Mugabe Or Harvard: Who Hates Whites More?
Dr. Noel Ignatiev, Harvard academic and founder of the racist magazine, Race Traitor, wants "to abolish the white race." Dr. Ignatiev [] wants to abolish whites, because he believes whites are loyal to their race and advance their interests at the expense of black people.
Apparently, he sees no harm in other races being loyal to their race and even having organized lobby groups, such as the NAACP, to advance their race interests. Dr. Ignatiev is also at peace with non-white races using the EEOC, the U.S. Department of Justice (sic) and U.S. Department of Education to advance their racial interests.
In Dr. Ignatiev’s view, non-white races are entitled to organize and to use government power to advance their racial interests, but whites are a social problem.
"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race," says Dr. Ignatiev.
It is not surprising that Dr. Ignatiev has been influenced by education that demonizes Western civilization and white people. Neither is it surprising that education led him to the conclusion that the solution is to phase white people out of the human race.
Still, if whites are to be terminated because of race loyalty shouldn’t there first be some evidence presented that whites are loyal to one another?
Currently Mugabe is terminating whites in Zimbabwe. He is illegally seizing their farms and encouraging his thugs to use beatings, murder and rape to terrorize whites into acquiescence.
Mugabe’s land theft doesn’t even have the cover of redistribution. All news reports say the farms are being taken by Mugabe, his family members and top cronies. Annabel Hughes of the Zimbabwe Democracy Trust reports [pay archive] that Simbi Mubako, Zimbabwean ambassador to Washington, has been presented with Adrian Wilkinson’s 2,964-acre farm. [ note: Dr. Mubako denies this. "Zimbabwe defends its policy of might trumping white" Washington Times, August 31, 2002. You can send him mail at ]
If whites had race loyalty or even racial awareness, wouldn’t they do something about Mugabe’s decimation of their brothers and sisters? One British regiment or one U.S. Marine division could topple Mugabe in a few hours. However, instead of displaying race loyalty, white governments are enabling Mugabe by sending him food.
Mugabe’s land seizures have thrown Zimbabwean agriculture into chaos. The country faces starvation. Mugabe controls the food aid, and the food will go to his supporters.
There is widespread black opposition to Mugabe, who had to steal the last election. Mugabe created a food crisis not merely in order to drive whites out of Zimbabwe, but in order to decimate the black opposition led by Morgan Tsvangirai.
Mugabe’s policy is "selective starvation, the use of food as a political weapon," says John Prendergast of the International Crisis Group.
Perhaps we begin to see a problem with Dr. Ignatiev’s concept of race loyalty. Mugabe is no more loyal to Zimbabwe’s blacks than Europeans and Americans are to Zimbabwean and South African whites.
American "whites" are descendants of Anglo-Saxons, French, Dutch, Italians and Germans who have lengthy histories of warfare among one another. American "blacks" are descendants of different warring tribes. The slaves brought to America were captured in tribal warfare. Black tribal chiefs sold their fellow blacks to Arabs and Europeans.
The real question is: who hates the "white race" most? The answer is: alienated white intellectuals.
The multicultural diversity-mongers in college and university faculties are disproportionately white. They have been trying for decades to make blacks hate whites as much as they do.
These intellectuals have had some success. They have cultivated black anger by making accusations against whites, and they have planted guilt and doubt in many of the younger generation of white Americans.
A make-believe history is slowly taking over the American mind, just like Marx’s make-believe history took over Russia and Hitler’s make-believe history took over Germany.
The cultivation of race hatred in blacks and race guilt in whites is an ongoing enterprise in American education.
Before it is over, there will be more Dr. Ignatievs.
Paul Craig Roberts is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice