are increasing the size of the welfare state. Democrats are using immigration to win elections and gain a permanent majority. Bottom line — immigration is replacing the historic American people that created and built this nation.

All these issues ought to be on the front burner. They ought to be discussed openly. Promoting an immigration shutdown is a way to open discussion of all these topics and move the goalposts in our direction.

An immigration shutdown is a winning political platform for politicians who would be brave enough to use it, and articulate enough to propose it.

And most importantly, an immigration shutdown is what we desperately need to save the country.

American citizen Allan Wall moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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