National Data | Chart | Justice now! But not for native-born taxpayers

By Edwin S. Rubenstein


Table 1:

Federal Taxes and Expenditures per Illegal Alien Household, 2006

Tax Payments

Social Security


Income tax


Excise and other taxes






Corporate income tax


Total Tax Payments



Federal prisons, courts, INS




Treatment for uninsured


Food assistance


Federal Aid to Education


Social Security & Medicare




Other transfer payments


All Other Expenditures


Total Expenditures


Deficit (Taxes less benefits)


Note: CPI inflation used to update original (2002) figures in CIS report.

a. Earned Income Tax Credit, Additional Child Tax Credit, unemployment, federal disability, higher education assistance, Stafford Student Loans, means-tested programs for refugees. Illegals are assumed to be receiving no federal disability or means-tested programs for refugees.

b. Includes those federal expenditures not accounted for in table, such as infrastructure maintenance and criminal justice.

Source: Steven A. Camarota, "The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget," CIS, August 2004. Table 2.

Table 2:

State and Local Taxes and Expenditures per Immigrant Household: California

(2006 dollars)

Tax Payments

Income tax


Property tax


Sales tax


All other


Total Tax Payments



K-12 education


Transfers to households


All other


Total Expenditures


Fiscal Deficit (Taxes less spending)


Note: Author used CPI to inflate original (1996) figures in NRC report.

Source: National Research Council, The New Americans,: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration, 1997. Table 6.3.

Table 3:

Tax Revenues Lost From Displacement of

U.S.-Born Workers by Foreign-born Workers

($ Billions)

Total Revenues

Revenue Loss

Percentage Loss

Federal Tax Revenues (2004)
Individual Income Taxes $809.0



Social Security Taxes 733.4



Excise Taxes 69.9



Sub-total-Federal $1,612.3



State and Local Tax Revenues (2002)
Individual Income Taxes $202.8



Sales and use taxes $324.0



Sub-total-State and Local $526.8



TOTAL-Fed., State, Local $2,139.1



Source: Federal Revenues (2004): OMB; State and Local Tax Revenues (2002): Tax Foundation.

Revenue loss estimates calculated by author.

Edwin S. Rubenstein is President of ESR Research Economic Consultants in Indianapolis.

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