National Data | Chart | Muslims the New Swing Voters? Stay Tuned.
Muslims the New Swing Voters? Stay Tuned.
Table 1:
U.S. Immigrants by Region of Birth, 1970-2000 |
(in millions) |
All Immigrants |
Mideast |
Asian |
Other |
1970 |
9.619 |
0.192 |
0.544 |
8.883 |
1980 |
14.079 |
0.499 |
2.182 |
11.398 |
1999 |
19.767 |
0.817 |
4.559 |
14.391 |
2000 |
31.108 |
1.470 |
7.088 |
22.550 |
Percent increase: |
1970-80 |
46.4% |
159.9% |
301.1% |
28.3% |
1980-90 |
40.4% |
63.7% |
108.9% |
26.3% |
1990-2000 |
57.4% |
79.9% |
55.5% |
56.7% |
1970-2000 |
223.4% |
665.6% |
1202.9% |
153.9% |
Sources: Steve Camarota, "Immigrants from the Middle East," CIS, August 2002. |
Figure 1. (Mideast immigrants) |
Jack Martin,, "Immigrant Stock’s Share of U.S. Population Growth," FAIR, |
2005. Table B. (Asian;total foreign born). |
Table 2:
Persons Obtaining Green Cards |
by Country of Birth, 2000-2006 |
All Countries |
Mexico |
Muslim Countries (a) |
2000 |
841,002 |
173,493 |
54,458 |
2001 |
1,058,902 |
205,560 |
61,767 |
2002 |
1,059,356 |
218,822 |
60,898 |
2003 |
703,542 |
115,585 |
41,042 |
2004 |
957,883 |
175,411 |
58,987 |
2005 |
1,122,373 |
161,445 |
81,068 |
2006 |
1,266,264 |
173,753 |
94,474 |
% incr., 2000-06: |
50.6% |
0.1% |
73.5% |
a. Afganistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, |
Somalia, Turkey, UAE, Yemen. |
Source: Dept. of Homeland Security, "2006 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics," |
September 2007. Table 3. |
Edwin S. Rubenstein is President of ESR Research Economic Consultants in Indianapolis.