Newt Gingrich And Richard Lapchick: Partners In America’s Racial Revolution

By Paul Kersey


Back in November, a couple of Gingrich resurrections ago, my VDARE.com colleague Peter Bradley pointed out in Newt Gingrich — GOP’s Anti-White Quota King that the former House Speaker had used his time in office (1995-1998) to sabotage any chance that the Affirmative Action revolution could be reversed. I think it’s worth reviewing that revolution, and one of its characteristic apparatchiks, Richard E. (“social conscience of sport”) Lapchick. I don’t suppose Lapchick will support Gingrich, but he should.

Few people seem to grasp the completeness of this radical left victory in America. Recent examples:

This unquestionably has something to do with the fact that Black students — though only 17 percent of the public school population — make up 31 percent of those students classified as having a mental retardation or intellectual deficiency. Maybe this would explain why The New York Times published an article bemoaning the incredible low proficiency of black students across the nation. [Proficiency of Black Students Is Found to Be Far Lower Than Expected, By Trip Gabriel, November 9, 2010]

In other words, because Black people engage in a disproportionate amount of the criminality in America, it seems that background checks will soon go the way of IQ tests (dumped courtesy of the landmark court case Griggs v. Duke). VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow quite rightly called this a case of the Minority Occupation Government oppressing the majority and using political power redistributing resource in the interests of its clients.

So who is Richard Lapchick and what does he represent? Wikipedia supplies this information:

“Richard E. Lapchick, son of the famous Original Celtic center who became a legendary coach for St. John’s and the NBA Knicks, Joe Lapchick, is often referred to as the “social conscience of sport.” Lapchick received his nickname because of his work with race relations and his ability to use sport to combat racial, gender and social inequities in society, both in the United States and internationally. He is a human rights activist, pioneer for racial equality, internationally recognized expert on sports issues, scholar and author.”

[Links in original]

He was announced as the endowed chair of the DeVos Sport Business Management Program at the University of Central Florida’s College of Business Administration in 2001. While at UCF he established the Soviet-esque The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES). What does this aptly named institute aspire to do?

The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport serves as a comprehensive resource for issues related to gender and race in amateur, collegiate and professional sports. The Institute researches and publishes a variety of studies, including annual studies of student-athlete graduation rates and racial attitudes in sports, as well as the internationally recognized Racial and Gender Report Card, an assessment of hiring practices in coaching and sport management in professional and college sport.

Each year, Lapchick releases studies that the Mainstream Media (MSM) proudly report on to show the continued racism endemic in sports that holds down Black people from success (the joke being that without their participation in sports, it’s hard to imagine other vocational avenues for success for most Black people).

His College Football Bowl Graduation Rate Study for white and Black players has, since 2003, shown huge disparities in the graduation rates between the races. Each year, the media quotes Lapchick whining about the racial gap in the graduation rates without ever mentioning that both racial groups have equal access to the million-dollar academic centers that litter your big-time college campus. The LSU Cox Communications Academic Center for Student-Athletes even has corporate sponsorship, with a bevy of tutors prepared to do their best Jack Kemp impersonation helping primarily black football players stay academically eligible.

Lapchick’s group also produces racial scorecards for the hiring practices of collegiate football coaches, and for professional sports like Major League Soccer (MLS), National Basketball Association (NBA), Major League Baseball (MLB), and the NFL (NFL), not to mention even rating the hiring practices of Associated Press Sport Editors (a group that is waaayy too white in his eyes). He even started a Madison Avenue Project rating the lily-white advertising companies that produce Super Bowl commercials, because not enough black faces were seen in the commercials or behind the creative process.

TIDES recently gave the NBA gave an ‘A’ for racial hiring. Its press release stated:

The NBA remains the industry leader on issues related to racial and gender hiring practices. As the 2011 Racial and Gender Report Card shows, the National Basketball Association had the best grade among the men’s leagues for race and gender as it has for two decades.

The NBA had an A+ for race and an A- for gender for a combined A.

Based on the total points used in the weighted scales, the NBA earned its highest combined grade ever at 92.2, up from its previous high of 91.5 in 2010. The NBA grade for race was 95.3, which was up significantly from the 2010 Report when it was 93.8. The combined total and the total for race were both higher than for any other men’s sport in the history of the Racial and Gender Report Card. The NBA again received men’s pro sports’ only A for a combined grade for race and gender.

In last year’s report, the NBA had an A for race, an A- for gender and a combined A.

Richard Lapchick, the director of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES) and primary author of the report, said, “Throughout the history of the Racial and Gender Report Card, the NBA has consistently been the leader on diversity issues in sport. NBA Commissioner David Stern has been at the forefront, and the League Office data and the NBA Diversity Initiatives show this. Thirty-six percent of the professional positions in the League Office are held by people of color while women held 42 percent of the professional positions. Thirty-three percent of the coaches and 26 percent of the GMs are people of color. All these categories are higher than in any other men’s professional league.”

An “A” for the NBA (a league that is 81 percent Black) makes sense in the weird world of Lapchick, where diversity means eliminating positions and potential employment opportunities for white males.

Lapchick promotes himself as a defender of education and academic reformer, but he is completely silent on the horrendous graduation rates for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) student-athletes, while crusading to rid collegiate and professional sports of employment opportunities for white males.

Of course, any attempt at real academic reform would greatly impact black high school athletes — the overwhelming majority are only in school because their ability to shoot a basketball or play football.

Lapchick’s entire life has been a war waged against white people through their love of sports. He was a leader of the sports boycott of South Africa. But freeing South Africa from evil white minority rule was an aim in itself. That is one of the most dangerous places on earth now is apparently of no concern for him. Appearing on ESPN to engage in retrospectives about Martin Luther King and writing reports that bemoan the high rates of white employment in various collegiate and professional sports — all entities that white people founded — is what occupies him now.

Americans are all too vulnerable to manipulation because of their love of sport — football in particular, as I argued when discussing the fall of the late Joe Paterno, has become the Opiate of America. Our rulers, formal and informal, want sport to fit their agenda — as I pointed out in discussing the free-floating hatred of Tim Tebow.

But soon, private employers like Coca-Cola, Apple, UPS, Google, Fedex, and Wal-Mart will get the Lapchick treatment. Similar organizations to TIDES will produce scathing reports documenting the “overrepresentation” of white males in management positions.

Hey, it’s already happened to the US military and its (formerly) white officer corps via a congressional investigation.

The silence of Republican politicians and “Conservatives” shows that they have no desire to resist America’s racial revolution. After all, their seat at the table requires a strict obedience to the same agenda.

Newt Gingrich, as James Kirkpatrick has noted, is a particularly egregious case: although he has a record of betrayal, he is slippery enough to rally support by implying that he will lead the resistance.

Yes, the radical left has won. For now.

Paul Kersey is the author of the blog SBPDL, and has published the books SBPDL Year One, Hollywood in Blackface and Captain America and Whiteness: The Dilemma of the Superhero.

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