Please Make It A Merry Christmas For!

By Peter Brimelow


It’s that time of year again.

It’s Christmas.

Soon it will be New Year — and the end of fiscal 2005.

It’s the season for to run its annual War Against Christmas Competition, looking for the most outrageous attempt to abolish Christmas.

And it’s also time for us to ask for money.

I don’t like doing this. But my advisors tell us this because I still haven’t developed the shamelessness necessary to build an institution. Christmas appeals are a critical part of the non-profit world, just as Christmas sales are to commerce. People are in a holly, jolly mood. They are also thinking, with some corner of their minds, about the need to pay taxes on 2005 income and capital gains (remember, we can accept stock — see below).

Donations to are tax-deductible.

And we are indeed building an institution at Of course, we shouldn’t have had to do it. Established foundations and media mouthpieces should have addressed the issue of nation-breaking mass immigration, both legal and illegal.

But they didn’t. In fact, I founded — after some testing, the first public announcement was emailed out on Christmas Eve 1999 — because I and others had been extruded from one such media mouthpiece, and immigration criticism abandoned.

In a way, it’s not surprising. It’s a common observation in business history (I daylight as a financial journalist) that corporations don’t survive "technological discontinuities" — a radical change in the markets they serve. Instead, new corporations come along.

I sometimes wonder what American institutions — think tanks, magazines, even political parties — will survive the radical changes looming because of our ongoing immigration disaster. I am sure, however, that will be ready.

But, in the short run, it means we have our work cut out for us at We have had to press fifty years of institution-building into just over five.

Fortunately, the internet makes miracles possible, and we now have hundreds of thousands of readers each month. But it takes relentless hard work — and money to pay our dedicated writers, and the many more we'd like to run.

In fact, the Christmas story is a heartening one for us at We posted a story about the War Against Christmas on Christmas Day 1999 (not sure how I managed that, the children were very small) and began our first War Against Christmas Competition in 2000.

At that time, no-one ever mentioned the subject and, in fact, the Establishment mouthpiece mentioned above dropped discussing it as soon as I was eliminated. Now, as I look at the emails coming in, I am simply amazed at how widespread the resistance to the Khristmaskampf has become — how many individuals are rebelling and demanding that stores not use the Christophobic "Happy Holidays" and that Christmas Trees be called, well, Christmas Trees. Several major media figures have taken up the cause, and even (wow!) a few politicians.

The battle has hardly been joined. But right now it looks as if the War Against Christmas could turn into perhaps the most extraordinary examples of cultural backlash since the anti-Vietnam War movement accidentally elected Richard Nixon in 1968.

Modestly prevents me from claiming this was all due to, although I do know that our wonderful readers have frequently emailed our Christmas material to the major media figures etc. in question. But I do think we helped — and that we blazed a trail.

I also think that this is what will happen with the issue of mass immigration. Exactly as with the War Against Christmas, resistance to the Washington elite’s "Abolish America" policy is now everywhere and shows every sign that it is about to break out of the control of the usual cultural police.

Again, I don’t claim this is all due to — or to my own anti-immigration book, Alien Nation, published ten years ago this year. But I do claim we were first, and that we were right, and that we helped the process along.

These are some themes that we hope to inject, in our viral marketing way, into public debate next year:

Our Fall fundraising drive raised $16,000. We hope our Christmas Campaign will raise $30,000. (We'll need some big donors!) That will go a considerable way towards stabilizing after a turbulent year.

If this works, I won’t be bothering readers until, oh,- maybe Easter!

(There’s a war against that too!)

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