
Michelle Malkin: Coronavirus And The CDC — Centers for Damaged Credibility

By Michelle Malkin


I think I’m where most sane people are on the coronavirus outbreak:

Here are some plain, nonhysterical facts: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control is a bloated federal government agency with a long history of incompetence, fraud, secrecy, mission creep and shady alliances with both social justice causes on the left and private corporations on the Big Business right. The "deep state" of entrenched bureaucrats embedded in the Beltway bowels is alive and thriving at the CDC. The unelected elites who've occupied top offices at the public health-industrial complex are hostile to public scrutiny while clamoring for ever-ballooning budgets. Their recommendations have often been detrimental to citizens' well-being and freedom.

And, yes, many of the scientists who work there are rabidly anti-conservative and anti-Trump.

It’s a brazen lie that President Donald Trump "slashed" CDC funding, which is being used as an excuse for the agency’s coronavirus unpreparedness. Cognitively impaired and truth-challenged Joe Biden made the claim during last week’s Democratic debate that these purported "Draconian cuts" put Americans at risk. But Trump’s budget proposal to cut some sliver of CDC fat has never been enacted, and Congress increased funding, instead.

At nearly $7 billion, CDC’s annual budget is more than 200% larger than it was two decades ago. On top of that, a shady big business lobbying group called Corporate Friends of CDC has raised hundreds of millions of supplemental dollars — which raises serious conflict-of-interest issues. In 2007, Sen. Tom Coburn’s fiscal audit of the agency discovered vulgar expenditures including CDC syphilis prevention funds spent to host a "safe-sex" event with a porn star, CDC HIV/AIDS prevention funds spent on a transgender beauty pageant, and $45 million in CDC funding spent on conferences featuring prostitutes, protests and beach parties.

Despite the flood of money, the agency been caught flat-footed on outbreak after outbreak. They squander untold millions on other health threats in favor of pushing gun control and nanny state hobby horses (TV violence, helmet laws, video games, anti-bullying campaigns and explicit sex education, for example). CDC has one primary job — Disease Control — but has managed to botch it without ever learning from past failures. Let me remind you of some of the CDC’s long history of royal screw-ups:

As if to underscore my point about this agency’s misdirected priorities and rank political pandering, the CDC director this week found it more urgent to condemn Republicans as racist for accurately describing the origins of the virus from Wuhan, China, than to do his job.

Informed diagnosis: The "best people" — who have now been rewarded with more than $8.3 billion in new "emergency funding" — are not in charge.



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