Median Income of Households Headed |
by Natives and Foreign-born, 2003-2004 |
(2004 dollars) |
Foreign born |
Native Born |
All Foreign-born |
Naturalized Citizen |
Non-citizen |
2003 |
45,539 |
38,507 |
47,287 |
33,688 |
2004 |
45,319 |
39,421 |
46,233 |
34,497 |
% Change. 2003-2004: |
-0.5% |
2.4% |
-2.2% |
2.4% |
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United |
States, 2004," August 30, 2005. |
Poverty Statistics for Native and |
Foreign-born Population, 2003-2004 |
Poverty Rate (%) |
Native Born |
Foreign Born |
2003 |
11.8% |
17.2% |
2004 |
12.1% |
17.1% |
% pt. change: |
0.3 |
-0.1 |
Poverty Population (thousands) |
Native Born |
Foreign Born |
2003 |
29,985 |
5,897 |
2004 |
30,991 |
6,006 |
Increase |
1,006 |
109 |
% Increase |
3.4% |
1.8% |
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United |
States, 2004," August 30, 2005. Table 3. |
Foreign-born U.S. Labor Force, 1980-2050 |
(Annual averages; Levels in 1,000s) |
Total |
US Born |
Foreign Born |
% Foreign Born |
1980 |
106,940 |
98,492 |
8,448 |
7.9% |
1990 |
125,840 |
113,508 |
12,332 |
9.8% |
2000 |
140,863 |
123,158 |
17,705 |
12.6% |
2001 |
141,815 |
123,400 |
18,415 |
13.0% |
2002 |
144,863 |
124,584 |
20,279 |
14.0% |
2003 |
146,510 |
125,393 |
21,117 |
14.4% |
2004 |
147,390 |
125,282 |
22,109 |
15.0% |
Projections(a): |
2010 |
159,386 |
128,536 |
30,850 |
19.4% |
2025 |
208,002 |
137,045 |
70,956 |
34.1% |
2050 |
436,871 |
152,499 |
284,373 |
65.1% |
Sources: 1980, 1990: Census. |
2000-2003: Current Population Survey (CPS), unpublished data sent to author. |
2004: CPS, as reported in Andrew Sum, Northeastern University. |
a. Projections extrapolate average annual growth rate, 2000-04, for native and foreign born. |
Edwin S. Rubenstein is President of ESR Research Economic Consultants in Indianapolis.